Australian Immigration News 8th of June. New Points Test proposal for the 189 visa makes waves!

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The Grattan Institute released a new Points Test proposal this week for the 189 visa after consulting with the Immigration Department and state and territory governments. We spoke with Grattan about their proposal and examined the implications of such a system.
You can watch Grattan's own podcast about their changes;

Sign our Petition for the 485 age cap!

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Australian Immigration Law Services is based in Sydney and provides visa and related services. Karl Konrad, our Founder, has over 25 years of experience and leads a team of MARA-registered migration specialists. Our team provides honest and accurate advice.


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The information provided is a general guide and does not constitute legal or immigration advice; there are many regulations that may apply depending on each individual’s circumstances alongside changes in the industry. It is the user's responsibility to verify the currency of information. Those seeking advice should engage a MARA-registered migration agent.
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Ridiculous recommendations 😅😅
90% of Australians who are born and brought up in Australia, will not get 7 if they sit for IELTS


Employer look for PR holder, while PR applicant seeking for a job to get PR. Infinite loop 😵‍💫
Thanks Karl for informative content.


Transition arrangements are most important for now for the current students aged above 35.


Hi karl, u r doing great service by being voice of migrants who have to face cruel n inhumane policies of the government. May god bless u with lots of good health and more strength to challenge the autocratic migration policies.


- No incentive for Australian Study ? This will kill the international education sector
- No incentive for regional study?
This is contradicting with Australia's aim to improve regional areas and reduce stress on metropolitan cities.
- No reward for high number of years of experience ?
Australia is going to lose experts / experienced professional planning to migrate to Australia.
- No points for Professional Year?
You are removing every possible opportunity for talented individuals who wants to gain more points.
- Ignoring trade qualifications?
I don't think this will solve housing crisis or help build major infrastructure projects 😢

In short, if Australia no longer wants skilled immigrants, then this policy is can be a good starting point.


Your always presenting Facts Content ❤,


Whoever developed this model is detached from reality. Its really odd how they come up with this system that prioritizes highly educated individuals NOT skilled people that Australia really needs. Who would build the infrastructure? Fill the gaps in the medical field and engineering? Skill 1 people? I doubt those "Managers" would grab a hammer and nail and start to build something. In short this is ridiculous, the dude in the interview was stumbling answering. Says a lot.


There are no lower end colleges in regional areas. Honestly without region study points, no person on earth will move to regional area.


Policy makers should consult professionals like yourself before they roll their whims out, thanks Karl!


Even though the age change for the 485 didn’t personally impact me, I am so glad you called out the fact that it was pretty cruel and how the government went about was way too suss without even considering the well-being of those affected


Karl is polite and to the point.
The guest lacks required experience and knowledge about giving recommendations regarding migration.


I have EoI in the system with 80 points and 85 for the 190. Based on the new system i won't even make the cut to 300, with the age based points taking away most of my points. Australia was considered by experienced workers with actual skills and families as a viable option, unlike Canada which rewards younger unskilled workers. I hope they won't implement this system for another 2-3 years and will carefully examine what is being proposed. Would rather remain in the Middle East and acquire a CBI passport and not give a penny in taxes to a government that wants young people over experienced high income skilled workers. What a farce.


So basically Grattan just want very young people, highly skilled with certain level of experience coming from an English Speaking country… Ok, I don’t have anything against it BUT the question is… Would people who are compliant with this requirements be interested in migrating to Australia?? How many do they expect to find? Personally I think the guy from Grattan knows nothing about how migration from the migrant point of view works and what the thinking process of someone who decides to leave EVERYTHING behind in his home country and start a new life in a different place is. This system would only attract “successful” people with “promising careers” at a very young age…so young and with so many options on the table that they can’t be committed to live permanently in Australia. Even if they go to Australia they will go as an adventure, they will not stay in Australia forever, after a period of time in Australia most of them will leave the country. If this system is implemented Australia will be giving PR and eventually citizenship to people who don’t want to move permanently to Australia. If a system like this is implemented I can guarantee you it will be a DISASTER for Australia in the long run.


How come you say that a bachelor degree earned from the top 20 uni is better than master degree from colleges ?

These are pure shit point systems.

If Australia implements this point system, this will be the biggest shit in Australian history....


While everyone is jumping and criticizing him, I think we should thank him for coming to this show. However, this is not finalized yet, and this conversation may certainly help them before finalizing anything. Thanks Karl and team.👍


The amount of knowledge and understanding karl has about the education and migration industry seems to be a lot greater than those who are making the decisions.

He also seems to treat students as human beings.

Such a shame he has little say in these decisions.


These recommendations were not thoroughly thought out. He represented the views of the Labour party not business or the economy at large. Discrediting Australian education by removing points will affect not just the Education industry but those businesses that thrive because of the presence of regional universities. Think of areas like Tasmania and Darwin. Already UniTas is on the brink, how many jobs are on the line right now both directly and indirectly? Scrapping away regional visas will push reginal and rural Australia into a recession.


Seems they were also the architect of the 485 age reduction.


You are working very hard conrad to make us aware of even small changes, Thankyou so much for your effort and support.


Your interview with the Grattan Institute rep gave me an insight on what kind of people are behind policy recommendations. The overall impression I got is that they most likely looked at statistics and numbers without looking into real life models of how migration works. They have no idea about what migrating is like, of what the decision processes of migrants are like. While you were sharing your historical knowledge of migration, especially about how the link between education and migration was established and nurtured over a long period of time, I can tell that the Grattan Institute guy has no idea about this. Are these people in Grattan Institute really the right people for the job? I wonder how the recos will be like coming from people of color working in similar think tanks.
