Genshin Impact is NOT New Player Friendly

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Unfortunately Genshin Impact is unfortunately NOT New Player Friendly. Today were going to be going over a few reasons why Genshin Impact can be a bit difficult for new players to navigate and play right off the bat. I wanted to bring these issues up especially since Yae Miko is right around the corner Hopefully by bringing these design flaws to light Mihoyo can back the needed changes sometime in the future.

0:00 Is Genshin Impact New Player Friendly? (Not Really...)
0:56 Reason #3 Genshin Impact Events Have Requirements
3:49 Reason #2 You've Already Missed Limited Events/Story/Items
8:03 Leveling Up New Genshin Impact Characters is Next to Impossible ( Yae Miko)
12:36 Final Thoughts and a Prayer for New Players

#genshinimpact #genshinimpact2.4 #newgenshinplayer

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Do you think Genshin is fine as is? Or does Mihoyo need to rework the current system?

Personally I really hope that Mihoyo figures out a way to fix these issues, because otherwise they might start to have long lasting effects for the future of the game. Hopefully they are working on a solution as we speak! (Hopefully not copium)


Imagine a new player getting Dain and they have to complete all the 7 regions just to level him up 😨


" Every person comes to Genshin for a specific character."
Me who started playing for Kaeya: My goal is complete
(Edit: Thankyou for the likes^^)


"Festering desire is a really good weapon for x character"
"You can use dodoco tales it's a decent alternative"
"Just use cinnabar spindle it's practically his BiS"


If Mihoyo did something similar to how honkai characters can be leveled with the same mats and level up mats are also sold in the shops that’d work perfectly. Like maybe spending stardust or starglitter for the more valuable mats but the rest available with mora. Hopefully they fix this soon cuz I can see a lot of people being turned away from the game because of it.


i started playing last year during ittos’ banner and i was so frustrated after learning i missed albedos’ event (he’s one of my favourite characters) & that i wasn’t going to meet fischl. i’m ar 43 now and although i love the game, i really wish you could play limited events. putting lore inside a time limit is a really bad idea, too.


I don't think the events are that appealing to an extent new players would speed run just to participate. When I was a new player, I did not pay much attention to the events as the story quests and archon quests kept me busy. But I do agree that Genshin is not very new-player-friendly.


I started playing the game when Kazuha was released, and I think what they did for his materials is the best solution for the problem with leveling characters.

All of Kazuha's materials and world boss drops were available in the Golden Apple Archipelago event that was running at the same time as his banner. I think I remember that the AR requirement for the event was pretty low... like 15 or so. The weekly boss that you needed to farm for him was one that was already readily available, and even with that considered, by the time I needed to farm the weekly boss for him, I was already a pretty high AR level and could go anywhere on the map.

This does mean more work for the developers, but they could also modify certain areas of the map for events and have the character materials temporarily available in the area.


I wonder if Mihoyo's been strategizing a way to incorporate non-linearity into the game as more and more regions get added (i.e. using Monstadt and Liyue as a hub and then being able to tackle content from other regions in any order). I can't imagine a scenario where they haven't at least planned it, but it's almost to a point where they should probably think about implementing it so new players aren't driven away by frustration.


I get that I wouldn't have been able to use him well anyway; however, having Thoma as my first non-free four star and not being able to level him up past 20 was so painful. He's my only C1 character and I wasn't able to ascend him until recently (I've been playing since beginning-mid January). It would've been nice to have the materials more acccessible as I had already defeated Raiden (both times) before I managed to farm for the necessary materials to ascend him.

I feel the need to clarify that I am a new F2P player and so collecting halfway-decent characters to use is not an easy task. Thoma was my only non-free four star for a while because #1 my luck is not the greatest and #2 I feel that on top of the fact that the game requires you to progress so far into the story in order to make a character better, in no way shape or form is it F2P friendly.


I remember getting Ayaka at adventure rank 18, now im adventure rank 55. I had a lot of trouble with leveling her up because i wasnt able to play all day, the quests where long, batles were hard and when i finaly got to Inazuma i couldnt find the boss. I searched just to find out about another quest. I was devastated because i would always have to ask my friends for help. At adventure rank 50 i got her to 70. It was really hard since my second five star was mona at adventure rank 51. The fact that Inazuma bosses are so hard to fight was a challange. I almost gave up on genshin if it werent for my friend.


yes to all of this! i use albedo in basically all of my teams, and it's so frustrating about his weapon. i did actually do the event, but i guess i didn't finish it completely as i didn't get all of the rewards and his sword is permanently at r4. that's really not that bad, but they should really have an option to access at least refinement material from events.

i also think they should have a website or something that summarizes all of the events, or at least the ones with relevant plot points. even if you can't replay the event, if they had a place for people to rewatch cut scenes and maybe have paimon narrate what happened i think that would be super useful. you can look up all of the events you missed yourself and search individually for them on youtube, but i think mihoyo should make a centralized place where everything is in chronological order and fully explained.

i've also recently been made very aware of the problem of not being able to level characters very recently. since my main account is at basically end game, i decided to play on a different server so i could start from the beginning. it's been really fun overall, but it's also very frustrating. when i first started playing on my main account most of the inazuma characters that were out were 5 stars, and since i missed their banners i didn't have a problem with getting ascension materials. in my new account it's a totally different story. i'm doing a challenge where i can only use my first 4 pulled characters in my team (except if i need a different element for a specific puzzle or something). most of the 4 stars that i've gotten have been from inazuma, and it's not just that i can't access the bosses to get their drops. for example, i got gorou, and the item you need to collect to ascend him is sango pearls. if kokomi's banner and trial didn't give them as a reward, i would have not be able to ascend him past lvl 20 before getting to inazuma. now he's stuck at lvl 40. even if it costs a lot of mora, i think they should have a merchant in maybe liyue who sells things from other regions so new players can use all of their characters from the beginning.


I just started a few days ago and this video really helped a lot! keep em up :) Hoping for future guides! im 41/90 pity for ganyu (f2p btw) I hope I get her before her banner ends!


I remember pulling Kazuha when I was at the begining of liyue quest, , it was a pain to see my other characters high level and Kazuha still at level 20 because I didn't had anything to level him up--


I do hope Mihoyo adds the event weapons to the shop in the future. I was able to get R3 Festering Desire, R2 Windblume Ode, R5 Dodoco Tales, R5 Fish Claymore, R5 Cinnebar Spindle, and then I missed out completely on the Enkanomiya event because I had so much college work, I didn't have time for games. I know these weapons aren't all that great besides Spindle, but the completionist inside me hates looking at these weapons in my inventory and knowing I missed out on the Enkanomiya catalyst.


An idea for the artifacts, have a system where you have to finish the domain it drops from but choose the specific artifact you want but at say triple the resin cost for random stats and quadruple the cost for a specific main stat. The more specific the stat, the more resin it costs, and you lose other reward drops from that domain that run so you can get the artifacts you want but pay a hefty price for them to balance it out without a stockpile of fragile resin.


They are a big deal, as a new player myself who plays pretty casually... I noticed these problems right off the bat. It also makes me feel kinda left out because veteran players get to enjoy a load of tons of new content, and I'm still trying to get past AR rank 25. There are tons of things I want to do that I'm missing out on all because I started the game late, and I feel like that's pretty unfair. I should be able to enjoy new content no matter how far in the game I am, and I'm not the type of player to grind either... so this is a big issue that needs to be fixed.

Update: I got past the AR rank 25 domain... but now I'm stuck on fighting childe. Any tips?


What i think they should do when it comes to character banners is release a rerun banner for each region that changes every update alongside the standard and featured banners. Players can then unlock the region specific banner the moment they arrive in that region for their first story quests. Featured banners will always be available but will warn the player before wishing if the ascension materials for the character or weapon are not available in a region the player currently has unlocked. This should help with rerunning the cluttered pool of the ever increasing character roster and can help new players with getting characters they CAN actually use without having to rush through the entire story.


Having played Guild Wars 2, the current story and world design of Genshin reminds me a lot of GW2's living world.

While their events are tied to the starter hub cities, so all players can partake in them, the story has unique events or areas which get unlocked for players who are online during their relevance. ArenaNet solves this by offering the missed episodes in their paystore. While it's another monetization and considering what you said about Albedo could push the game into a sense of P2W, it could be another way of adding such event stories into the main story.

I only started recently after stopping at the games release in Liyue but I was confused when after finishing Liyue, I jumped straight into a quest to rebuild the Jade Palace, so the current design could be adapted a little. A first step would be treating area addition not as events but seperate stories which all can be re experienced. This serves the double function of also being additional content for the game. As for nation unique events, while it takes a bit away from the flavour, having them all in Mondstadt probably would be the best way to go.

Personally I don't view Point 3 as the worst. I do belong in the group of 'I am here again because Yae Miko.' but I also understand why the materials are designed this way. What I rather want instead of a change to where you can get them is more flexible ways to crafting up to those ascension and skill materials. As a example farming mobs in the underground area to craft up to the boss drop or the like.


as someone who joined in version 1.1 and has had albedo since his first run, i never really related to this since i was a decently consistent player. but then i dropped genshin for 2 months and missed the cinnabar spindle. this is already frustrating to me and i cant imagine what its like for people who did this for an even longer period of time or for newer players.
