The Problem with Intuitive Eating

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I don’t think proper intuitive eating excludes restriction. At the core, I think intuitive eating just means getting in touch with your body and it’s cues as well as how different foods make you feel, and then eating accordingly. So restricting certain foods comes naturally just by listening to our bodies and realizing: “this is not what I want/need right now” or “this doesn’t make me feel good” etc.


Makes no sense. Of course you wouldn’t sleep or watch tv all day. You also wouldn’t eat all day without ever stopping. Did she think this through at all?


It’s freed me from constant self punishment. It’s a relief. I don’t want to even hear the word restriction. It is a godsend for certain people. You don’t have to like it.


I find if I eat intuitively, I naturally have more structure.


Intuitive eating doesn't mean eating all day every day. Your restrictions are pretty much feeling full and satisfied. Intuitive eating is about listening to these cues and acknowledging them. I don't restrict sleep, I make sure I sleep as much as my body needs (I'm incredibly fortunate to be able to do that!) And that's exactly how I handle both TV and food. Restrictions are only gonna make you obsess over it and binge it.


Intuitive eating isn't only about hunger and cravings. It's also about physical well being. Once you've lived without restriction you start noticing patterns.

Those patterns do work kinda like restriction. You can deviate, but you stick to these things because they feel best and you wouldn't discover them without allowing yourself to eat whatever, whenever

- I feel bad if I skip protein at meals
- Grazing makes me unproductive and unsatisfied
- I don't feel satisfied with too many vegetables. I need something dense to satisfy my mental hunger

Just like you do with TV. You have those limits because you've allowed yourself to watch TV a lot

- Watching 3 seasons of this new show in the middle of the night messes with my sleep

- I enjoy movies more with family around

- I need a routine to avoid getting into "the bad trance"

In my mind, as someone who has recovered from food obsession using intuitive eating (restricted like crazy in the past), the initial "no restrictions" rule gave me an opportunity to experiment and figure out exactly what I love and dont love. I would never have known it if I hadn't gone through that


Sleeping, a necessity, should be intuitive. Eating, a necessity, should also be intuitive. The natural “restriction” of eating, is your fullness and hunger cues. A principle of intuitive eating is “gentle nutrition”, thus the structure of intuitive eating is science + intuition.


Looks like someone didn't comprehend the text 😂


THERE ARE PRINCIPLES TO INTUITIVE EATING GIRL. You can't just blindly trust yourself without actually educating yourself about nutrition and diet.


Then that's no restriction, thats structure. You don't watch TV all day, but you don't restrict the shows you want because you don't want to watch too much TV, or say you can't watch TV at all. You just watch what you want when you want, and if you have something else to do or get tired, you stop


What do you do when you want to pee? Do you structure the time and quantity as well?


There is such a difference between structure and deprivation.
I know I need to eat a few times a day.
I know if I don't do certain things at certain times of the day I am not only mire anxious, but hungrier because I forget to eat healthy snacks.
Completely eliminating things from your diet, save for medical reasons, is not good for your brain.


They’re not advocating that you be able to eat all day long, good lord.


Intuitive eating is about listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues and not putting too much emotional value on food. We don’t sleep all day because we give our bodies enough sleep at night and don’t stress about it. If you stress about not getting enough sleep, you probably won’t fall asleep. In the same way, if you’re so stressed about food, you will find it difficult to meet your body’s physical needs because you will be so focused on trying to control your body. We don’t watch too much television because our bodies and minds don’t need that all the time. All that takes is awareness and mindfulness of your true needs. The same goes for intuitive and mindful eating, it’s about awareness of your physical and emotional needs whilst not idolising food, or treating it like it’s God. All of the analogies you listed are an example of listening to your body through mindful awareness. That’s the goal of intuitive eating. It takes work, but it’s a lot healthier than fearing food - or trying to obsessively control your anxiety with food.


I really think you don’t get it. Have you even read the book? Hmmm


Intuitive eating doesn't say ALL restriction is bad and it's not the absence of any structure. It is based on 10 other principles that also include gentle nutrition as well as movement.
I think you are confusing making peace with food and honouring your hunger with NO restriction.
I eat intuitively myself. I have a seafood allergy, obviously I am not going to eat seafood. Eating intuitively is based on listening to your body and honouring yourself and that will include some degree of restriction. But these restrictions do not come from diet culture, it comes from listening to what your body needs.

I've been eating intuitively for over 11 months and it's absolutely NOT a lack of structure at all.

Am creating a series of videos on intuitive eating and I have a bunch of what I eat in a day videos as well. If anyone is interested in learning more, check that out.


She obviously has no clue what intuitive eating means. It’s what 99 percent or more of us do. It’s what people have been doing since the beginning of time. Also restricting your tv time would usually be done intuitively so what is she even talking about.


Of course we need to have structure in our life. Intuitive eating is not about having no structure and much less about eating everything you want. It's not about eating sweets every day multiple times a day. It's about respecting your body, eating until you feel good, listening to your body and eating what you need. And yes, it's about eating a brownie when you're craving a brownie, without feeling guilty afterwards, because candy isn't the bad witch in the story. They are a food like any other, with a different composition like all the others. And because of that composition, when you listen to your body it's clear that you won't want to eat them every day, because your body doesn't need (quite the contrary) to eat sweets every day. And obviously when you listen to your body you will eat a little of everything in the right amount for your body, because your body needs vegetables, protein, and carbohydrates, obviously. Intuitive eating is about not being obsessed with "the body" and having the freedom to have a sweet treat every now and then without feeling guilty. It's about exercising not because we have anxiety and fear of having a certain body, or because we have to follow the plan anyway EVERY DAY, to get those abs, or not to gain an extra gram, but because our body needs it too. that, and to feel good and have fun. It's about feeling completely fine if we didn't exercise today because we REALLY didn't want to, and we were really tired. Intuitive eating is about breaking all anxiety about food, exercise and your body, and it's about learning to listen to your body and do what it needs. But intuitive eating isn't about being 300 pounds, nor is it about doing nothing about it. If you weigh around that, you are enough as you are and there is NOTHING wrong with you, but you are entitled to change if you want to. And when I say change, I mean change your lifestyle if it's not healthy, I don't mean change your body. Intuitive eating is about many things, but it's certainly not about not having structure or eating whatever you feel like. Read a book.


Tell me you know nothing about intuitive eating in under a minute


You should always listen to your body as for sleep we all have a circadian rhythm depending on what time you sleep best you should always listen to your body for optimal function for your health just like intuitive eating
