3 Ways To Tell If She's Into You

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3 Ways To Tell If She's Into You! This method is from my favorite dating coach Dr. Glover! I love his work and i've seen it work.

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"Get to rejection quickly" - such good advice. Stop wasting time trying to be the nice guy. 💯


Hi Sarah, I see just one hurdle in your advice. Touching her in any way! These days, as you know, with the metoo stuff etc.., only (literally have been there couple of times) being in the vicinity of a woman can trigger her to "feel unsave" or "harassed" ! Let alone (accidently) touching her in any form! That hurdle is very much the whole problem to date! So, as long as women can destroy a man in that incredible easy way, I ain't coming near a woman other then business related and at least with one or more witnesses nearby to counter any probable accusations! But, in a "normal" society and sane people around, your tips are quite on spot I think! 👌🙏


The problem some guys have with touch is not necessarily being touched. Many of us grew up around mother groups that would just jump in and adjust your clothing or other necessary activity that we didn’t think strange. The problem is feeling unsure and awkward about touching other people. Especially women. Developing a proper handshake was hard for me, and touching shoulders was something I really struggled with as I climbed the management chain. Current societal nonsense isn’t making overcoming these challenges any easier.


Hug a coworker? Hahaa! No! I like my job, and don't like being accused of sexual harassment. But I love your video, thank you.


I would reverse those numbers, try it's more like 80% that wont like a man to be dominant, leader based, and everything that is positive masculinity because they'll call it "toxic" however they cant explain what "toxic" masculinity is. The other 20% that are acceptable to the man leading and being who men should be are women overseas, like Russia in places, or the Philippines, or China, places like that are where the TRUE traditional women are.
I'm going to get alot of negative feedback from this however, in the world we live in today in the United States women truly believe and I'll say 80% of them are mouthy, no respect (unless it's for themselves) disrespectful towards men who try to open doors for them, and the list can go on. It's why me as a guy I set boundaries and rules and most women like my family are offended by this mindset. Why, because women have been taught and indoctrinated to believe that men should be submissive to them and not the other way around. I've seen this pretty often to know what I'm talking about. Men who are married have no say in the marriage and when the wife snaps her fingers they come running. That is bad behavior men are the leaders and not the submissive ones.
Now I'll get asked what would make a relationship great and to make it work, well this is how. Men lead and they set rules and boundaries, men provide, protect, and everything else that is required of him. Women submissive, know how to follow the man's lead, not fight him for being dominate, respect the guy regardless, doesnt flirt or talk with other men while in a relationship (unless its work related) cook, clean, laundry take care of her man in every way.
Now you all will say that sounds like I want a slave, no it's called respect for each other and its traditional views and values and most people in the United States dont have those values anymore. Here are some actual facts to back up what I say, women initiate divorce 80% of the time, take 50% to 100% of the man's money, his cars (if he has multiple) his house or houses depending on how many he owns, takes the kids from him, so when a guy sets boundaries and rules down that sounds like "slavery" to you all then that's because we were taught that it's a happy wife happy life. Wrong, its happy man, happy woman, happy life, think about it why is it when a man comes home pissed off the girlfriend/wife automatically leaves him alone depending on how pissed off he is, however, when the girlfriend/wife gets home pissed the guy wont be bothered by it and let her go calm down if he is smart enough.


The only point I disagree with is that if I make a suggestion for a place and/or time and it doesn’t suit her I don’t offer a second choice I simply put the ball in her court and say “why don’t you suggest something”.


“Self-confidence, self worth, approaching from a healed place.”

Well I’m screwed 😔


If I have to “test”, I’m not interested. 🙂


Way one: is she still there? Is she present? Then she's into me.
That's my test. If I wasn't into her, I'd not be there. Easy.


I like this channel. Sarah really spells things out for guys, in a language that’s easy to understand.


If her legs are on your shoulders she’s definitely into you and your into her 🤪


I very much enjoy your advice and tips. I’m 62 and my wife just passed away and I’m trying to figure out how to do this again


Step 1 is actually a loaded thing in the eyes of the law. Though a man may not technically done nothing wrong touching a merely touching without prior permission equals sexual harrassment or sexual assault charges and ends a mans life.


The problem guys have with touch is being sued, fired, and thrown in jail


I am kind of shocked about tip 1 and so i stoptted watching further. In this day and age this tip can be a straight to jail card for a man. (ot at least a loose your job and life card).
Lady you may have good intentions, but you seem unaware of how life and the world are for man in the western world.


Star signs serve me no purpose. I'm a Virgo, as a man. Guess that made me entirely undesirable on that front, because there's a serious negative attitude towards Virgo. The other problem for me is touch, not that I'm uncomfortable with touching, I'm a snugglebug, I get called a teddy bear. But I still remember being investigated for inappropriate behavior because I touched a girl, that was older than me, on the shoulder/upper arm. I thankfully didn't receive unjust punishment for that, but that taught me that touching a girl AT ALL is a bad move early on.


I do not know why these videos started popping up in my feed. But let me tell you what happens, as men get a little older: We don't care anymore. As the kids say, the "script flips" and ownership of "the prize" changes hands.

Sure, everything you are saying we learned when we were kids. We had to, There was no choice. But somewhere around our late 40s, we realize that no matter what level of expertise we bring to the field, when women run out of things to complain about, when we become absolute masters at working the Rube Goldberg machine of their emotions...they just start making new sh__ up in their heads to complain about, and it just isn't worth keeping up with it the way it used to be. And then, amazingly, we find out that they get a LOT easier to procure and manage than they were back when we were kids and still trying. What they really wanted, all along, was for us to not give a sh__.

It's weird, but I promise you, young men, it is true.

All of this here, is just an intended means to a goal for women. The goal is to be in charge of as monopolistic supply situation where you become a marionette because they control the supply of But when they achieve their goal, they will never respect you and then they will start to make your life a living hell. It is a fact of life, and here at 53...men my age are all onto it.

No, what you need to do is understand that supply is far from limited. Indeed, half of the human population has a warehouse full of the product. You can get that product from a nearly limitless list of suppliers, and until you start making that very clear, you will never have peace.

Make it clear to her that she does not have a corner on the market, that half of the world has the same product, and that if she wants YOU to accept her stock exclusively that she needs to start selling YOU on why her product is better than anyone else's. And when she scoffs...give her the old Marcus Aurelius and walk away (with no fear, mind you, remembering what I said about the world supply availability). Do as I say, and watch what starts to happen.

You learn this as you grow older, and this becomes a "want" whereas it was an absolute need when you were 20. But as you get through that door, you learn that had you only been able to act as if you didn't need it back when you did, you'd have had more than you could handle all along.

Or you can listen to this lady, but young men believe what I tell you here: You will never...EVER...reach the bottom of the well of trying to give women what they say/think they want. RIGHT NOW, the girl you think you are doing all of this for spends her every waking moment coming up with new sh__ she can make you do, because you already bore her.


"If you have an impulse to touch, then do it." lol No way this advice can backfire in any way.


They love the silver silver bullet remote control


Good advice, but tread very carefully when teasing women. It can be like walking through a minefield.
