Ultimate Beginners Guide for Bannerlord

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Just getting started in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord on PC or Console? Well I have the video for you! We'll be loosely going through some of the key concepts of the game on the high level. This will not guide you through HOW to do every little thing, but rather why you do things so that you can ultimately experience the game how you want to!

0:00 Intro & Summary
1:00 Character Creation
11:00 UI Explained
17:51 Attribute & Focus Points
22:31 Clan & Party Organization
26:14 Combat Tips
31:21 Battlefield Tutorial
38:05 Additional Tips & Tricks

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Thanks so much for watching the video! I have a ton of guides linked in the playlist below as well as some choice videos if you're looking for a build for your first character!


It's an amazing game, 50 dollars well spent. Thousands of hours of gameplay. These smaller studios blow my mind with the amount of love and content that go into their games.


Last night, I joined an army attacking a castle, as they were raining down arrows, I could hear them hit the shield all over me; once they broke though the gates we ran in and fought. This was one of those epic game moments where you can't help but smile at how fun little events like these are, and it all felt very natural. Great game.


I play it like warband.
Build a character, keep around 10 recruits (as bodyguards) and level them up as you go, go from tournament to tournament to make cash and focus on combat stats (and attack bandits on the road).
After 6 or 7 tournaments; buy decent gear, join a faction, focus on social stats👍


Dude, I played Warband back in the day but could never get my guy past that early-game threshold... finally just started playing Bannerlord after years of it sitting in my library and got my first game off the ground thanks to your help with this video. Appreciate it. I am officially obsessed with this game now. I played 10 hours straight yesterday, built up nice little party, lost it all, got captured, escaped, built up another... been to most of the kingdoms so far... this game is incredible


I’m such an over thinker and perfectionist when it comes to these type of games. Thank you for reminding me to just enjoy it and play it how I want to!


“Directly goes towards my puppies treat addiction.”
Right before I started watching this video I was just explaining to my kitty why he can’t have anymore treats today cause he already received double his daily treat intake. Subbed.


Nice! Thorough and easy to follow as always!


Your combat and battlefield tips have earned you another sub :) Ty! Most guides either ignore that aspect or make it even more confusing than it already is (for new players)... I finally got into this game a few weeks ago after watching it for a decade (wow) and the battlefield tactics were so confusing just coming into the game. Happy Launch Day, everyone!


I recently got Bannerlord after playing Warband for a few years, I made a battanian woman and I’ve decided my main goal is to stay as a small party and save up as much money as I possibly can while also leveling up my own stats, currently I have 18 noble units which I am enjoying killing large bandit parties easily


You would think the larger studios would learn from smaller ones like this. Amazing what happens when developers are not rushed or pushed to dumb decisions, especially for the sake of money.


God, it's good to finally play it. As someone who was first introduced M&B on PC and gradually played each iteration of it until only being able to play vanilla M&B on XBox till now, This has been so refreshing to finally get my hands on. I've missed this series.


If anyone new reads this comment
A couple of things about tournaments the weapons seem to be based on the culture of the town. Empire ones are normally swords and bows.

The Asriel odds are you are going to have a round mounted with a spear. (Personally I find these the hardest ones to win)

Also none of the damage you receive in a tournament is keepted outside of the tournament.

If you make the game run the tournament even if you are not wanting to fight your combat companions in your party will enter and if they win you get the loot.

Oh and until you get better gear/ more hit points most low level enemies are going to be able to knock you out in a couple of hits.


A suggestion that is far from new and serves as support for any "build" is to participate in combat in the arena repeatedly at the beginning of the game. I don't deny that this requires time, patience and fighting boredom (usually I always watch a video on YouTube to distract myself), but it offers free money (depending on your performance and time dedicated), practical training in combat skills (no risk of getting hurt or "real" dying) and the passage of time is "stopped" while you are parked in the city (remember that your character is not immortal and time is essentially valuable).

I always dedicate a generous amount of time to this training because I can develop my character to a "satisfactory" level, which gives me the possibility of saving money, strengthening the protagonist as a warrior and prioritizing the development of skills early. It's a strategic way of investing in the character without concrete risks and it's usually at the beginning of the journey that we face the most critical challenges and limitations.

I also adopted this method in Warband. I'd rather spend weeks preparing my character than starting the adventure in an amateur and crude way.


I've never played this style of game before and this guide was super useful to get me started! Thank you so much! Keep up the great videos!!


That was brilliant thank you I’ve watched this game for years but never got it because I simply didn’t have the time to spend hours learning it.
This has explained it all very clearly so I will be getting it very soon 👍


Amazing guide for new console players like myself thank you.


Very glad I found your channel, …. I’m excited to dig into this game but holy crap there’s a steep Curve to someone fresh off the boat to the franchise😮


So hyped for this to finally be out on consoles. Runs great on series s


I love the start of this video because he just gives me a proper into to the point and your voice keeps you interested like morgon freeman
