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#selfhealers, little by little we will work to make these videos of the highest quality! Baby steps. I hope you enjoy this one. This message is SO real + so important. All the love, Nicole


In my mid-20s. Currently in a quarter-life crisis. It’s made me extremely depressed and anxious as I’ve compare myself endlessly. This video is perfect timing 🙌


I really appreciate this lesson to explain more about the unhelpful messages I tell myself


This video's timing is just impecable. I was unemployed for 14 months after graduating. After dozens of applications and no response, my anxiety sky rocketted, questioning myself and comparing to others. Now I'm at my first job 2 months in, I thought my anxiety and panic attacks will go away slowly, but no, it went up instead. With the amount of work that I'm put into, anxiety keeps getting worse, overthinking, stressing myself out to the point that I keep forgetting the little things at work. It is one hurdle after another. Just by seeing this video made me feel a little better. Thank you.


Im 25, single and been at the same job for 3 years. Ive made attempts to move on to another job but found myself going back to square 1. Ive thought about getting my education (took 1 year of college but had to drop out due to personal issues) but ive hesitated with the idea since i still* dont know what exactly i can commit to as a profession. I feel so behind when i see my friends getting married or succeeding in their dream jobs while im like wtf am i doing im still a kid inside. I wont say i havent learned anything valuable as i think ive experienced a variety of things in my life to date, but i do feel that nagging pressure of where im going and what im really meant to do here. Especially as i fall asleep at night i feel it strongly and cant relax. I know theres no need to compare yet i still fall into that habit of anxiety and especially during this time of uncertainty theres an added weight.

"Im right where i need to be" is a very positive message, hard to hear it that way these days but i try to keep it in mind. I count my blessings and try to adult as best i can regardless.


Perfect timing! I ended up in the hospital last month and it was traumatic. I lost my full time job and I just felt like I lost myself. I couldn’t stop comparing myself to others. I’m finally accepting this is all a part of my journey and I can go at my own pace. I’m starting to work again, but part time to first day at a local cafe is this week. It’s not my “dream job”, but it’s a job that is lower stress and is perfect for me as I recover and find myself again. I felt pressure to find a “real job” and I’ve realized there’s no rush, I’m where I need to be now. Thanks!




I love the message of you're right where you need to be. I'm so struggling with anger in my healing work. Im turning 40 in a couple of months and I'm angry about the time lost in trauma from childhood and all the time lost of trying to heal from said trauma.


Very critical message to understand. Once we determine to “wake up, ” our cunning ego turns it —waking up— into just another milestone we “need” to achieve; which is an impossible task from the perspective of the mind. We’re already complete... we’re already whole....we just don’t realize it. It’s as if the ego already understands this but knows if we (whoever that might be) figure it out, he’ll be done with. The truth of the matter is that the ego is as much a part of us as anything else....just playing a different role. We’re all the same thing. It’s a crazy game, so, as Alan Watts suggest, let’s learn to enjoy the ride!


ego is so sweet. Poor thing takes our conditioning as a basis, measures the greatest possibility and tells us by comparison that it's impossible for you, don't attend that event. Even creates anxiety and depression, just to keep us safe and still. Thank you for your safety. ❤️✨


I am perfectly in my place. I feel the sting of inadequacy for procrastinating too much but there is hope. There is something I can cling to and that is my willingness to move forward. I am making progress little by little. 

I actually saw the title of the video on my feed earlier and I ignored it then I randomly remembered the title and thought to myself "yeah, as long as I the drive and willingness to show up for myself no matter the resistance in me, I'll be fine"


“ I am not showing up enough” to “you are right where you need to be” 👍🏽
Our 🌿 journeys are NOT meant to be the same. Just observe your ego stories and gently pay attention to your breath. The less attention you give these stories, the more you will keep showing up for yourself 👌🏽


Can I cry now? This is a very wonderful reminder to reassure my low self esteem right now. Thank you so much Nicole ♥️


This is such an important message to hold onto when in the midst of what feels like, a tornado of negative thoughts. Many times I have turned the thumbscrews on myself by being drawn into comparisons. Such thinking only ever took me to dark places.

To help me, I have mantra cards I use to pull me back from the dark. I wrote a phrase (possibly picked it up from somewhere else) which helps steady myself when in the grip of these feelings and thoughts - "One more step can change the whole view."

The overwhelm can be like the monster casting it's shadow on the wall, it looms big ready to devour, however the shadow is an illusion. The reality is, what casts the shadow to intimidate us is often not as big & bad as we fear.

Much love to you all.


Such an important reminder... I've been really down lately because of this. Not an excuse to stop working and progressing, but a very important reminder that as long as you're doing your best you're perfect in this moment ❤️


I received notification for this video as it was going online but I didn't look it right away.

Tonight I happened to "complete" the move in, back to my parents'house after the failure of my relationship.
I feel good here and I'm approaching the idea of staying a little longer than I imagined, at least until it's clear "where" I want to go next in my life. Sadly I feel like my two bigger brothers aren't happy about this, as they already have their own families and I, the little child, still get to appreciate our parents' love from a privileged position.
There are a million reasons to admit this is not true; but the point is, I just noticed this video of yours that I forgot to check.
As you can imagine, it is incredibly helpful to hear those words of yours in such a moment like this one...

So, I want to thank you from the deep of my heart: you succeeded in being EXACTLY where I needed you to be ;)


I watched this 4 times to keep integrating this message. Thank you. It can be really hard to accept when you are a childhood abuse survivor (because of grief) but it makes sense given what you shared. Thank you!-Sunny ☀️ 💜🌈


"It's about showing up each and every day." Thank you for this! :)


Thank you 🤎 My life has been an endless cycle of comparison 🙄 it's nice to have this reminder of the tools we have at our disposal ✨


It's true no matter where you go...there you are
