All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies at Once. POWERFUL 10 Minutes Emotional Cleanse & Cell Regeneration.
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Experience all 9 solfeggio frequencies at once and its healing power with only 10 minutes of your day.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla
Listen to these healing sounds to boost your emotional and physical health effortlessly.
Powerful frequencies for complete cell regeneration. Included hypnotic video effect by fixing your eyes into the center of the screen to lower your mental activity.
Solfeggio frequencies also knows as miracle tone are 9 different frequencies in sound that resonance with the human body .
174 Hz : Relieves Pain & Stress
285 Hz : Heals Tissues & Organs
396 Hz : Eliminates Fear
417 Hz : Wipes out Negativity
528 Hz : Repairs DNA, Brings Positive Transformation
639 Hz : Brings Love & Compassion in Life
741 Hz : Detoxifies Cells & Organs
852 Hz : Awakens Intuition, Raises Energy at Cellular Level
963 Hz : Connects to Higher Self. Creates room for oneness and unity. Known as “The frequency of the Gods”.
Incorporating frequency healing into your self-care routine can improve your daily life in a wide variety of ways. Here are some of the ways sound frequency healing can benefit your health:
- Reduction of stress: Listening to higher frequency audio tapes can fill the listener with a calming peace and reduce feelings of built-up frustration or stress. Stress reduction associated with sound healing is amplified when used in conjunction with sitting meditation and other mindfulness exercises.
- Reduction of pain: Because actively listening to music can lower your perception of pain, sound healing therapies can lessen a patient’s dependence on painkillers and other medications for the reduction of pain. Some frequencies are also thought to actively combat pain in suffering people and promote the healing of injuries.
- Spiritual development: Many frequencies of sound are associated with enlightenment and the activation of parts of the brain associated with spirituality. These frequencies can be used together alongside other rituals to develop a deeper overall spiritual practice.
- Promote healthy relationships: Several frequencies in sound healing are specifically designed to promote feelings of well-being and goodwill towards others, making them an effective form of therapy for those who are feeling frustrated with other people or emotional withdrawal from them.
- Emotional catharsis: Listening to powerful music as a form of sound therapy can stimulate strong emotional responses, which can then create positive changes in body chemistry. For people who otherwise have a difficult time tapping into their emotional reservoirs, music therapy can help dissolve those emotional blockages.
- Better sleep: Many forms of sound therapy are used for those who are trying to get a good night’s sleep, especially in environments that contain a lot of low-frequency ambient noise that can create auditory distress. High-frequency white noise can provide a soothing background frequency to block lower frequency noises and promote sound sleeping patterns and better sleep hygiene.
- Promote spiritual awareness: Starting up a practice of sound therapy doesn’t just offer the momentary benefits of listening to the sounds—the act of sound therapy itself makes the listener more aware of their spiritual well-being and promotes the adoption of other spiritual practices. This can lead to an overall increase in happiness and spiritual awareness.
- Freedom from headaches: Not only does music therapy help people to have better control over their pain management in response to a migraine, but it also caused them to have fewer migraines throughout the course of a month.
Even if you’re a person who adheres to traditional Western medical practices, there is no harm in adding a frequency healing regimen to your current meditation practices to see if you notice any tangible effects on your psychological and physical well-being. Who knows? You might come across a form of therapy that positively impacts the rest of your life.
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285 hz pure tone,
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393 hz,2
85 hz frequency,
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