The Origins of Judaism: Re-examining the Archaeological Evidence - Dr. Yonatan Adler

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Groundbreaking research that utilizes archaeological discoveries and ancient texts to revolutionize our understanding of the beginnings of Judaism

“A bravura study.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review)

Throughout much of history, the Jewish way of life has been characterized by strict adherence to the practices and prohibitions legislated by the Torah: dietary laws, ritual purity, circumcision, Sabbath regulations, holidays, and more. But precisely when did this unique way of life first emerge, and why specifically at that time?

In this revolutionary new study, Yonatan Adler methodically engages ancient texts and archaeological discoveries to reveal the earliest evidence of Torah observance among ordinary Judeans. He examines the species of animal bones in ancient rubbish heaps, the prevalence of purification pools and chalk vessels in Judean settlements, the dating of figural representations in decorative and functional arts, evidence of such practices as tefillin and mezuzot, and much more to reconstruct when ancient Judean society first adopted the Torah as authoritative law.

Focusing on the lived experience of the earliest Torah observers, this investigative study transforms much of what we thought we knew about the genesis and early development of Judaism.

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Glad you interviewed this scholar. Most of his publicly available talks are quite repetitive and cover the same information. It was good for him to respond to your questions and get into some more details

For example his idea about the Samaritans having had the torah put on them by the Hasmoneans is a fascinating idea.


I'd love to see Prof. Adler and Prof. Stavrakopoulou have a conversation about their books, and ancient Israel in general, as both have very interesting perspectives. It would help contextualise their ideas for the layperson (me 😀). 👍


I recently re-read judges through the kings and chronicles and was struck by the fact that there is virtually no reference to the torah... and that many things in judges seem to be about ancestors of king David.


I love when these scholars point out the obvious! Ancient text are not reliable due to the human and political variables! Ancient literature is not something that can easily lend itself to science. History is largely not a science when all the literature RARELY lends itself to one’s ability to determine whether something is false or not(falsifiability). Every scholar whom acknowledges this is automatically infinitely more credible than one who does not.


I'd like to hear someone discuss Israelite religion and practices vs Judean religion and practices. Given that Judeans are a subset of Israelites, but all Israelites aren't Judean.


Another interesting and informative episode Jacob, thank you for hosting and posting, keep up the great work!


Woof! No widespread Jewish practice prior to the Hasmoneans? What are the implications of this?


Your channel is one of my favorites keep up the great work


Ive been wanting to know these things, thanks.


Adler is solid!

Especially interesting is the name Eturians. Must be Aegean Israelites.


🙏🙏🙏Thanks for not kowtowing to the rampant gate keeping in this field.... 🙏🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏👏👌👌👌👌🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖


DR Adler is such an intelligent and articulate apologist. It's a pity he has to appear with dummies to get his opinions heard


what about pork avoidance as evidenced by lack of pig bones in the hill country during iron age?
it seems that the israelites were observing biblical dietary laws by that time.


maybe we should have an 8 day week.sun, moon, 5 visible planets and asteroid belt/missing sabbath on missing planet day


The guest did not state anything new that has not been stated in the biblical texts that masses of people strayed. However, he avoided mentioning destructive efforts by the Greeks who falsified much of the ancient history and certainly destroyed much of the evidence. Examples of their conceited joint efforts can be given by C.O. Jonsson ''The Gentile times Reconsidered''. To make strong claims about Judaism without accounting for falsification suggests that the guest is on a wrong path.
