10 Rich Person Behaviors That Poor People Get Judged For

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In this video, Chelsea talks about things we judge the poor for that rich people constantly get away with — from having multiple children to splurging on expensive electronics.


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I heard an anecdote about C.S. Lewis being asked by a friend 'why did you give that beggar money? He will only spend it on drink.' to which Lewis replied 'but I was only going to spend it on drink.'


Watching my friends get bullied in high school for having to get clothes at the Goodwill and then going to college where "thrifting" was a highlight of the weekend for wealthy friends was....a culture shock, to say the least


Very true! I was once in a board meeting filled with *extremely* wealthy people. We were discussing a scholarship program that served high-performing students who had been through trauma. Some of the students were (understandably) struggling with their studies, and one of the board members went on a rant about how if these students couldn't keep up with the program, they should lose their scholarships. Meanwhile, this *exact* *same* board member was a former C-student who got into a good university thanks to his parents' connections and money. In this board member's mind, he was a smart and talented guy who earned his place at the table, and his poor grades didn't reflect his potential. But the poor grades of these scholarship students *did* reflect their potential? Wow, what a double standard.


The point about population decline being supplemented by immigration reminds me of another thing poor people are judged for: moving to a new country; when wealthy people do it, they're seen as worldly and adventurous, when poor people do it they're looked down upon.


girl, as a kid who was government cheese poor but became an upper middle class professional adult, I knew I was in a different world when I was able to quit toxic jobs and turn down job offers where the corporate culture didn't "feel right" & never think about the money.

Seriously, the trauma of growing up poor, at least in the environment I did, makes caring for my mental health that much more important but that's a serious privilege that people who are still in the neighborhood just don't have


1. Being Wasteful 1:56
2. Quitting Toxic work environments 3:40
3. Having multiple children 4:58
4. Buying big toys for the family 9:05
6. Drug / Alcohol use 12:38
7. Hypersexuality / Sex work 14:38
8. Liking fast-food / Junk food 15:55
9. Laziness 17:39
10.Looking good while looking messy 18:42

*there is no tip 5


Standing ovation for your very accurate assessment of the reality that we subsidize corporations paying low wages, not low income earners with multiple children.


Poor people also aren't allowed to speak for themselves in the spaces where change is needed to mitigate their struggles.
So, thank you for maintaining your perspective and keeping that voice loud, Chelsea. Not everyone who "makes it" does that.
We see and appreciate you!!

As someone currently facing a housing crisis that is entirely dependent on whether I am judged as "worthy" of staying somewhere, this whole video spoke to me.


Literally the ENTIRE trend of ‘sustainability’. I’ve been reusing my rags, old t shirts, baggies, boxes, jars, etc for as long as I could remember. I was RAISED this way. Having excess and mass consumerism shoved down my throat via social media only to have this sustainability ‘trend’ pop up is a serious slap in the face. Having grown up being mocked for reusing my shit, this trend leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. Poor people and minorities have been doing this shit for decades…..


As someone who grew up middle class and has remained there my entire life I'm very guilty of having this kind of mentality on a few of these.... Now I'm realizing that a lot of it is just because I haven't experienced poverty personally and I was way too judgmental... thank you for reframing my thinking!


I grew up poor and I find thrifting to be one of those things. We only bought new clothes once a year for school, otherwise we thrifted or got hand-me-downs. Cut to now and it's seen as a trendy thing to do. When I go back home to visit and go thrifting, the prices keep going up... and that kills me because the entire community relied on that.


Another note about phones, I've had multiple jobs where I've had to clock in through apps. Jobs have message apps that they communicate through. If you have to deliveries you'll need gps, etc. Smartphones are also necessary for a lot of disabled people. Live captions or voice assistance allow people to be independent.


I have always hated the stigma associated with social benefit recipients. My family actually received food stamps for a few months. After being the breadwinner, I had to stop working to care for our chronically ill child when she was diagnosed. My husband was laid off almost immediately afterwards due to covid. He immediately began working full time at a chipotle despite his field being IT and we had to live off food stamps and WIC during this time. Being able to eat allowed him to take occasional days off for interviews so he could find a new job in his field. And now we no longer need the food stamps and he works in his field making more than before and we are able to sustain ourselves. But we weren’t just lazy, nor are most recipients. We just needed extra help after a series of terrible events.

(We didn’t have any savings either. 3 weeks after our daughter was born, my husband had a bad sports accident that cost all of our saving for the surgeries despite us having insurance through his employer at the time)


Thank you so much for acknowledging this! I feel like most of the financial advice YouTube channels are tone deaf. I just got done watching a video from an entrepreneur telling us to override fear of failure and keep trying. Who pays the bills when we fail and keep trying? She got to rely on her parents, and she has no idea that others don't have that option.


The point about children reminded me of the pure unbridled rage I feel towards the adoption system. It's so expensive that most perfectly capable parents will never be able to afford to adopt even if they could afford to care for a child.


Number 6 reminded me about this joke.
“Homeless person asked me for 10$. I’ve asked myself: “Do I want this money to be spent on drugs and alcohol?”. The answer was no, that’s why I gave homeless man the money.”
Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language.


I completely agree with your first point. One of my guilty pleasures is watching tours of multi-million dollar homes on youtube. Despite all of them being within the bracket of being able to afford to put solar panels on their roofs and have high-efficiency appliances--many of them don't even have the basics! Yet, poor people are expected to "save water" and "reduce energy consumption" when in comparison the rich aren't even expected to do that because they can afford the high cost of energy and water.


On the children subject, it amazes me how lots of people judge the single mother who works a tone of hours in multiple jobs to give her kids the best life she can, while giving then her care and love, but nobody judge the rich couple that has 4 or 5 kids but NEVER do anything with them. They just use their money to pay other people to raise their children.
I prefer a thousand times a loving poor mother/father than having parents that pay more attention to their money than to their children.


I appreciate your continuing to pull down the veil between the rich and poor because it’s all arbitrary and cruel for literally no real reason! I always enjoy videos that discuss stuff like this because we literally cannot fix the problem if we can’t even acknowledge problematic things as being problems


“Society depends on people having children.”
Damn straight.
It’s GREAT to hear that from someone who is childfree by choice.
