Testosterone for Women

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Low testosterone doesn’t just impact men; it also affects women. In addition to pellets or creams, women can improve their quality of life by holistically addressing any deficiencies.

The staff at the Women’s Wellness Institute are always meeting with women who feel they’ve lost a bit of spark or energy, and often the cause is a hormone imbalance. While we often associate testosterone with men, women also need testosterone replacement therapy from time to time––whether it comes naturally from lifestyle changes or in the form of hormone pellets and creams.

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I just called YOUR clinic and they told me that they don't prescribe testosterone for women that have low T. What's the point of this video??


Just looking at these 2 ladies increased my test levels 50%. Thanks girls.


My wife takes 20mgs test cyp weekly and really has improved her life. Night and day difference. She looks and feels 100 times better now.


My test shot up with the girl on the left 🤞🏻


I am in early post menopause. I had a most terrible time during this phase (5 years now), and especially after surgery for a single oophorectomy in the midst of this process I REALLY got debilitated. Thank heavens for testosterone pellets and estradiol patches.🙏🏼


Gotta thank the BPA's for these problems in the first place.


I get a Testosterone pellet every 3 months for $450 a pellet so it’s 1800 bucks a year. Worth every penny.


I added testosterone to my HRT regimen, it helped me tremendously, but now my hair is falling. I do not know what to do. I do not want to stop the testosterone since is it helping with depression.


After three years of feeling like absolute garbage, this was the trick. I do weekly shots. Pellets are not great and will throw levels too high and then drop off. Shots only to maintain desired level.


I was put into surgical menopause at age 35, I am now 61 and have been through the dickens with hormones over the years. Back then doctors gave women Premarin, I almost had a stroke and it messed up my thyroid, I took myself off of the Premarin it (doctor didn’t agree) for almost two years and then found the estradiol patch. It worked wonders for 10 years when all of a sudden all the doctors (that prescribe bio identical and compounded hormones started saying “oh you need progesterone too, to balance all your hormones.. that’s when I started having issues with my testosterone being too high! Right now my free testosterone was 4.6 last month… and I don’t feel well.. I took myself off of the progesterone a month ago since learning it could be the culprit seeing it is considered a chameleon…converting into other hormones… (like my testosterone and dhea was high) I really don’t know why I would need progesterone having no uterus.. oh I know they say estrogen don’t need to be un-opposed but I did fine for years with a low dose estradiol patch till the progesterone was added… when you get to be my age the heart, the brain and the bones are important things to thinksabout with the protection you get from estrogen! again I got off all hormones for a year and half 2016-2018) then In 2018 a functional medicine doctor put me just on progesterone no estrogen saying I was estrogen dominate… I started having all kinds of problems, no libido, dryness, wrinkles developing yuck… I ask for some estrogen they gave me a low dose it helped some but just recently I dropped the progesterone… and starting to feel better again.. energy going back up dryness getting better, hair looking softer more manageable….My main concern is the too high testosterone that makes my muscles hurt they are so tense…even the chiropractor mentioned that yesterday… trying to find answers…


I love how intelligent woman are speaking (obviously gorgeous but...) educated information and there's always some guy (or girl too)that has to mention your looks and bring everything else down. Typical.


What should a good woman’s testosterone level be naturally? And what is the average trt dose for woman?


Can you prescribe thickiana on the left ?


What do you do for hair loss on testosterone


I am 4 weeks in and gained 5lbs and breaking out, at first 2-3 weeks in i looked slimmer but weight increased. Is this water weight? When can i expect it to drop off?


DHEA works incredibly well to balance hormones


How can I raise free testosterone? My SHBG is 142 and free testorone 0.8, how can I raise it naturally? Thanks


I feel amazing on TRT 20 mg cyp x2 a month however, i seem to convert very highly to estrogen..what do you recommend i dont want to stop...im 53 yrs old 2 yrs post menopausal


3:14 I believe you meant to say cortisol, not cholesterol. 😃


Is there any way to get the pellets or gel off the market
