How to Grow Microgreens: Start a Microgreens Business

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0:33 Unboxing Grow Kit
1:38 Pre Soaking Microgreens Seeds
4:45 Planting Seeds in Soil
12:50 Weighted Germination Seed to Soil Contact
15:15 Black Out
17:16 Remove From Black Out Introduce Light
19:46 How to Tell if You Should Bottom Water or Not
20:58 How to Water Your Microgreens
22:08 Mature Watering
23:25 How to Identify a True Leaf on a Microgreen
24:08 How to Harvest Your Microgreens
29:50 Final Product + Marketing

Get Your Grow Kit & Certified Organic Non-GMO Seeds Here

Scale up Your Business with my Custom Growery Here

Get Exclusive Access to Our Private Facebook Group for Helpful Tips & Advice Plus a Welcoming Culture of Kindness & Cultivation

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Keep up to Date with Our Homestead's Microgreen Business

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After Going Viral on Social Media I had to meet the overwhelming demand for teaching people how to get started growing and selling microgreens. I produced a product called the Grow Kit to supply the best applicable knowledge and understanding behind the concept itself as i possibly could.

This Grow Kit is designed to feed your family every week and launch your microgreen business from the moment it hits your doorstep! Why just eat microgreens when you can sell them? And why just sell your microgreens when you can eat them. EAT YOUR BUSINESS!

In this video i walk you through step by step how to grow and sell microgreens step by step. Unboxing the Microgreens Grow Kit, Soaking Microgreens Seeds, Planting Microgreens in soil, germinating microgreens without mold, how to get rid of mold growing microgreens, microgreens black out, what kind of lights grow microgreens, bottom watering microgreens, true leaf, how long does microgreens take to grow, microgreens grow in 5 to 7 days, how to harvest microgreens, how to know when miccrogreens are ready to be cut, microgreens packaging, how to sell microgreens, how to market microgreens, selling microgreens at farmers markets, how to sell microgreens to restaurants.

Its my mission help people learn how to grow their own food so they can become more self sufficient and less dependent on the corporate power structure. As a Millennial that has grown up with the genesis of the Internet I can provide a unique perspective to the skills of old. its time we start turning back the time and rediscover all the ways of homesteading, prepping, shtf prepping, bug out prepping, gardening, canning, how to grow a garden, how to catch fish, how to hunt, how to start a campfire, how to raise chickens and live off the land.

Its my goal to hedge against this age of commodity & connivence with all the skills that are slowly being forgotten that got us to this fast paced age of information and technology that seems to just steal away our precious time in life more than it benefits us as mankind.

if you would like to join my movement please start growing your own food, get a relationship with the Lord and fight back against the broken system that steals life force from us every chance they can.

When Money Disappears, Food will be the Ultimate Currency
-Tyler Blohm

Intro Music is Copyright free "Dominating" by Ray Aley on Story Blocks

God Bless
Рекомендации по теме

Hands down, this is the best explanation on growing micro greens! Thank you!


🙏 AMEN, why is it that people don't believe us FARMERS about how the food production needs to change with the times. Especially useful in food poor areas in America as well!!!


I appreciate you going in depth for not only what we need to do but also what the plant is doing the whole time


Update: Equipment has improved heirloom seeds available. Step by step Tutorial included in the business grow kit! My Book I wrote is also available here 👇🏻


Was planning a full garden but this look so much more efficient and effective for my desired results! Thank you for the information


Hi not all folks have chickens and goats so this is why I'm asking about the roots and all, some folks like to eat the sprouts as well before the reach the leafy stage


I didn’t get the brochure or your ninja star 😢 but I also got the masterclass. Let’s go!!


Just discovered your channel. I'm sold already!


Loved learning about how soaking them opens the tap root to absorb the nutrients.


Wow bless you man. I feel truly blessed watching this and knowing you can live off and make literally money at the same time.


This seems SOO interesting to me. Seems like a peaceful life.


I am so excited to order a starter kit and hopefully turn this into a business myself and my children can do together. Thank you for all this great information. I've requested to join the FB group! Looking forward to a new chapter and new venture.<3


Just discovered you Tyler, im going ordering from you for my mam and me in Ireland and for my little family in Denmark this week, Godbless you sir and your Godly mission 🙏 ❤️


Yellow makes me happy so that's my fave outfit.


Just found your channel, however, my wife has ordered from you in the past! This is awesome! I can’t wait to get some of your products!


Just watched your latest live on IG and subbed on here my good sir. Youre a remarkable young man who is doing the good lords work by showing people the way and the truth. I pray that this is the answer that I’ve been looking for. I am about to buy my first grow kit right now to get the ball rolling for me. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us all. #feedtheworld


Hiiii…👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻….followed yesterday … but watch your insta live this morning .. can’t wait to quit my job


You have to buy more seeds after the harvest? Or can you stick those under the grow light and then it works again?


Nice. Will have to review again and take notes. But ya nice business you started. I grow plants, thought this was interesting. Im trying lentils beans, in a tray. I covered them and il check them in like 12 hours, then il put them in black out. Ya some seeds can be tricky but ya humidity is important as there is convection in the house. I have to get a kit from you to try more things, have some coriander seeds I want to try ect.. Funny enough, I ran out of soil and saw a bag of washed sand so im using that as that has the most oxygen particle density and basically full of minerals. But this will be my first attempt thanks to you.


Woohoo! The video we’ve all been waiting for!
Great info. Thank you so much for putting this together!
