Beginners Guide to Finding a Perfect Settlement | No Man's Sky Frontiers 2021 Gameplay

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This is the beginners guide to finding a perfect settlement in No Man's Sky Frontiers. This guide is to help new players find the perfect settlement in No Man's Sky, including all the steps to build an Economy Scanner, buying a settlement map and becoming overseer of your perfect settlement.

More About No Man's Sky:

Inspired by the adventure and imagination that we love from classic science-fiction, No Man's Sky presents you with a galaxy to explore, filled with unique planets and lifeforms, and constant danger and action.

In No Man's Sky, every star is the light of a distant sun, each orbited by planets filled with life, and you can go to any of them you choose. Fly smoothly from deep space to planetary surfaces, with no loading screens, and no limits. In this infinite procedurally generated universe, you'll discover places and creatures that no other players have seen before - and perhaps never will again.

Play with all 17 major updates since launch: Foundation, Pathfinder, Atlas Rises, NEXT, The Abyss, Visions, the 2.0 BEYOND update, Synthesis, Living Ship, Exo Mech, Desolation, Origins, Next Generation, Pet Companion, Expeditions, Prisms and Frontiers!

An epic voyage to the center of a shared universe awaits, allowing you to explore, trade, fight and survive alone or with friends.

At the center of the galaxy lies a irresistible pulse which draws you on a journey towards it to learn the true nature of the cosmos. But, facing hostile creatures and fierce pirates, you'll know that death comes at a cost, and survival will be down to the choices you make over how you upgrade your ship, your weapon and suit.

Your voyage through No Man's Sky is up to you. Will you be a fighter, preying on the weak and taking their riches, or taking out pirates for their bounties? Power is yours if you upgrade your ship for speed and weaponry.

Or a trader? Find rich resources on forgotten worlds and exploit them for the highest prices. Invest in more cargo space and you'll reap huge rewards.

Or perhaps an explorer? Go beyond the known frontier and discover places and things that no one has ever seen before. Upgrade your engines to jump ever farther, and strengthen your suit for survival in toxic environments that would kill the unwary.

The galaxy in No Man's Sky is a living, breathing place. Trade convoys travel between stars, factions vie for territory, pirates hunt the unwary, and the police are ever watching. Every other player lives in the same galaxy, and you can choose to share your discoveries with them on a map that spans known space. Perhaps you will see the results of their actions as well as your own...

0:00 - Intro
0:30 - How to Get the Economy Scanner
2:30 - Building the Economy Scanner
3:36 - How to Find Wiring Loom
5:12 - How to Get Settlement Maps
6:40 - How to Find a Trade Outpost
7:44 - Finding Curiosity Trade Commodities
9:10 - How to Find the Perfect Settlement
12:35 - How to Claim a Settlement
17:35 - Building the Overseer's Office
18:13 - Channel Producers

#NoMansSky2021 #NoMansSkyUpdate
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i really want them to allow you to have more settlements, at least more than one

My first settlement i hated at first, it was in a hot planet with constant extreme storms, was in a buggy area that made the settlement spawn basically INSIDE a hill area, creating a square shaped crater in the middle of it and it was near constantly being attacked by sentinels. I was like "why the fuck did yall decided to build a settlement in the most inhospitable place possible". I named it Cesspool and kept on with it because i didnt knew you could switch.

Over time i started warming up to it, it was a gek settlement(my favorite npc race) and i was slowly investing more into it, building stuff, getting to know the npcs, their routines, resolving their disputes, etc.

Nowdays it is a nice settlement, making much more than the maintnence cost and the sentinel attacks went down to nearly none. I installed an augment on my exosuit to handle heat resistance and now i can shrug off even the storms there.

I renamed it to a more decent name "Crater Falls" and named the planet "Burning Hope" i love them now and could never abandon them to die there, because i know that in a place like that, they wouldnt survive without me. But sometimes i wish i could have a settlement elsewhere, like in a less hostile planet.

I am aware that it is just a game, but i am a person that likes to play for the roleplay aspect of it, so yes, this is a big deal for me :(


I like how you, as an established player, make mistakes that I can actually learn from. Not just telling us the mistakes, but actually making them. I can definitely appreciate that!


It would be really cool if once you've established a settlement and it started making profit if you could sell it off for some profit as well as a permanent buff towards future settlements kind of like creating a trade Network between town


I just started playing NMS and have about 76 hours right now and I have to say your videos are absolutely amazing. You find yourself needing help in this game and there are a ton of vids out there with people making content on how to, but yours are at another level. It's inspiring to see since I'm trying g to get a YouTube channel going. Thank you so much for all of the time and effort you put in to making all the truly amazing content.


If your map does not work the first time. Use a signal booster first then use the map. 60% of the time it works every time.


Jason, you 'can't' get a settlement on an airless planet.


I'd make a small change to one tip, dont auto save, but have a portable save unit and make a manual one. This will prevent any accidental jump in and out of ships or anything that makes autos and could accidentally override the previous autosave. Furthermore, a manual save lets me check out the settlement on the planet I'm on first and if I don't like the stats I can reload my Manual save. This frees up the ability to fly to the settlements if they are far away.


After 5 years, I've bought and tried every type of ship(s). I've settled on a totaly white inside and out, living ship. With one little exception, I LOVE IT! The issue I have is, one cannot insert the economy scanner.


I love your work and how in-depth are you talking about everything. I had to wait like 3 days for the patch to come out cause i was stuck in the "no more decisions" bug. Now that is fixed i can finally create my dream settlement!


I know this is an older video by now but I always wondered how to get a settlement on a specific planet. thanks for sharing the info on what to do!


I just recently found a beautiful settlement that was surrounded by mountains with a tunnle cutting through them that went straight to a trade outpost, its a B and the productivity is 100k less than the maintenance cost but idc imma grind this settlement because it is above perfect


Still one of the best settlement intos.
Main item of note is that settlements never cost you credits, they have their own separate bank account, but they will ask during a building creation for some of the weirder resources that can only be refined (via anomaly bought recipes that may need several hundred pant resources per item), not bought.

I highly recommend having a base or freighter with a garden n the long term.


I always feel like I'm listening to a football game announcer when I watch your videos! 😂👍 Informative and entertaining 🔥


I've just recently returned after a long break and didn't even know about settlements.
I responded to the distress call (which probably came after a multiple of 5 warps because I came out into a pirate battle, too), landed and decided I could deal with it later.
But after that I started seeing the settlement icon on a planet in nearly every system I visited.
So yeah, once the mission is activated, you can take your time and be choosy. I picked one on a nice lush planet...
The only prep you really need is a weapon to deal with the scripted sentinel attacks.


I have played this game… for nearly 2 years… and never knew you could scan for trade areas like that. 🤯


When you get another settlement, does your previous settlement remain with any upgrades you put on it?. And it would be really cool if this benefited on the systems trading network


Just got back into NMS after a year break, instantly came back to your videos for a refresher. I appreciate your hard work! Been a subscriber for almost a year and a half!


Just started playing and honestly best way to make money I found was sitting at the nexus and random people gifting me stuff that's worth millions for no reason all, I was there maybe 5 mins, had to go do something in another room and came back and my inventory was full of stuff, went and sold it all and made a billion units, I was so shook haha


One thing that I found that helped out really well is also go for a smaller system of planets go to a two Planet system and try and find a nice planet to set up on and you will have a stronger chance of getting your settlement on a paradise planet or otherwise better habitability.


Lately, I've been building a massive base on a paradise planet I found near the center of the Euclid galaxy. I've been watching your videos to decide what my next project would be after. I got a settlement a while back and kinda hate it. I'll definitely be using this as a reference to replacement it.