Top 5 Tips for Enlisted Players || Enlisted Tips and Tricks

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Enlisted is a great game, but like any other, there are ways to play that enhance your gameplay. Let's fill in the voids and show you the top 5 tips for enlisted players to maximize your success. By implementing these tips and tricks, I bet you'll start doing better in the standings. I'm rather competitive, so I always enjoy a game more when I do better at it!

Enlisted tank guide!:

00:00 Intro
00:28 Tip #1
01:52 Tip #2
03:10 Tip #3
04:02 Tip #4
05:06 Tip #5
06:17 Bonus Tip!

- EdRecords - Getaway
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Hopefully this video helped fill in some of the voids the tutorial left behind. If this helped you out, you want to share your thoughts, or you want to leave your own tips, drop a comment down below!


I’ve found headphones to be VERY useful, as the directional sound in game can clue you in the where infantry and vehicles are. Then you can set an ambush up.


another tip:
if you on the german side and you hear a "garand ping rush him, the noise means he relouds and can't shoot.
and put the sound volume high so that you can hear from which direction/house/floor it comes.


Dont stay in one spot when you fire, strafe a little, it buys you time before bots can hit you, makes it harder for actual humans to hit you.
If you play with aim assist, fire basically the same half second you aim down sights. You'll snap to the target and have fired before the target drifts out of your sights. Makes the earlier fights when you only have bolt actions much easier.
Dont be afraid to jump around while you reload if there's an enemy right in front of you, again it confuses the ai enemies and gives you that half second to shoot back.
At distance with automatics, fan the trigger, going balls out automatic is enticing, full rocknroll doesnt get you kills only gives away your position. Most often the name of the game is shots on target, not downrange.
One last tip, FLANK. ive noticed most players just storm the gates and it costs matches. A good flanking maneuver makes all the difference.
Good luck on the frontlines


I'm a newb lol. This game is so difficult but so rewarding when you get it right. I only average like 800 points a game at this point, but I'm getting better. What a great game


3:59 people highly unestimate the power of a molotov against a tank, explodes instantly, does damage t o their crew when they hop out and keeps on burning


"Shoot excessively from one spot the quickly break off and flank them. The unexpected movement, or rapid charge, is often effective as it is rather unpredictable. By keeping mobile you'll be difficult to track and fight back against."
Feels like you're reading from a Wehrmacht field manual about bewegungskrieg (War of Movement). Which details the ww2 German army's style of pushing with rifles until stiff resistance, then setup the MG's. Once the enemy has been pounded by the MG and arty until they are just hiding in their holes, charge the rifles onto the flanks and into the rears to disrupt supply lines and capture PoW's.
Force the surrender through threat of death or starvation. The former being more preferable.


Currently, breaking LOS is more than important. Since AI is more hearing focused. They are quick to aimbot you no matter how good a position you got. Hiding in bushes, tall grass or peeking behind the tree won't do much to help from the fury of AI. One of the reasons why manning MGs can be hazardous. There WILL be one 180 snipe from the AI controlled sniper, usually done by the default starting weapon from looong range.

At least good players, when they do that, tend to do from clever spot that isn't right where you peppering with machine gun fire.


Tip: If you are fighting in close quarters, pull out your knife and charge. If you do not, you are a sweat.


WAIT! Are you telling me all this time, I can tell my squad to do more than just stand around by just hitting the "alt" key.... Wait there are bronze troop orders??? There is an academy??? Thankyou so much Stealth Fox here is a more than deserved sub and like, looking forward to more content.

Hitting the bell harder than getting rushed on the church map with a fully armed mp40 squad against my springfield sniper boi.


Thank you, with your tips I have been improving


Great video! You could also do a more in depth video on how to play each class. Just an idea.


tip i dont spend bronze orders for explosives, grenades and medkits as with every new squad you unlock you get these for free !!!.. after some time you will have way more than what is needed to equip 3 full squads ( what is limit without premium) !


AIs in Enlisted be like: You can run but you can’t hide


I got my Series X a couple days ago and I'm absolutely loving this game. Seriosuly haven't had this much fun since Halo 3 days


This is amazing and quality content fox. Keep up the good work. I knew subbing to you was worthit. Thanks for the amazing tips and specially the bonus tip. I always had trouble deciding what to spend orders on.


Great tips my man. That HE pack through the window was a next level toss!!!


This game is so fun idk why but i like it more than battlefield it has a lot of potential


tips 6, dont play against pc users if you got a console.They will slaughter you


The hiding in tall grass only works if the enemies are close enough for the grass to show. Far out snipers won't see the grass your hiding in
