Clean bike chain - Specialized Tarmac SL4

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I hate having to clean my bike and it's chain - buckets of water and de-greasers mean you have to do it outside, and in Yorkshire that means outside in the cold, wet and wind. So my bike would get left for weeks at a time, ride after ride, layer after layer of chain lube, getting filthier and filthier. Then one day I tried this method, and my bike is SO much happier for it.

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Wow that oil comes out quiet easy. I will give it a shot next time.


These are great ideas. I've been using Simple Green on paper towels to clean my chain, but it looks like the wipes would work better. I especially liked the way you cleaned your cassette and will give that a try. Olive oil as a chain lube eh? Did you remove the original mgrs lube before applying olive oil to your chain? Does it last as long as the commercial chain lubes? Any noticeable difference in chain wear or tendency to attract dirt?
