Starting Warhammer with Gloomspite Gitz

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The Gloomspite Gitz have a new battletome. But does it make sense for a new player? Drake and I get into it.
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My son is 18 but we are working on getting his first army, Gitz, together for him.


I picked up the army under the old tome, and it was an absolute slog to win with. It is nice to be able to field a lot of units and have them all be a threat these days. I really like that each of the armies in the book (outside of spiders) works well together without losing a lot of fire power from being in their own subfaction.


Spider riders (oldish from 2006?) and scuttle boss (still resin cast) should be the next Gitz models that get a update. Personally I think GW shouldn’t have brought back wolves because do we REALLY need a 5th sub faction and they don’t really fit the Gloomspite look anymore. Wolf riders fit better in old Warhammer Fantasy Orcs+Goblins. I know I would’ve preferred new Spiders and Scuttleboss over wolves…and that’s why I haven’t bought them. Arachnarok is a good model so when I finish my Troggoths and Squigs I’ll be getting a few of those.

My personal ranking of liking the sub factions:
Squigs > Troggoths > Goblins > Spiders
Gloomspite was my first AoS army.
