6 Bugs that STILL aren't fixed...

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0:00 Intro
0:18 Facecheck
0:48 Kog'Maw death attack
1:26 Double Sweeper bug
1:53 Global outside of map
2:48 Helicopter Akshan
3:09 More Akshan bugs yet again...
3:42 Heimerdinger Flashbang
4:28 Thanks for watching!
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Big thanks to them for making this video possible!


1:30 you can use 2 normal and blue trinkets if u place trinket when Herold is spawning and after a sec u get a reset and u can place another one. I use it quite often in the games.


When there is an error for spell location, it defaults to location 0, 0 which is blue fountain. It's an ancient bug/feature.


Vandiril you make my day, your voice is such a joy to listen to and your videos are so enjoyable. Thank you for being a shining beacon of the LoL community!


Vandril, I think there's a bug with Malzahar passive visual. If you build Crown on him, and the shield breaks, the passive shield also breaks. But visually Malz still has a the shield visually. He doesn't have the shield but it looks like he does. I even later sold Crown for Liandries and always had the passive shield but it was on cooldown, I'd still take damage from abilities. Makes it so hard for enemy to engage on you. Investigate?


A VGU later

Kog'maw abuseable bug terrorizes proplay, Riot on a hotseat


The knock up into space bug is still my favorite. All these years later and it still happens


For bug number 2:
Yellow Trinket charges up a third charger after picking up herald. This makes it possible to have effectively 3 charges of yellow Trinket (if you had 2 charges in the first place).


Im still impressed how frequent vandiril is and how he makes his channel for a living considering that he only covers league of legends bugs.


The Caitlyn hover bug has been around for a good while, and has still not been fixed. Can be seen in one of the later Saber videos. Pretty much hovers your character a set amount above the ground, so it's really hard to figure out where skillshots will hit you and where your skillshots will travel. Luckily you can cancel it by reconnecting to the game, but might not always be possible if you are under siege to take 20 seconds out of the game


I actually thought the red trinket refresh was a feature with the rift herald as it shortly replaces your trinket. huh.


"We'll fix the nunu bug at monday"
Which monday?


Bug Suggestion: Fiora's Passive Bug
You can permanently see a vital which you cannot proc. And another real vital spawns on top.
Super annoying, surprisingly common and as far as i know very old bug! :)


Another old bug for your video: Rek'Sai tunnels

Sometimes when you create tunnels through walls, Rek'Sai could not dash over it, but the tunnel works perfectly after the first time. This bug have some years and still not fixed in 12.4.


Veigar Q with krugs bug:

When killing big or medium krugs with veigar Q, there is a high chance that the Q just gets absorbed and doesn't penetrate or hit any second target.

Same for Yi passive. Killing big krugs with double strikes and the second strike will sometimes hit nothing, even if there are other target available.


The most annoying bug I frequently encounter is the one where yone's 3rd q charge sometimes doesn't have an indicator, or even has one but it disappeares before the charge runs out. It happens at least a few times every game where there is a yone and is close to game breaking. Been in the game since yone release i'm pretty sure (but certainly for months now)


Ive seen in one of my Morgana games that if you E yourself on an enemy crab vision radius, sometimes it bugs out and makes you become visible to the enemy all game. Its fairly annoying to be fair, imagina playing with a constant twisted Fate R over you


Champions with death passives like Kog'Maw, Karthus, and even old Zyra still leave an area on the ground where they die unable to be clicked on. Yup, Zyra's old passive makes her leave an area on the ground unclickable even if she no longer has it. Sion doesn't do this, I'm pretty sure.


Bugs not fixed still :
Yorick multiple ults, Tahm yeeting people into the void if dying right when he eats them, nunu snowballs never visually despawning, when someone takes a red buff from an ally then uses it on you the red damage gives them an assist on your death and you can see it on the death recap


There is also a very long heimer bug where the turrets start to fire on an enemy from outrange, it doesn't do damage, but it can show where the guy is
