Friday Night Funkin' VS Sonic.EXE - Way Too Many Troubles | Final Triple Trouble (FNF Mod/Sonic)

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VS Sonic.EXE 3.0 Mod Download | Vs Sonic.EXE 2.5 / 3.0 INCOMPLETE OFFICIAL RELEASE:

Game Note by Don Ark: I have been working on this mod for 5 months, I hope you like it and enjoy it!

Way Too Many Troubles | Triple Trouble Mashup Credit:

00:00 Preview
00:32 Menu
00:35 Message
00:46 Way Too Many Troubles
00:49 Tails
01:30 Victim 1
02:35 Xenophanes
03:02 Knuckles
03:41 Victim 2
04:48 Faker
05:54 Black Sun
06:49 Dialogues (I'm not sonic)
06:54 Dr. Eggman
07:52 Victim 3
08:49 Metal Sonic
09:01 Metal Sonic Malfunction
09:24 Back to normal
09:34 Xenophanes
11:09 Xeno Vs Majin Sonic
12:39 Dialogues (It's settled then!)
12:49 Sonic and BF have a meeting
13:36 Xenophanes summons ring
13:57 Xenophanes breaks reality
15:32 Lord X
17:04 Sunky
18:17 Tails Doll
19:21 Fleetway Sonic
19:33 Super BF vs All Exes
21:18 Xenophanes vs Super Boyfriend (Final Trouble)
23:01 Outro - CommunityGame

Too Many Troubles:
Four Way Fracture:
Triple Trouble: [Remastered]:
Crystalline Chaos:
Penta Peril:
Fatal Finale:

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FNF VS Secret History Tails | There's Something About Amy DEMO

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Friday Night Funkin' gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2023)
#FridayNightFunkin #VsSONICEXE #Sonic #Creepypasta #CommunityGame
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Hey! Thank you for playing mi mod
I hope you like it and enjoyed it :D


There has to be a moment where exe gets tired, bro has been going on for like 2 years now with the same motif while singing with no mic, mhes gotta have a sore throat at least.


A 23 minute Song? That’s insane! I can only imagine the amount of fingers that are gonna break from this one song alone.


Damn, 23 minutes? I'm stunned, but It was worth sitting through! It's cool seeing all the exes and characters from the mod getting a turn to sing this time, and even better? BF going super! Now that's something I've always wanted to see more of!


Man, the pixel art of this mod looks amazing, for a 23 min playable song it’s simply cool.


“until next time frend :D”
*“fuck off.”*
such good friends :DD


After seeing the 20-something-minute Friday Night Blading song, I did not think there’d be a song that could be able to compete with it. Now that Too Many Troubles is here… I’m simultaneously impressed and out of words to describe it. How are people able to make songs this long?


I like how super bf’s voice is a little different then normal bfs voice


21:06I feel that in this part everyone is hopeful for the defeat of xenophanes Only Eggman is like saying "you only have one chance, it won't be easy to defeat him but you will do it"


6:55 CommunityGame, you're cracking me up with "Do I look like Sonic to you?"


This mod is simply AMAZING! I love it and seeing Faker in here makes me glad that people still know him. Boyfriend going super was awesome and unexpected lol.


I love on how it used custom sprites instead of pre-existing ones! Those will always be my favorite type of mods.


BF is both incredibly luck and unlucky
Like he gets caught by the worst situation as possible but still manages to come out on top


I love how this mod really brought back the nostalgia that is sonic.exe v2, that mod really impacted the fnf community, as we know it today, and to still see sonic.exe v2 in 2023, that warms my heart!
I also love how they made Xenophanes in this mod, a relentless killer who will see his victim's death to the end.
Thanks for playing Community!


Really adoring the pixel art and music in this. The fact that this is 23 minutes long was indeed quite a surprise, but was still very enjoyable. Just another well done Sonic.EXE mod.


It's about time this got playable and I'm more happy they made custom pixel art for it, this looks sick


The part were majin comes in unexpected yet gives a vibe


00:00 Preview
00:32 Menu
00:35 Message
00:46 Way Too Many Troubles
00:49 Tails
01:30 Victim 1
02:09 Tails.exe
02:35 Xenophanes
03:02 Knuckles
03:41 Victim 2
04:08 Knuckles.exe
04:48 Faker
05:54 Black Sun
06:49 Dialogues (I'm not sonic)
06:54 Dr. Eggman
07:52 Victim 3
08:15 Eggman.exe
08:49 Metal Sonic
09:01 Metal Sonic Malfunction
09:24 Back to normal
09:34 Xenophanes
11:09 Xeno Vs Majin Sonic
12:39 Dialogues (It's settled then!)
12:49 Sonic and BF have a meeting
13:36 Xenophanes summons ring
13:57 Xenophanes breaks reality
15:32 Lord X
17:04 Sunky
18:17 Tails Doll
19:21 Fleetway Sonic
19:33 Super BF vs All Exes
21:18 Xenophanes vs Super Boyfriend (Final Trouble)
23:01 Outro


I’m less impressed by the mashup of previous Triple Trouble remixes (Melancholia, Penta Peril, Four Way Fracture, etc) and more impressed by the stellar sprite work. They all look really good!


Fun Fact: There's a Triple Trouble version of 2 hours of song and it's called Final Fatal Fight but I think there's not a mod about it
