How to Save your First $10,000 FAST (Guaranteed)

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In this video, I go over how to save your first $10,000 in just 10 easy steps that you can start doing right now. If you do these 10 steps, I guarantee that you'll be able to reach that $10,000 savings level in no time.

Be sure to watch through until the end for a full in-depth explanation on every step you need to take to successfully save your first $10,000. I spent many years after college thinking about everything that had to do with money; saving it, earning it, and making it work for me. I would definitely say that out of all the things I learned, the most important aspect of money is your mindset towards your goal and what you want to use money for.

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If you guys want to learn more about money and finances, be sure to check out my other videos:

My 15 Sources of Income (How I Make $7,619 every 24 hours):

5 Passive Income Ideas that ACTUALLY Work in 2022:

I hope you guys found this video helpful, and if you did please SHARE it with a friend or family member who you think could benefit and also LIKE and subscribe for more videos like this in the future!

Thank you for watching, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day



0:00 - Intro
0:24 - The Mindset
2:00 - Step 1
3:53 - Step 2
5:10 - Step 3
7:11 - Step 4
8:59 - Step 5
11:43 - Step 6
13:54 - Step 7
16:10 - Step 8
17:46 - Step 9
19:30 - Step 10
20:41 - Conclusion

Disclaimer: Some of the links above may be affiliate links, which means that if you click on them I may receive a small commission. The commission is paid by the retailers, at no cost to you, and this helps to support our channel and keep our videos free. Thank you!

In addition, I am not a financial advisor. Charlie Chang does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. The ideas presented in this video are for entertainment purposes only. Please do your own due diligence before making any financial decisions.

Рекомендации по теме

If you're on your way to saving your first $10k, I want to say props to you and you're going to get there! These things helped me save my first $10, 000 and I think you'll get a lot of value out of the video.
If you want some free stocks, links are in the description. Have a great day!


All boils down to spending less than you make & not touching it, simple but very hard for many


Nice video but I don't think a $100 per month food budget number is realistic enough.


already have 12k but want my second 10k 😅


Solid video and informative for our times. There really is no magic formula to saving $10k or $100k. It comes down to simply having a healthy relationship with money and a desire to want to lay yourself first over trying to keep up with the Jones’…


Thank you for another great video. One thing I love about your videos is that you're not just sharing generic tips; I literally feel my paradigm on money shifting as I hear you talk about money in percentages, formulas, calculations, etc. I'm learning so much from your philosophy on money! It's so different from the $ convos I grew up on.


Very informative and detailed. I hope many people watch this and help get their finances back on track. :)


Upload the update on the October's stock!


Charlie, not “Save”, but “Allocate” 😊


This is so weird because I already set a plan to save 10k in a year and a lot of these steps I already implemented. But this video was still very helpful and I learned a bit more about budgeting! The reason I'm saving 10k sounds odd to some, but I plan on becoming a professional gambler/ advantaged player at blackjack (and potentially other games). Having a 10k bankroll is a great place to start because it helps to mitigate the risk of ruin that can come from mathematical variance of the game with such a small edge.


I have a question. I think my biggest issue is I have so many business ideas that I bounce around and don’t stick with. I throw something at the wall and if it doesn’t stick or atleast bring SOMETHING in a couple weeks then I move to the next. How do you know when you should stick with an idea or move on?


Invest in Stable Fund or Optimus Money and compound. This is the quickest way in defi.


I can relate with the MacBook Pro best decision 😉👍👌


But Charlie, these dang kids want to get involved in sports and clubs. How do I get them aligned with the family savings goals?


I’m currently using Wealthfront but only as a savings account would closing my normal bank account and using wealth front as my BANKING OPTION checkings and savings be ideal?$


Who can live off $100 a month for food? Are those people eating spaghetti every day? How does a person get their nutrients?


May I not make excuses or try to blame You for my failings or resent trials or discipline You send into my life. Help me to see each test as an opportunity to choose You and to die the more to self. Trusting in Your Spirit working in me to will and do of Your good pleasure, may I find the strength, will, and wisdom to reject sin and choose God. Amen❤️


I noticed on my bank they have some investments. Can you invest $10, $20, I.have paintings but not any good at selling.


<Before you start saving money you need to know the reason you are saving the money and what you want to use it for, I started saving 30% of my salary years ago so that I can use it for an investment in forex trading which I did and now I'm very happy I have made over $375, 000 within the space of one year


I’m 17 with 26k in the bank is that good?
