Luminar Neo HDR Merge - Is it worth a look? PROS and CONS

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Skylum Luminar Neo HDR Merge extension is now available. Is it worth a look and what are the PROS and CONS? Is it better than Lightroom's HDR functionality? What about compared to Aurora HDR 2019? Lets have a look.
You'll also learn how you might already qualify for a FREE copy.
In this video, you'll see how Luminar Neo HDR Merge extension works, how it performs on a portrait HDR and how it compares to Lightroom, as well as Aurora HDR 2019. Which is better?
📢 BUY Luminar Neo HDR Merge Extension
📢 Buy my Luminar Neo course
Do you do HDR photography or want to try it but have hesitated or moved away from it due to the unnatural look of most HDR?
Tell me your thoughts on HDR in general in the comment area below. If you do it, do you prefer natural looking or more of a grunge style?
Want to know more about how to shoot HDR - then check out my HDR course
📢 Table of Contents
0:00 Introduction
0:58 First example of an HDR Merge using Luminar Neo
1:52 Where to find the HDR Merge panel
2:28 Where to find the settings for the HDR Merge
3:02 Where Luminar Neo puts the HDR Merged file
3:17 Result of first example HDR merged photo
4:16 Second example of HDR Merge with Luminar Neo
7:13 Luminar Neo HDR Merge vs Lightroom HDR results
7:39 Aurora HDR 2019 version for comparison
7:59 The PROS of Luminar Neo HDR Merge extension
8:26 Do you qualify to get Luminar Neo HDR Merge for free?
8:51 The CONS of the HDR Merge extension
9:45 How does HDR Merge handle chromatic aberration?
10:29 Where to learn more about HDR photography
10:45 How does Luminar Neo HDR Merge manage portrait HDR?
12:21 How does Lightroom HDR mange the same portrait photo?
13:49 Do you currently do HDR photography yourself?
📢 Buy DPM Products mentioned in video
HDR Masterclass
How to Do HDR Photography the RIGHT way!
📷 Amazon Resources (affiliate links)
Luminar Neo Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
📷 Related Videos to Watch
Luminar Neo Layers Tutorial
Luminar Neo Dodge & Burn HACK
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Photography Basics for Beginners:
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Darlene Hildebrandt is a Skylum Software Ambassador:
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Digital Photo Mentor may be an affiliate for products that we recommend. If you purchase those items through these links, Digital Photo Mentor will earn a commission. All efforts are made to ensure that affiliate links are disclosed in accordance with the FTC. I am an Amazon associate. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. You will not pay more when buying a product through these links.
#LuminarNeo #LuminarNeoHDRMerge #HDRmerge
You'll also learn how you might already qualify for a FREE copy.
In this video, you'll see how Luminar Neo HDR Merge extension works, how it performs on a portrait HDR and how it compares to Lightroom, as well as Aurora HDR 2019. Which is better?
📢 BUY Luminar Neo HDR Merge Extension
📢 Buy my Luminar Neo course
Do you do HDR photography or want to try it but have hesitated or moved away from it due to the unnatural look of most HDR?
Tell me your thoughts on HDR in general in the comment area below. If you do it, do you prefer natural looking or more of a grunge style?
Want to know more about how to shoot HDR - then check out my HDR course
📢 Table of Contents
0:00 Introduction
0:58 First example of an HDR Merge using Luminar Neo
1:52 Where to find the HDR Merge panel
2:28 Where to find the settings for the HDR Merge
3:02 Where Luminar Neo puts the HDR Merged file
3:17 Result of first example HDR merged photo
4:16 Second example of HDR Merge with Luminar Neo
7:13 Luminar Neo HDR Merge vs Lightroom HDR results
7:39 Aurora HDR 2019 version for comparison
7:59 The PROS of Luminar Neo HDR Merge extension
8:26 Do you qualify to get Luminar Neo HDR Merge for free?
8:51 The CONS of the HDR Merge extension
9:45 How does HDR Merge handle chromatic aberration?
10:29 Where to learn more about HDR photography
10:45 How does Luminar Neo HDR Merge manage portrait HDR?
12:21 How does Lightroom HDR mange the same portrait photo?
13:49 Do you currently do HDR photography yourself?
📢 Buy DPM Products mentioned in video
HDR Masterclass
How to Do HDR Photography the RIGHT way!
📷 Amazon Resources (affiliate links)
Luminar Neo Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
📷 Related Videos to Watch
Luminar Neo Layers Tutorial
Luminar Neo Dodge & Burn HACK
Learn more about photo editing
Expand your photography knowledge by enrolling in one of our free courses:
Photography Basics for Beginners:
Portrait Photography Key Concepts Course:
Darlene Hildebrandt is a Skylum Software Ambassador:
Affiliate Disclosure:
Digital Photo Mentor may be an affiliate for products that we recommend. If you purchase those items through these links, Digital Photo Mentor will earn a commission. All efforts are made to ensure that affiliate links are disclosed in accordance with the FTC. I am an Amazon associate. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. You will not pay more when buying a product through these links.
#LuminarNeo #LuminarNeoHDRMerge #HDRmerge