Ultimate Beginners Guide to Character Creation in Baldur’s Gate 3!

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Baldur’s Gate 3: Character Creation Guide for beginners new to BG3!

In this Baldur's Gate 3 walkthrough guide we go over character creation step by step to show you all the permanent choices you must make among other choices that can be changed later by re-rolling your class. This video goes over the difference between creating a custom character or playing as an Origin character, the how to pick the best race choices for your class, sub races, how proficiency works, your character abilities, how skill checks work, cantrips, level 1 spells, characters background, ability points, skill proficiencies and finally character customisation options. I will explain how strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom and charisma actually work. Things will be explained things from the perspective of non Dungeons and Dragons players who may not understand how the ruleset works and also going over BG3's changes from DnD.

➖ Time Stamps➖
0:00 Character Creation Guide
0:36 Custom Character or Origin Character
1:30 The Dark Urge (Origin Character)
1:58 Best Race Choice
2:50 Proficiency and how it works
3:45 Character Stats
4:04 Sub Race Choice
4:15 Class Choice and Sub Classes
5:13 Spells and Cantrips
6:40 Character Background
7:12 Ability Points (Stats)
9:16 Changing Skill Proficiencies
9:40 Character Customisation

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The limited character creation almost definitely has something to do with how much facial animation there is in the game and how that could cause issues when trying to take into account how fully custom faces would look and potentially break in game.


One benefit of starting with a 17 in an ability is if you're planning on taking a half-feat as your first feat. For example, 17 Charisma, followed by Actor at level 4. Doing so nets you the +4 to charisma rolls as well as double proficiency for deception and performance.


I'm so excited to finally play the whole game. I've played all my characters to level 5 like 4 times. Two years later I'm ready


I have at least two characters I intend on building based on some of my past DND campaigns. I had a blind monk I was very fond of a few years back.


As a DnD player a lot of this just felt like getting told how to play the game I already know haha. Seems I'll have an advantage ;) when I finally get the game. Love the fact that abilities scores are no longer effected by race that's cool. Kinda similar to the revised races in Monsters of the Multiverse.


I find it weird they put so much attention into gender and genital customization yet they gave a very small selection of face choices, basic EA sports games give you more customization options.


Baldur's Gate 3 has the best character customizition ive ever seen? You can conly change you hair, eye coulor, 6 different faces, and face paint and thats it. No head shape or face editor no special effects like a eye patch or missing parts. The customisation is the smallest out of any current RPG game in years.


Why do we have presets for faces without sliders? I feel like having preset faces only is a step back for character customization. Especially for a one of the biggest RPG DND games where some of the most important parts of the game is creating your character.


I'm currently downloading BD3 for the first time and I was wondering how character customisation works here. I fell in love


now I understand why someone complained they playd for XX hrs and are stull in character creation :D I´m doing my research before buying and my head is spinning already :D


Just to explain, Magic missile does 1d4+1 damage three times. Not 1d4+3. It just says 3d4+3 cause that's the total damage dealt.


I absolutely love your Baldur’s gate videos, Ha I still remember watching all play through videos of the early release


I feel like Dark Urge is a must since I played BG1 and 2 so much, still haven't confirmed it but I am 100% sure the dark urge is being a child of bhaal which will make you have the same struggle as the original games


All the race:


BDO has a great character creator. If you know how to manipulate stuff its as easy as using blender. Umm I wish BG3 had that here but MODS are already out adding so many more facial options and things that it's only a matter of time before we have more choices than we know what to do with.


How are you gonna call the character creation the best in a video game when you can't even change things like facial features outside of premade templates?


This character creator is as wide and beautiful as an Ocean but as deep as a puddle.


I just love how Matt Mercer and JK Simmons are in the same game.


You Rock ESO. It's been a long time I am sorry to say that I have watched a video from you. I fell out of the gaming scene for a while but use to watch you all the time for Skyrim and Fallout. So I am glad to see your still making gaming videos. They always where a welcome treat.
I also like the fact that you make sure to let the viewers know to not stress out or worry to much about step a or b but to enjoy it. Not to mention you let everyone know it will take multiple play throughs to really get to learn and experience it all. The story line changes a little bit, if your good or bad. Like a good example is Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. Each time you play through you can change the outcome. Light vs Dark. Fallout is a good too, I made so many characters on Fallout 4. I had so many saves because one way is evil and the other good, what will happen if you did this instead of that? It was awesome! So I am so glad BG3 has that.
I wish Diablo IV would have taking some of these features into consideration. I know they are two different entities, but after playing D4 for over 300 hours and not really getting anywhere or for the most part repeating the same boring thing over and over again. This will be a great change of pace.
I always made various characters in Skyrim, Oblivion, and Fallout 4. I really liked the fact that you could play a different character and experience the game all over again and it felt new and fresh.
I am trying to enjoy D4 but it's just not doing it for me.
So I can't wait to dive in and try this game out. If I was not on a eight day work schedule I would have already had it downloaded and played it some.
So I can't wait to this weekend where I am off for four days. BG3 here I come. :)

Thanks ESO, I always enjoy your work. You really do some amazing work. I truly appreciate it. :) <3


This looks amazing. I'm so happy!!!

And for everyone complaining about the faces, this game is beautifully animated, and it is much harder to do that with a massive variety in faces.
