The Top 10 Best Places To Retire in the World ⛱

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Where would you like to retire abroad? Let us know in the comments!

00:00 Where to retire abroad?
1:00 What to expect in this video
1:24 Cost of Living & Quality of Life most important
1:45 #10 Best Place to Retire Early & Cheap (Vagabond Awake)
3:17 #9 Best Place to Retire Under $1500/Month (Skerry Harry)
4:30 #8 Best US City to Retire To (US News & World Report)
6:00 #7 Best Place to Retire According to Briggs
7:03 #6 Best Tax-Free Country (Nomad Capitalist)
8:15 Skillshare (Ad)
9:22 #5 Where to Retire with $1M (Nomad Capitalist)
10:33 #4 Best Place to Live Abroad (Expat Insider)
11:49 #3 Best Country for Expats 2021
12:37 #2 International Living’s Best Place to Retire Abroad
15:05 #1 My choice: Where should you retire?

★ Are you retiring abroad soon?



Other Sources:


👱🏻‍♀️ About: Kristin Wilson is a digital nomad, online entrepreneur, and expat relocation consultant who has lived, worked, or traveled in 60 countries over the last 15+ years.

Kristin is also a writer, public speaker, podcaster, and travel host who has been featured on The Today Show, HGTV's House Hunters International, Huffpost, Bloomberg Businessweek, The New York Times, Business Insider, ESPN, and more.

NOTE: This video is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not individual consulting or advice. Please seek professional guidance before traveling or living abroad. Video descriptions may include affiliate links. This video was sponsored by Skillshare.

#bestplacestoretire #retireabroad #retirement
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Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got talking about investment and money. I started investing with $120k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274, 800. Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and gets more interesting. For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family...


My plan is to move to Ecuador. I recently got up the courage to speak with my boss about making my position permanently remote. I was shocked when she agreed! I am heading to Ecuador on an exploratory trip next month! No need to retire to live better, just lower the cost of living and work less hours! That's my plan for now, anyways. I can't wait to get out and explore the world!


We chose Mexico ! No regrets, just received our residents cards 😊 very happy 😁


I really enjoy your videos, Kristen. You always offer useful information, your visuals are fun to see, and you are articulate and often speak from personal experience.


My husband and I recently retired and plan to travel the world. This is so helpful! Thank you so much! We are probably gonna explore all of the places on the list! So exciting! Subbed!


I’ve traveled to many places, lived abroad, done a ridiculous amount of research and I can’t agree more with your #1 choice. Too bad many others might disagree. Reminds me of the quote that I made up…”Go already. If you wait for all the stoplights to turn green, you’ll never start your journey.”


In an ever-increasing world of bs, it's refreshing to have undeniable straight talk.
Well balanced, informative, easy to digest and pleasant to watch / listen. Thanks!


Congrats for 100k subs Kristin! ❤️

Welcome to the club 😄🏅


I grew up in Shanghai, China. Taiwan would be my ideal retirement destination. Taiwan offers uncensored internet, friendly people I want to hangout with, two things Shanghai doesn’t have. There’s no language barrier for me, food is familiar. There is, however, a huge risk, the constant threat of communist China invasion, which means you cannot plan to live there permanently.


This is worth watching more than once! Thanks for all the preliminary research you had to do for this video.


My college roommate was transferred to Dubai and he lived there for 10 years and loved it so much, he literally cried when he had to return and live back in the USA. I have never been but would like to visit. Excellent video with lots of good info. For retirement i'd look for a place that has top notch health care because that will become more important as time goes on since we all age and need more "tune-ups" as my dad calls them. Taiwan has superb medical care from what I read.


Great video. Being a long term resident of Florida, glad Sarasota Florida made the list . Another mention I would suggest if you are looking for a not too big, not too small location is Ocala Florida. Big retirement communities here or buy a beautiful 2021 model house in a no HOA areas. Central location and away from the hurricane impact areas, low property taxes, low homeowners insurance.


I am impressed on how you made this highly unbiased video because at least you different options and mutiple sources into your rankings, whether you want to live in US or outside US. I think amost no one does this type of rankings.


Hi Kristine, I appreciate your channel. I'm 44, I worked as dentist freelance for 20 years in Italy. Now I live in Canary Islands, precisely in Fuerteventura, I reinvented my self since march 2020 as trader/investor. For me Canary Island are the best place to live, as digital worker or as retire people. Un abrazo desde mi paraiso. Hasta pronto. Davide


I lived in New Zealand for @19 years and loved it. I left after retiring to come to Costa Rica. Here going on 6 years now and find it a paradise. Yes, it can cost bit more than some Central American countries but buy local brands. American brands will cost more. Our rent is only $250/mo food is less expensive too. We spend much less than $2000/mo. and have a car.


I bought a condo on Oahu Hawaii a few years ago, and will be retiring there ! Can’t wait. Great video by the way.


many choices, but Portugal and Costa Rica are our faves! Thanks Kristin! Stay safe! 🙌😊


Love that #1 selection: totally agree with you! Job well done.


You totally got me with the last one, lol! I was not expecting that one! Anyway, I strongly agree with your #1 pick. I feel too that the best destination for anyone to retire is whatever is in your heart. Some people may want to retire in Costa Rica, Bali, or Portugal where others may find joy in Colorado or even their hometown. Great video! It was neat getting to here the lists from different people with your reactions!


I'm not ready to pull up stakes, but of places I've visited, my top choices for moving to live out retirement would be (in no specific order): Helsinki, Porto, Oslo, Trondheim, Auckland or some other part of New Zealand, Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, Budapest or Lake Balaton area of Hungary (some hesitation over politics however), Trieste, Glasgow.
