Yamaha FZ-07 Review at RevZilla.com

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Guy Lasterson Thank you very much for the well-written response. We are still learning and any / all feedback is crucial to our success. Ride safely! -Hi-Viz Brian


RevZilla. We already have the 07 here in Oklahoma. Looks so much better in person than on YouTube. Yamaha will sell a bunch of these to college students, beginners and novice riders. I know that I want one...badly.


I like that zilla is trying new things with Moto reviews, little bit more fine tuning on the camera work and a bit more animation from our reviewer and I think you'll have a solid YouTube segment!


I test drove the FZ 07 at my local dealer... I would buy that bike in a heartbeat if I didn't already have my bike... The power and pull of that bike makes me gitty!


We just got our first one here at the dealership I work at in Arkansas and should be finished with assembly tomorrow, Looking forward to the test ride :D


How far you guys have grown in quality! Props


After I got some riding experience I want to get this bike, also I live in Seattle so it's cool watching you ride around places I know!


l love that yamaha made this style bike. It sounds bad ass with the akropovic exhaust with no db killer. Sounds like a Duccati without the price or high maintenance. 


To be honest I did not enjoy this style of review and the audio wasn't clear, the review style that I really enjoyed and would love to see more of is when you guys reviewed the HD street 750 and Lemmy is an excellent and natural presenter.
Best of luck


I'm torn between this bike and Kawasaki Ninja 400. I would appreciate your help so please take a minute to read where my dilemma is coming from. I'm looking for a first bike and I'm just about to finish my rider course. I have no prior experience. The course is about 20 hours, 10 of which riding in city traffic (traffic jam all day long). I spent first 10 hours on Yamaha ybr 125, mostly doing techniques in a parking lot and very few in the traffic. The bike felt like a bicycle, only less stable at low speeds. It also stalled very often if it wasn't given a fair amount of throttle. Within a few hours I was able to do all the required techniques. Then I moved to MT 07 which is the bike I have to take my exam on. As soon as I sat on that bike, it felt as if it was made for me. I'm 5'11, 185 lbs, somewhat athletic build. It felt more stable, never stalled and I was able to do all the techniques with ease. Riding it on the street was a blast, although I never went over 70 km/h (remember, I'm in a riding school :)). I must admit, it felt like I was going 200 km/h.
I'm 35, been driving a manual transmission sports car for over a decade and I understand how a clutch works, how to engine brake etc. I know that riding is different from driving, but it definitely helped me to use the clutch on the bike. Most of my riding will consist of commuting (city riding, stop and go traffic, trafic jam every day) to and from work which is about 20 km both ways. Occasionally, say every other weekend, I'm planning to take a couple of hours on some curvy roads near the city (say 100 - 150 km at most both ways).
Reading and watching most reviews about both bikes, most seem to recommend Ninja 400 over MT 07 because the latter is too torquey. Yes it is a rocket comparing to ybr 125, but other than that I don't have a frame of reference and unfortunately I can't test ride Ninja. The price difference between the two 2018 models is only 1000 Euros. I'm also planning to keep the bike for a long time, I barely got permission from my wife to buy a bike, I don't think I'd have another chance any time soon.
So, for my intended riding and my limited skill set, is one better than the other or I can't go wrong with either of these? Thank you very much for helping me out.


Can you add a touring windshield? And saddlebags? Might be a nice light-weight tourer! :)


I've lived in the Poulsbo area my whole life...love the area


Just one thing, what's that squeeky noise? Maybe you need to adjust better your cam the next time. Regards.


Be aware that that bike has already been available in the EU for some time and owners have been reporting a widespread and very dangerous issue with these bikes stalling randomly out on the road. It's an issue that doesn't occur every time they ride, but sporadically.


That jacket is sick! Do you mind telling me what it is? Very basic and retro. Really like the stitchings on it as well.


Where you on a creaky pirate ship when you recorded the audio? Love your newer vids though so you must have upgraded to a rubber one. :D


whats your return policy if I buy one?  :)


Seems like a great bike.  It's nice to see more bang for buck out there. 


That's the alley next to hotel max on Stewart isn't it?


The backwards camera shot facing the rider looks straight out of Top Gun.
