The ONLY ADC MACRO GUIDE You NEED for Season 12! - League of Legends

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You forgot the part where as soon as you leave mid to pick up the side wave your team will engage a 3v5 fight mid lane because lee sin/thresh hit a q finally and flame you for not being there to die with them lmao


Guides like these always talk about the collection, neutral, and pressure zones, but they never talk about how that changes based on your team's vision line. Often times I feel like I need to use my blue trinket to ensure that my collection zone is safe, it might be interesting to talk about what blue trinket should and shouldn't be used for as an ADC.


This calls back to the previous video on junglers fulfilling other role needs when required (Kha'Zix positioning as a tank in order to walk Twitch/Lulu into a Dragon contest).
I guess it's a critical skill to be able to fill in the shoes of other roles (at least temporarily) in order to have more reach in the game.


Recently started playing more in the bot lane (both as and adc with Jhin and support with thresh/senna) so it’s nice to have something that can help me understand wtf I’m suppose to be doing. Great vid


I already do everything in this video and climbing still seems hard. If the enemy team is too strong, the collection zone can become dangerous too. A few examples where ADC don't have a good strategy:
- No vision from teammate, or cleared by enemy. Enemy team has assassin that loves split push, so you can't farm side lanes. Teammate auto lose team fights.
- Enemy has super carry that can 1v4 or 2v4 rest of the team. Even if you have their vision you have <1 min of farming time before the rest of the team dies (they don't listen to your ping because your score is not 8/0, and blames you for not joining).
- Support goes to side lanes to collect farm, you can't fight enemy because there is no engagement tools. It also forces mid or top to do nothing or roam in jungle and get caught.
- Even if your team do thing correctly, your jungle doesn't use smite and dragon/baron got stolen multiple times, then enemy team scales better.

It's not like impossible to win, but the result feels so much more related to how the matchmaking system assign teammates and opponents than what an ADC does in low elo. Of course if I'm diamond I can beat silver easily, but the same cannot be said for just gold or plat where the player still makes some mistakes. It's much easier to control the game in other roles than ADC in low elo in my opinion.


Damn that video really blew my mind. I am stuck sliver for like 6 months. And my macro was just so bad. I thought i was doing well, because most macro guide just told me "collect ennemys waves, crash your own, then collect again" but there is much more. I'll just hope i will be able to do that because most of the time silver team don't understand how swapping lane works.
PS: Then you talked about the collection/neutral zone etc... Yes, that's the only thing i truly understood before that guide.


As a tip, if you are adc, and see nasus splitting, don’t go there, it doesn’t matter how fed you are, not even sitting under tower can save you


I was original mid/top and now I’m mid/bot. It was really interesting to hear the last bits of advice. As a collector of waves and occasional split pusher, I always have been finding it weird when people don’t take the side waves during my ADC games. As a result, I usually pick up the side lane myself since I know that the collection zone is free gold. There are also some times where I’m free to pressure a tower and go do that rather than ARAM it. It’s good to know that my intuition on that was sound. It’s also opened my eyes to helping my ADCs. Now that I’m more aware of it, when I’m mid and catching farm in a side lane, I started pointing out the free farm on the other side to the ADC when top wants to stay mid. Even if you aren’t an ADC player, it’s good to be hearing this. A top and mid laner can learn to be careful about too much grouping from this, even though it’s towards ADC’s.


I want guide: how to play when your supp is roaming for no reason


These macro videos are really helpful and informative. Now I really enjoy split pushing as Tristana. Tristana pushes fast and can easily run away from ganks if I warded properly. 😎😎


As a new player this was one of the first videos I found helpful thank you


Normally I don't help promote things. But I literally watched this several times so I could memorize it. since I basically have, I've literally gone up 2 ranks and am still climbing using this guide alone. Yeah I've watched the others and use them too, none of them are nearly to the extent of this one. Was gold 2, now am Plat 4 60+LP. ITS INSANE how much this helped.


I watched all youtube videos from skill capped and there was some interesting info that helped me improve my gameplay. I was seriously considering buying subscription despite having very little time for practice. But... since I implemented all tips found in these guides I dropped two divisions. I might be playing better (perhaps not challenger level), but that is certainly not enough to carry or climb as they suggest.


that "collection zone" is about 3x too big lmfao. if you're an adc going past krugs bush you're dying


As ADC after laning phase, if you hard push mid your mid laner will eventually go top and end up hard pushing with the top laner just to get farm, the enemy team will kill the minions mid to relieve the pressure and go to kill your teammates at top after because they got a decent push off your mid pressure. Meanwhile you as adc can easily take bot inhib because the enemy team leaving a fight top to stop you at bot would be ridiculously far and take too long to get to you.


Who else better to teach me ADC than Ezreal himself?!


Awesome video. I'm really thankful that you used MF as an example. I'm a support main and my gf plays MF, she's my duo and she's very stubborn with the fact she cannot do anything because she's squishy, even tho she has played mf for years and I do better than her in just some months.

I tell her the issue is not her gameplay, but how limiting her mentality is, miss fortune runs so fast you can make the enemy do mistakes just by pushing waves. Literally she's a champion you could buy boots as a third item.
I'm going to watch this with her


problem is that 13-3 kaisa can duel the same as a 3-7 camile


Perfectly timed guide, tryna prove to my husband I can get to high elo playing adc aha ❤


Just a noob question, like you said, the adc and the sup beign on the mid is a great thing, so, why the mid laner don't go bot lane and let the adc and sup on the mid since the start? (Of course, it depends on matchup of your mid vs the enemy bot lane, but would it be a good strat?)
