What if we could only own 10 games? 🤯 - Top 10 Games

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Today, we are doing a super hard list!
The list we would make if we could only own 10 games?

We own so many games, so this is highly theoretical, but we thought it would be a fun exercise to do!

Which games would you keep if you could only keep 10?

Hope you'll enjoy the video!
Thanks for being here!

#boardgames #boardgamegeek #top10


Intro: 00:00
10: 02:45
9: 04:58
8: 06:19
7: 08:08
6: 09:21
5: 11:10
4: 12:33
3: 15:40
2: 16:50
1: 19:39
Conclusion: 21:16
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My top 10

1) age of steam
2) ricochet robot
3) dungeon twister
4) twilight imperium
5) gipf project
6) wings of glory ( ww1 and ww2)
7) v sabotage
8) 18xx
9) kanban
10) deep madness


My current top ten.
1. Root
2. Planet Apocalypse
3. Pax Pamir
4. Spirit Island
5. Crokinole
6. Aeons end
7. Terraforming Mars
8. Stilleben (of the heist game series from Noctis)
9. Search for planet x
10. Star wars rebellion


After picking my 10 I checked to see my latest pubmeeple ranking to see where they each currently ranked and 7 out of them were in the top 10, the other three were in the top 30, lol.

1) Terra Mystica [logged plays: 55 | rank 1]
- easy pick, it's my absolute favourite game of all time, despite having played it well over 50 times (played it for several years before I started logging) I never tire of it. Hand me any faction, and I will have fun with it.

2) Marco Polo 2 [logged plays: 25 | rank 2]
- while I really would have loved to hang onto both this and the original Voyages of Marco Polo (ranked 3), they are similar enough that if operating with this constriction I could pick just one of them to keep. If all expansions were included it would be harder to choose as the expansion/promos reallly makes the original shine. But on a base game only perspective, the sequel wins out hands down for me.

3) Underwater Cities [logged plays: 12 | rank 4]
- I rank both this and Terraforming Mars very highly (ranked 7) but once again I think I'd have to choose to keep just one, and I think the engine building in this one wins over the other and I'd probably make the same choice even if expansions were to be factored in.

4) Everdell [logged plays: 15 | rank 5]
- once again I go to just the next ranked game, I just love the charm of this game, it does get even better with expansions, especially the modular ones that tweaks the base game without changing it too much.

5) Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails [logged plays: 35 | rank 20]
- at this point I start to jump around the list more. I play a lot with my mom whenever either of us visit (she owns way more versions than I do) so I could not make a list and not include some version of the game. I know this one isn't a very popular version, but it's both of our favourite. We love the wrap-around world map (also we love long play sessions, so the longer length is a bonus to us), and it's also not a hard version of the game to teach to new people in our opinion.

6) Woodcraft [logged plays: 5 | rank 6]
- while most picks on this list are "tried and true" games for me, this one is one of two exceptions. It is currently ranked in my top 10, and I do think it will stay ranked really high as time passes as well, but the reason I would pick it for this specific list is because of its solo mode. I am mainly a multiplayer type of boardgamer, but I do need to have at least one solo experience to scratch the itch if no one else is available and this one brings the kind of non-invasive, easy to remember/maintain solo mode I love.

7) Star Realms [logged plays: 55 | rank 24]
- I want to have at least one short, quick to the table kind of game, and this one brings so much depth for its size/length. I love the card river style of deckbuilding, the back and forth with your opponent (I will only ever play this at 2). There is a luck element to it, but the stronger player will still win the majority of the time. Excellent on a base game level, but mix in the command decks and some of the promo packs and it really packs a punch.

8) Valeria: Card Kingdoms [logged plays: 23 | rank 21]
- most of my games choices are very strategic games as that is what I prefer to play, but it's nice to have at least one game that's more laidback in style, and this is my pick for that. I really enjoy that you trigger both individual and combined dice results in this one, giving you more abundance to play around with.

9) Newton [logged plays: 12 | rank 8]
- figuring out which games to round off the list was hard, but ultimately I'm a big fan of Simone Luciani's designs (and this gives such a vastly different experience from the Marco Polo games), and now that I (finally) have the expansion for this game, I've come to love it even more. This is the kind of game where I want to do everything, but I can't, but I still want to try.

10) Boonlake [logged plays: 4 | rank 10]
- I did think hard on what I wanted out of the last game and ultimately landed on my current favourite Pfister game. I have kind of a silly reason for why I prefer it over some of his other big games, and that is the way your action choice caps your movement options down the river. I really hate when players rush a game (which was a big problem for me in Maracaibo - I loved everything about that game except the way it incentivised players to make big movement) so having a movement system that allows you to move just one step regardless, but if you want to move further you need to actively choose less popular actions to do so is just perfect for me.


This is tough....

-Through The Desert
-Yellow & Yangtze
-Twilight Imperium 4E
-Cosmic Encounter
-Blood on the Clocktower
-Brass Lancashire
-Terra Mystica
-A deck of cards and a bunch of dice to play and make infinite games. If this is illegal, then Schotten Totten


This was a tough one! I tried to follow a similar philosophy and make sure my list of 10 provided a variety of experiences for different groups, weights, mechanisms, etc. while considering which games I felt were /very/ replayable.

1. Biblios
2. Crokinole
3. Jaipur
4. Medici
5. Through the Desert
6. Tyrants of the Underdark
7. A Feast for Odin
8. Millennium Blades
9. Power Grid
10. Terra Mystica


Great lists, great video... Had to subscribe to see what else is there.
My list would be, at least at this moment:
1) concordia
2) santa maria
3) neuroshima hex
4) terra mystica
5) istanbul
6) village
7) shards of infinity
8) fantasy realms
9) dominion
10) xenoshyft onslaught

But ask me in 10 minutes and that list might be different...having Only 10 games is not an option anymore


Assuming that I get to keep all my expansions and exclusives.

1. Twilight Imperium 4E
2. Brass: Birmingham
3. A Feast for Odin
4. Gaia Project
5. Everdell: Complete Edition
6. Concordia
7. The Castles of Burgundy
8. Orleans
9. Rising Sun
10. Tapestry


At this stage of my gaming career it would be: 4 decks of cards, Planet Unknown, Wonderland's War, Wingspan, Ares Expedition, Ark Nova, Shadow Kingdoms of Valeria, Sushi Go, Castles of Mad King Ludwig, and The Loop


Dune Imperium. Root. This war of mine. Descent (2nd edition). Tide of Iron. Castles of Burgundy. Dungeon Twister. Wingspan. 7 Wonders. Wonderland Wars.
And all expansions.
Great lists of both of you. Thanks.


In no particular order:

A Feast for Odin
Dune Imperium
Hadrian's Wall
7 Wonders
Shards of Infinity
Carcassonne Big Box
Spirit Island
Everdell (Complete edition)
The Castles of Burgundy

Maybe not the list of my favorite games, but I think I'd want a mix of different types for variety and also to appeal to a range of my friends coming over.


Cool idea of list :) both your list are great! Here is mine :
1) Terraforming Mars
2) Brass Birmingham
3) Castles of Burgundy
4) Spirit Island
5) Crokinole
6) Kanban EV
7) Root
8) Cthulhu : Death May Die
9) The Crew
10) Gaia Project


For me it would probably be

- Terraforming Mars
- Ark Nova
- Lost Ruins of Arnak
- Planet Unknown
- Spirit Island
- Cascadia
- Quacks of Quedlinburg
- Revive
- Wingspan
- Maybe one Magic: the Gathering Commander Deck


I just picked up Castles of Burgundy for the first time. When I got into the hobby 5 years ago it was because of the allure of heavily “thematic” games, but as time has gone on I’ve discovered that I love euros with pasted-on themes. My only problem now is finding people to play with me! In the meantime I’ve purchased the iPad app and it’s really good!


Did you two get hitched? Noticing the rings for the first time, but I haven't seen any videos recently. Congrats! Enjoyed the video!


Just curious, you mention Terra Mystica and Clans of Caledonia bu do not mention Gaia Project. Probably I would go with it. I own GP and CoC, but keep wondering if Terra Mystica is compatible with these other two or it would be overkilling.


Greetings from Brazil! That’s a nice list. Mine would be (in no specific order): Lisboa, Brass (Lancashire or Birmingham), Castles of Burgundy, Tigris & Euphrates, Concordia, Barrage, Through the Ages, On Mars, Puerto Rico and 6 Nimmt! Keep up the good work!!


Good idea for a "10" video -- a little twist. Enjoyed it! My thoughts: 1) You might not want to give away 3 of your choices in the thumbnail (maybe boxes with question marks on them?) 2) I wondered if Grand Austria Hotel might make the list. Anyway, another engaging video. Have a nice day!


Hi, if you like Terra Mystica, I would highly recommend the Merchants of the Seas expansion. It broadens the game by offering more, equally valid, paths to victory.


Loved the video! My ten games (in no particular order) would be Targi, Forbidden Desert, Viticulture, Point Salad, Reef, Wingspan, Indian Summer, Between 2 Castles, 7 Wonders Duel, and War of the Ring the Card Game. (I need to play this last one more to be sure, but it seems likely that it will stick given how much I love the source material.)


This would be a VERY hard list for me but, at this time I think I'd go with: Terraforming Mars, Ora et Labora, Le Havre, Castles of Burgundy, Tzolkin the Mayan Calendar, Raiders of the North Sea, Explorers of the North Sea, Keyflower, At the Gates of Loyang and Wingspan. Fun video!
