Getting Start With Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition: Gloomspite Gitz - Squigs

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Looking to get into Warhammer and these caught my eye instantly. I'm sad to hear they are not the most competitive, however they look very fun and I think I'll be starting with them


I knew back in the 90's when I saw my first night goblin that if I ever got into fantasy they would be my army. I finally pulled the trigger last year and I probably have at least 4k points of them now, got my grot and Troggs now I'm working on more squigs and spiders


I started my 750 with Loonboss on Giant Squig, fungoid shaman, 2x herd as battleline and 2x boingrot bounderz. Lots of fun to paint, but were lacking a punchy unit. The bounderz were decent on the charge but not great. I like your list more


Since I have a lot of squigs and trolls, I of course decided that a giant would be the best combination! So my Jaws of Mork have Loonboss on mangler as well as skagrott with squig lure and hand of gork. Then I have 3x 10 squig hoppers and 2x 10 bouncers, and big drogg fort kicka! Skagrott makes the squig a run and charge either with lure or the moon, as well as being an excellent character sniper, and the hoppers jump over units to give them MW but not engage and the bounders charge together with the loonboss on manglers! :) quite fun, 150 wounds and a lot of potential mw, no 5-0 but maybe a solid 3-2 or 4-1 in the right hands!


Personally I like the FW variant on loonboss on cave squig but hell they are both cool and worth buying!


Nice video mate, such a funny army! Almost tempted to get some.
