Breaking Bad Universe Every Named Character Death

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Had a lot of fun making this. I've been on a bit of a loss of motivation on editing the full Star Wars named vehicle thing (very repetitive) but I'll get back on that I feel comfortable doing so. I am nearly done with it so it shouldn't be too long, but I will be making more non-Star Wars content in the future
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Q: Where are the two drug dealers Walter killed?
A: They were unnamed
Q: Who is Isaacson?
A: Isaacson was a man who died of a heart attack sometime before 1993 who was mentioned in case law that only exists in the Breaking Bad universe, "Isaacson v. Vakarian Holdings". This is mentioned in the BCS episode, "Pinata"
Q: Who is Alan?
A: Alan was the husband of Anita, the woman Mike met at the support group. He presumably died in 1995 after going missing on a hiking trip.
Q: Who is Dog Paulson:
A: Dog was a man killed by Tuco Salamanca while on a drug induced state of mind in 1998.
Q: What is the music used in the off-screen deaths:
A: It is called "Disassemble", it is the music used when Drew Sharp's body is being dissolved.


The ambience for the people who died without a scene makes this video so damn eerie


The transition from fat Todd to normal Todd is still too funny


Howard’s death still haunts me today. He did not deserve that. He wasn’t a perfect guy, but he certainly wasn’t evil. I really felt bad for him after Chuck’s death.


The picture of Jesse with his aunt makes me a little sad. His life wasn’t perfect but it wasn’t ruined either. He still had one family member that doesn’t hate him that much. You can see they were happy


Gus had such a badass death. Bro REFUSED to die in the same room as Hector.


Funny how there's a four-year gap where nothing significant happens and nobody dies.


Technically Lydia would have died after Walter, he died shortly after speaking to her on the phone, she could have had another couple of days.


The fact that Steve Gomez dies off screen will always sting for me. Like we don't even see the killing blow, we just see he's dead when we cut back to them... that stung deeper than any of the other kills honestly.


Nirvana: we need an album cover

Some random baby: 9:53


Gale’s death is the saddest to me because he is begging for his life and the person who kills him REALLY does not even want to.


This video is so creepy with the people who didn’t have a death scene


9:53 Unsupervised 2 y/o at the pool be like


I think Lydia died a few days after September 7th, 2010 because in El Camino, after Walt died, she was confirmed to be in "critical condition", but not dead yet. So, she most likely died between September 8th-10th.


0:47 that’s got to be messed up. Mother only mentions his brother’s name then just dies….


Can we all agree on giving Gus' death the gold medal for the most iconic Death in the whole series precisely because of its unlikeliness to occur in real life?


11:39 to 12:36. Here's the information on Mike's 10 men killed during this scene:
01. Dan Wachsberger; the lawyer hired by Mike to defend the other 9 men & was making drops of hazard pay money to keep their silence. Also, if you watch the behind the scenes for this episode it's revealed that Dan is talking to his own lawyer about his wife & kids before he gets stabbed.
02. Ron Forenall; Madrigal warehouse foreman who supplied chemicals to Gus' meth empire & Lydia turned over to police in Fifty-One.
03. Andrew Holt; enforcer for Gus that appeared in Problem Dog & was mentioned by Dennis in Hazard Pay.
04. Jack McGann; enforcer for Gus.
05. Isaac Conley; enforcer for Gus.
06. Harris Boivin; enforcer for Gus that was sent to kill Walt & his family in Face Off.
07. Raymond Martinez; enforcer for Gus that was sent to kill Walt & his family in Face Off.
08. Anthony Perez; enforcer for Gus that was mentioned by Dennis in Hazard Pay.
09. William Moniz; enforcer for Gus. Also, if you watch the behind the scenes for this episode it's revealed that his actor did the stunt of being thrown off the balcony & landed on a pile of cardboard boxes.
10. Dennis Markowski; manager of Gus' laundromat where the lab was in the basement that let Gomez investigate in End Times & was told by Mike his wife would get his hazard pay money.
The prison killings are inspired by the baptism scene in The Godfather where the 5 rival gang leaders are killed on orders by Michael while here the 10 witnesses are killed by Jack's men on orders by Walt.


Interesting how Walt murders Mike a single day shy of exactly one year after his murder of Krazy-8, it's crazy seeing how much he's changed in only a year, from his first (direct) kill to one of his last (excluding the prison hits and Felina)


I love the fact that if Walt never got into the drug life then the DEA would've never taken down Gus or the cartel


Hello from the past to those millions who are about to watch this video across the years.
