Krispy Kreme Donut recipe | Krispy Kreme Dounuts ( They're Gonna Hate Me For This) 😏
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For any help on this recipe follow me on IG - culturedcuisine_1 & inbox me directly.
Krispy Kreme Donut recipe | Krispy Kreme Donuts
Learn How to make Original Krispy Kreme Donuts at home.
Making Krispy Kreme has been a great challenge.
I have been trying to get it right for over a year now.
There are some very important steps you must follow to achieve the exact taste of these doughnuts. Just remember,
you are trying to achieve what machines do.
Here are some of the things I found, one must not miss or substitute. Some ingredients I couldn't get in my local supermarket, so, I bought them from Amazon.
1. You must use enriched wheat flour. Plain flour/all-purpose flour will never give you Krispy Kreme doughnuts. It will
always give you the taste of homemade doughnuts. Trust me, done that mistake countless times.
2. Never use butter, You must use vegetable. Krispy Kreme doesn't use butter.
3. The room temperature can ruin everything. I made them once, and it was warm weather, so my kitchen was really warm
what happens is, once you fry the doughnuts, the temperature will make it easy for the doughnuts to create a moist.
That moist will ruin the texture, Krispy Kreme doughnuts are very unforgiving, so, it requires perfection on each step.
Open your windows and doors to allow cool airflow.
4. Do not make the dough too thick, they will be heavy and that's a fail. Krispy Kreme is very light, that's part of the perfection.
5. Don't let the doughnuts sit for long after frying. as soon as you finish, dip them in the glaze to protect the crispy layer of the doughnuts.
80g Eggs
50g Melted Vegetable Shortening
30g Granulated Sugar
110ml Warm Milk
10g Yeast
250G Icing Suger
Vanilla to taste
Milk ( to the consistency needed)
For more recipe your welcome to visit
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For any help on this recipe follow me on IG - culturedcuisine_1 & inbox me directly.
Krispy Kreme Donut recipe | Krispy Kreme Donuts
Learn How to make Original Krispy Kreme Donuts at home.
Making Krispy Kreme has been a great challenge.
I have been trying to get it right for over a year now.
There are some very important steps you must follow to achieve the exact taste of these doughnuts. Just remember,
you are trying to achieve what machines do.
Here are some of the things I found, one must not miss or substitute. Some ingredients I couldn't get in my local supermarket, so, I bought them from Amazon.
1. You must use enriched wheat flour. Plain flour/all-purpose flour will never give you Krispy Kreme doughnuts. It will
always give you the taste of homemade doughnuts. Trust me, done that mistake countless times.
2. Never use butter, You must use vegetable. Krispy Kreme doesn't use butter.
3. The room temperature can ruin everything. I made them once, and it was warm weather, so my kitchen was really warm
what happens is, once you fry the doughnuts, the temperature will make it easy for the doughnuts to create a moist.
That moist will ruin the texture, Krispy Kreme doughnuts are very unforgiving, so, it requires perfection on each step.
Open your windows and doors to allow cool airflow.
4. Do not make the dough too thick, they will be heavy and that's a fail. Krispy Kreme is very light, that's part of the perfection.
5. Don't let the doughnuts sit for long after frying. as soon as you finish, dip them in the glaze to protect the crispy layer of the doughnuts.
80g Eggs
50g Melted Vegetable Shortening
30g Granulated Sugar
110ml Warm Milk
10g Yeast
250G Icing Suger
Vanilla to taste
Milk ( to the consistency needed)
For more recipe your welcome to visit
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