How To BYPASS Your AC Compressor - Dorman Parts Kit - 88-98 OBS Chevy GMC | 8K

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In this video, we'll show you how to bypass your vehicle's AC compressor for less than $50. This simple repair will save you money and keep your vehicle running smoothly.

If you're experiencing issues with your vehicle's AC compressor, then this is the video for you! Don't spend another day worrying about your AC compressor – get started today with this simple repair!

Bypassing your ac compressor is very easy. Ac compressors can be very complex for a beginner and also expensive. This repair can buy you time to the next season or just simply get you running again.

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This is an extremally detailed video of how to remove & replace your ac compressor with a Dorman bypass pulley. I purposely didn't trim out a bunch of video so you wouldn't miss a thing. This engine specific is a 5.7 V8 OBS 1991 Chevy. The method that I use in this video can be applied to any vehicle with the modifications of your setup vs mine. All tools and supplies used in this video are linked down below. 👇

This is the Pulley I used in this video for the Bypass:
👉 Dorman A/C Compressor Bypass Pulley 34152

👉 Serpentine Belt Removal Tool:

👉 Tool Set 60 Piece:

👉 Screwdriver Set:

👉 Black Electric Tape:

👉 Black Nitrile Gloves:

👉 Blue Loctite:

👉 Pliers:

👉 Crescent Wrench:

👉 Microfiber Towel:

👉 Bailing Wire:

👉 Zip Ties:

👉 Shop Towels:

👉 88-98 OBS Chevy / GMC Playlist

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#airconditioner #diy #howto
Рекомендации по теме

Put one on today hardest part was getting old compressor off. The clutch on it had seized and shredded serpentine belt, it went on to easy. Was at parts store and tried telling them what i wanted and they couldnt find it in computer till i showed them your video and they got part number off box they typed it in and bingo there it was, thanks a lot.


Thank you for taking the time to film. Mine is making a ton of noise and i just dont need AC when the top is off my K5 almost all the time.


What a great video! I wasn't really interested in learning how to bypass my A/C compressor, but I was interested in learning how to replace it. Your video did a great job of showing me exactly what I need to do to accomplish that on my 1995 GMC Sierra K1500. I also have to replace the water pump on it. But I figure as long as I'm doing that, I might as well replace the compressor too. By doing both jobs myself, I'm going to save about $600. Thanks so much! — Richie


Dont waste your money renting that belt tool in the future.
Thanks for the video


Hvac tech here just electrical tape tf our the Linesets coming from the comp to prevent moisture the bag and rag would add or trap more than anything


Instead of using baler wire. Heavy duty zip ties would probably work better. Great video, I'm getting ready to do this to my 94 K2500.


I will use this info thanks
Building a ratrod on my channel with S10 chassis swap and ditching the AC


Beautiful video thank you so much .God bless.


How is the part working today? I have heard negative things about the bypass pulley but I would be curious to hear your opinion.


really good video showing everything, but why not just keep it on until you replace it? was it broke and the pulley not spinning?


Doorman makes an ac bypass pulley like this but with three bolt holes. Are you sure this two hole version is the right part?


Question. Do you use the Dorman part #34152 pulley bypass part and if so what did you do about the one large hole and one small hole on the new part? I watched one YouTube video where the man had to drill one of the holes out to accomodate the larger bolts. Did you have to do that too and if not then which Dorman pulley sytem did you use? Also, You need to be aware of the 34224 part has a larger pulley (5.0 inches) and I think that one is for the V-6 motors and the 34152 part has a smaller pulley at 4.33 inches. What has everyone else done to remedy this problem? I think I am going to try the 34152 part for my 1988 Chevy K1500 4WD with a 5.7L motor and pray. Lol. But I would appreciate some feedback here please. Thanks!


Will this work on a 2001 Chevy suburban? We don’t even use the AC and the compressor replacement is expensive! Figured we could bypass it doing this instead!


What size belt do I need to bypass my ac compressor on my 2007 bmw 328xi😊


just buy the belt without the A/C. Save me money and time. Autozone or advance auto parts should have the smaller belt for your vehicle without the a/c. Worked great for me.


My srt charger was making the same squealing noise.


I bought a 1994 chevy k1500.
It already has the ac bypass, however the belt is off by 1/2. How to fix?
I have a YouTube short showing it


Have a ? I put a compressor on and when I was putting freon in the unit when its running is it supposed to so hot when I'm running the ac because the compressor was really hot is that normal?


134 is not illegal to vent lol thats why you can buy it at the store. It'll burn the you know what out of you so make sure it's drained!


What did you do with the electrical connections?
