James O'Brien vs scrutinising Boris Johnson's Brexit Agreement

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James O'Brien 22 October 2019

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Muffy; "I know exactly what is under the bonnet" six seconds later "obviously I have not read it" Brexitardation in a nutshell.


There's a very simple answer to all this mess. Revoke article 50 - bish bosh, job done :)


Poor Muffy, 1st caller. She doesn't even understand the "under the bonnet " analogy. She claims she "knows" the car will be good WITHOUT looking under the bonnet. She "knows" the deal is good WITHOUT having read it. It didn't go well for her at all but then that's not a surprise listening to most Brexiters.


I like the car bonnet analogy. I know a company in France that sold a boat to a customer and the engine stopped after 10 miles. They sent out a mechanic who told the new owner that the engine was knackered and he would have to buy a new one. This is a perfect description of Brexit. Get an expert to check before you sign the cheque, but, then again, who needs experts?
We are standing on a high building ready to jump off but Bozo has a hard hat, a couple of Union flags and a zip-wire he hopes will get stuck half-way down.
The one benefit from Brexit will be that not only will the country have its cake and eat it but there will be Eton Mess for everyone..


Muffy is definetly on my list of the twentie best calls - she couldn't even get the name straight, and from the beginning JoB could just tell she was a Brexshitter


14:05 Muffie is straight out of George Orwell's 1984! To her black is white and white is black, and "Room 101" is just a TV program, just like Brexit.


Brexit is like a whole stadium watching Boris Johnson about to do a spectacular high dive into the Olympic sized pool. He 's jumping up and down on the high board, promising he'll do a magnificent set of flip flops and saltos, and it will all be alright. In fact, you'll win a gold medal.
In the mean time, half of you are pointing out there may not be enough water in the pool for this to end well.
The other half are screaming to just get it done, never mind about how much water is in the pool, we just want him to jump! Get it done! Never mind if there's only a few inches of water down there, and you're going to break at least both legs, if you're lucky and don't end up as a drooling vegetable in some forgotten corner of the senior citizen facility. Just jump already!
Historians will look back on this in bewilderment.


That segment about empathy's connection with with arts, books and intellectualism was brilliant.


Muffy is actually Mrs Richards the rude deaf lady from Fawlty Towers.


Q: Has Boris ever kept a promise?

A: Of course he has James .... when he said - "I'll be round in 10 minutes my love, I'll tell the wife I'm pooping out for a pint of milk, and I'll be back in 8 'ours.


Doesn’t this fellow james O’brien realise that just because it was so easy to con us at first ? There’s not a scoobies chance in hell their gonna get away with it again trying to convince us we were conned ? Every day we tell people ‘we know lots of stuff we actually don’t know” ? Smart !


Imagine supporting something but not being able to identify one good thing about it. That “Nick” woman doesn’t understand how to argue her point. She should just say that she wants Johnson’s BREXIT deal no matter what.


I don't think people who just want Brexit done trust Boris it is just he is the only person in power who could possibly deliver it even if they don't know what it is. Some people are just leavers, some are remainers who think the referendum result should be respected (even if leave broke electrol law) some just want to get it done and move on. Unfortunately no matter what happens Brexit is going to dominate for years and years.


Is it just me or does it sound like JOB is having a bit of an off day?


What all brexSHITers suffer from, I call the "Boudicca Syndrome". This is a condition I invented, as it was just too easy for me to see the parallel all brexSHITers cannot see. Boudicca and her mob, out of their ignorance, not only could not appreciate the far superior civilisation of the Romans, but she (and her mob) even thought that they can win against them without even the most basic plan in place. That happened because Boudicca (and her mob) were ignorant, illiterate and unintelligent tribe folk who could only dream of unicorns and rainbows. Seneca, the great Roman poet, said it perfectly: "Do not get your slaves from Britannia. They are so stupid, they can never learn!" Can you guess what happened to Boudicca, her family and her mob? That's right! They got annihilated. And it seems that the British indeed don't learn. The Romans were here for 400 years and after they left, the British fell back into darkness as they could STILL not being able to read and wright, build, organise, prepare for the future. As a result of such stupidity, they were taken over by the Anglos, the Saxons, the Romans, the Normans, the Danish, the Scandinavians, the Dutch, the French and now they are about to be taken over by the USA and Russia. Can you see the parallel?


Love it !! Johnson's mentor was Pericles, he is in the wrong century
