The True Meaning of Nietzsche's Eternal Recurrence of the Same

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What does Amor Fati really mean? Does it just mean to accept our fates and be stoic? Or is there something else at stake? Time itself and its movement are at stake when we understand that amor fati is deeply connected to the eternal recurrence of the same.

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Copyright: Johannes Achill Niederhauser
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I feel like I've been here before, and I'll be here again.


I believe that eerie feeling we call deja vu or that we’ve dreamt an experience before it happened, is perhaps just this. When Plato says we remember when we learn, he is saying we are waking up to things we already know but forgot.


"To love is neither to like or dislike, it is an altered state of consciousness". G. I. Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff and Ouspensky took it up from where Nietzsche left off. Took it to another level. In search of the miraculous indeed


I've been thinking about this thought for a long time and I didn't understandt it very well because I've never thought about "life" in itself and temporality and The human experience that way, until your videos opened my eyes to what's "Being and Time" all about and all I can say now I'm "a live" and I'm able to appreciate every moment of "life", Thank you very much Johannes.


Thank you so much. I am horrified of death but you just calmed me down with this lecture. Thank you 😭


This is my first time here on this channel, the show Dark on Netflix led me here, and I'm surprised and awakened by the clarity- almost felt like I have been initiated into something greater than me. Thank you so much!


7:20 - 7:43
That was a very brave and very true statement. Well done.


I had this experience where i felt all of the versions of self spread across different realities and universes had aligned into one and i felt all experiences from all these versions of self. i was caught in a limbo state where all was existing at once. I felt that every wrong doing or experience i had, not just affected me on this plane of existence but the existence of all versions of self, like a connected web. i was shown that my choices not only effect this world but the next in this eternal cycle of life that is coexisting around me. much like my dreaming world where the bridge to these different realities exist from past and future, but hardly ever my waking present. i was shown the need to align all of self; imagine a row boat with 20 versions of self paddling. and ask yourself what direction you are going? circles? or a common direction?.
there was this feeling of oneness to everything, like every song and every bit of architecture or literature that has been, I had a part in creating. It did not feel like i was on a guided rail, but choice in fate truly does exist, but the ultimate goal will lead to the same place, which is the fate which i speak of. how we get there is up to the cosmic traveler..

My belief system sometimes feels contradictory to these philosophical views, from monism, to dualism and Amor Fati type philosophies, i feel they are all part of the same story, just told differently.
i hold a deep connection to all, and without this experience i had i would not be here in the first place. life is beautiful, the journey is chaos...beautiful chaos.


Brother that movie was a starting point for me I just discovered nietchtze? And amor fati I was ecstatic I had these thoughts but was able to flesh them out with this new info I thought I had come up with a new thing but it is as old as humanity!! Loved your video please don't stop !!!!


A really fascinating interpretation of eternal return. I enjoyed the mention of Heidegger and agree that the eternal recurrence is interesting when considered in light of Heidegger's work on the imagination and time in his study of Kant. You seemed to allude to how a materialistic view of the person is nihilistic - I would have liked to hear more about that, most definitely! I really enjoyed the video, thank you.


wouldn't that mean that our life is like a movie and all we can do is watch? every action, every thought, every decision will happen automatic sort of ? if you know what i mean


Thanks for saying it...WE ARE LIVING IN have guts and dignity, you indeed offer a way forward...PHILOSOPHY!


Glad that i find this Channel. Now and always.


I got led to the idea of the eternal return by a video game, actually. I was playing the game Dragon's Dogma, and when I looked at one of the songs in the soundtrack, Eternal Return, I accidentaly stumbled onto the wiki page for Friedrich Nietzsche. After reading it, I noticed that the game itself seemed to be inspired by the concept, with the main character becoming a sort of superhuman (being called Arisen, as if he has ascended, even being called "Kakusha" in the Japanese release, which means "awakened one"), and a repeating story in the second playthrough with a twist at the end (if you are playing offline, that is), proving that your last playthrough has happened before the current one.


Love this explanation, reminds me of Scruton's interpretation of eternal recurrence in the documentary "Of Beauty And Consolation".

I'm also reminded by these beautiful lines from the song "Better Than You" by Swans:
"Close your eyes, touch your mouth in the mirror
That's the wound that is made where the past meets the future"

"And I can see clearly through this veil of reality
And I can remember the feel of your skin
No, you never knew me and you never will
When nothing's there, nothing is concealed"

Thanks for your videos, Johannes. You disclosed things that would have remained forever hidden had I stayed at university and continued with my bullshit "cultural studies" bachelor. All the best


This addresses the conundrum of the fact that you exist now, but you did not before you were born, and you will not after you die. You always have existed, and you always will.


this video is open in a tab, from the past few days...and have been rewatching to completely understand the translation of this idea....and every time I understand something new. Most ideas of this complexity get lost in translation. I think you did a really good job here Sir. Thank you


Good video, can’t wait for me to watch it for infinite lives over!


Thank you so much! This was absolutely brilliant, completely on point. All that is missing is a few more words, a few more synonyms, that try to give some eidos or "shape" to these wordless, silent experiences of the innermost.


I love your explanation. I will suggest though, that deep truths have layers of meaning, so instead of saying, so categorically, what eternal recurrence is not, to instead point out what it also is, or, what it is at a deeper level. It takes one to no one, my passion gets the best of me sometimes and I do the same thing! 😊
