Effective Prayer - RC Sproul - James 5:16

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The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much (James 5:16)

Now more than ever, we need solid Biblical teaching from men who have demonstrated a sound godly character in both their teaching and personal lives.

R.C. Sproul is a giant in expounding and explaining the infallible truth of God as faithfully recorded by the Holy Spirit in the written word of the Bible - about our great salvation in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

These snippets from his teaching and sermons provide spiritual nourishment to build us up in our most holy faith while we wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads us to eternal life.

R.C. Sproul was the founder and chairman of Ligonier Ministries in proclaiming, teaching, and defending the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible; and to equip Christians to articulate what they believe, why they believe it, how to live it, and how to share it.

I hope this is a blessing…

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My God sees my God hears and my God acts because of His Love and Mercy


If you believed because of your parents, you never really believed.


Another reason I left the bs story book. I believed the nonsense for 50 years because of my parents. Then I read Luke 12:51 and got married and realized it is the only accurate thing jesus said that he came to divide. I am loyal to my wife and I don't blame her, I blame God's evil and the lie about women being a "weaker sex" after I got married I discovered my wife kicks my butt in everything athletic regardless of what I do. Women being degraded in the ancient story book written and assembled by humans is yet another reason I left and no longer believe in invisible spirits with love. Also God needlessly punishes innocent animals and children every single day. God either does not exist or is evil
