Pee or Sweat Stained Pillow? Clean Pillows By Hand with 3 Simple Ingredients!

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How to wash pillow without a washing machine. This is one disgusting pee stained pillow! It's dirty and yellow. It's a family camping pillow and it's been slept on A LOT. Plus, there is pee, sweat on this pillow and who knows what else! Clean it now with 3 ingredients (including baking soda) that you probably have around the house!
I know you guys have a story about why you’re on this video and I want to hear em so put them in the comments. Did your pet rabbit pee on your pillow or what you got?? Wash and whiten yellowed pillows.
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8 ounces or 2 cups of 3% hydrogen peroxide
3 Tablespoons of baking soda
A few drops of liquid dish detergent like Dawn
I know how attached you guys get to your pillow and you don’t want to ruin it and so you’re nervous and looking for a way to get it clean. This method works great on all kinds of pillows but ideally for white fabric or fabric that can be bleached out. The hydrogen peroxide will bleach the color.
This pillow was tan and it's so beat up we didn't care if the color changed. First, every pillow is different, depending on what they’re made of. So shredded memory foam, molded foam, down, feathers and other materials are going to have varying washing directions.
So first look for the care tag or website to see what it advises to clean your pillow. I mean I’ve seen dry clean only pillows and so we don’t want to ruin any. If this is your aunt Martha’s wool pillow, you may not want to take the chance!
Measuring cup
Hydrogen peroxide - Now some people are going to say to use vinegar but it’s an acid that helps loosen mineral deposits, such as lime and rust, and dissolve soap scum. So I prefer to use peroxide. 3%.
Hydrogen peroxide is not only a cleaner but it’s also a disinfectant. It has the ability to quickly kill bacteria. And it’s safe because after it comes into contact with light and air, peroxide will decompose turning into simple water and oxygen.
Baking Soda - Baking Soda acts a cleaning agent because it is a mild alkali and can cause dirt and grease to dissolve easily in water for effective removal.
Spray bottle
Here’s the recipe
8 ounces or 2 cups of 3% hydrogen peroxide
3 Tablespoons of baking soda
A few drops of liquid dish detergent like Dawn
Mix it up and spray it on. Your spray bottle will get clogged. Don’t overspray it because you can get mold inside. Let this mixture dry on. To speed that up you can use a blow dryer, a fan or put it in a dryer on a very low heat setting. You can use dryer balls or tennis balls and that breaks up the lumps as they dry.
You may have to use multiple dry cycles (especially on air fluff) but it will dry eventually. If you don’t have a dryer hang the pillow to dry outside in the sun or somewhere where there’s good air flow. Take down your pillow every so often and shake and fluff it.
Moving around the fluff inside will also help get it all dried out. If your pillow has shredded foam and it’s an adjustable type pillow like Coop (which we love) then you can reach inside to fluff it up. You can find a link to them below in case it’s time for a new pillow.
Once you’re done with whatever method you use, you don’t want to have to keep doing this. So get yourself a waterproof pillow protector. Then you hardly ever have to wash your pillows, you just wash the cover with your sheets and pillowcases each week. Much easier.
Pillow protectors keep out dust, drool, etc.
If you have questions or if you tried this and it worked for you, leave a comment. We love hearing from you. And if you know someone with nasty pee pillows, share this video with them.
I know you guys have a story about why you’re on this video and I want to hear em so put them in the comments. Did your pet rabbit pee on your pillow or what you got?? Wash and whiten yellowed pillows.
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8 ounces or 2 cups of 3% hydrogen peroxide
3 Tablespoons of baking soda
A few drops of liquid dish detergent like Dawn
I know how attached you guys get to your pillow and you don’t want to ruin it and so you’re nervous and looking for a way to get it clean. This method works great on all kinds of pillows but ideally for white fabric or fabric that can be bleached out. The hydrogen peroxide will bleach the color.
This pillow was tan and it's so beat up we didn't care if the color changed. First, every pillow is different, depending on what they’re made of. So shredded memory foam, molded foam, down, feathers and other materials are going to have varying washing directions.
So first look for the care tag or website to see what it advises to clean your pillow. I mean I’ve seen dry clean only pillows and so we don’t want to ruin any. If this is your aunt Martha’s wool pillow, you may not want to take the chance!
Measuring cup
Hydrogen peroxide - Now some people are going to say to use vinegar but it’s an acid that helps loosen mineral deposits, such as lime and rust, and dissolve soap scum. So I prefer to use peroxide. 3%.
Hydrogen peroxide is not only a cleaner but it’s also a disinfectant. It has the ability to quickly kill bacteria. And it’s safe because after it comes into contact with light and air, peroxide will decompose turning into simple water and oxygen.
Baking Soda - Baking Soda acts a cleaning agent because it is a mild alkali and can cause dirt and grease to dissolve easily in water for effective removal.
Spray bottle
Here’s the recipe
8 ounces or 2 cups of 3% hydrogen peroxide
3 Tablespoons of baking soda
A few drops of liquid dish detergent like Dawn
Mix it up and spray it on. Your spray bottle will get clogged. Don’t overspray it because you can get mold inside. Let this mixture dry on. To speed that up you can use a blow dryer, a fan or put it in a dryer on a very low heat setting. You can use dryer balls or tennis balls and that breaks up the lumps as they dry.
You may have to use multiple dry cycles (especially on air fluff) but it will dry eventually. If you don’t have a dryer hang the pillow to dry outside in the sun or somewhere where there’s good air flow. Take down your pillow every so often and shake and fluff it.
Moving around the fluff inside will also help get it all dried out. If your pillow has shredded foam and it’s an adjustable type pillow like Coop (which we love) then you can reach inside to fluff it up. You can find a link to them below in case it’s time for a new pillow.
Once you’re done with whatever method you use, you don’t want to have to keep doing this. So get yourself a waterproof pillow protector. Then you hardly ever have to wash your pillows, you just wash the cover with your sheets and pillowcases each week. Much easier.
Pillow protectors keep out dust, drool, etc.
If you have questions or if you tried this and it worked for you, leave a comment. We love hearing from you. And if you know someone with nasty pee pillows, share this video with them.