Lucien and Inigo Talk About Self-Doubt - Fully Voiced by Smartbluecat - Skyrim Mods

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Another new conversation between Lucien and Inigo added in v1.6.0, all about confidence and doubt!

Lucien Flavius is an immersive male custom-voiced follower mod for the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, with over 5000 lines of lore-friendly dialogue. He's an Imperial academic with a passion for science and adventure, and though he arrives in Skyrim as a cowardly scholar, he'll gradually gain strength and confidence by your side until he grows into a hero in his own right.

Inigo is a fully voiced Khajiit adventuring companion with over 7000 lines of unique dialogue - much of it about you. He'll level alongside you and avoid most traps. If you're sneaking he won't chatter and he'll whisper if you talk to him. He can run out of arrows. He's highly skilled in archery, one-handed, and sneak.

As of Lucien v1.6.0, the two of them are excellent friends and have over 70 unique conversations to have with each other. All you need to do is have them both installed and recruited at the same time, and they'll start chatting. Enjoy!

#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse
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The fact they keep using 'Julian' and 'Indigo' when talking to each other is fantastic and hilarious. Nice touch.


This whole conversation is so doubtlessly wholesome.


This Conversation is great but the one that cracked me up is when inigo asks Lucien if he has someone special in his life


This conversation has a philosophical tone that I think is nice, and has a good message. Acknowledge your doubts - wether internal or external - but don’t let them rule your life. If you don’t have doubts, you don’t know yourself or what your options are.


Without these 2 theres no playtrough for me


Honestly the back and forth of these two is adorable


I love them both so much and would never go on an adventure without both of them, but Inigo has a deeper place in my heart because childhood, and also Any Thoughts button. PLEASE GIVE LUCIEN A THOUGHTS BUTTON JOSEPH I BEG YOU I’D LOVE THAT SO MUCH


It’s impossible for me to play without these two. Every playthrough, I need them lol. Love them so much, their personalities and their interactions with each other. Thanks for blessing us with this fantastic content


Amazing! I have to say, Even with mods like Inigo, Sofia, Caesia, Hoth etc, Juli-erm Lucien has to be my favorite! You have done such an amazing job bringing him to life and are such an inspiration to the modding community! Thank you so much for giving us such an amazing mod and a even better friend


Lucien reminds me so much of Dorian Pavus from Dragon Age inquisition lmao. That’s why I love him so much


I've recently downloaded Lucien and added him to my party and I got to say I'm loving him already, keep up the good work good sir


In my own personal opinion: very wise and inspiring words to live by.


Thank you Joseph and SBC 'Smart Blue Cat' (idk his realy name)
I can't begin to explain in word on how much this means to a personal level, unfortunately I'm not quite a author nor master of writing so I can't really go in depths explaing why this means so much to me without sounding like a blabbering child. But truly know that it does, it plucked a heartstring and brought much joy and calm to me during a very difficult time in my life, so thank you, thank you so very much for all the work you do as well as the time and effort. Your absolutely rocking it! Keep the good work up!


Hearing these interactions are so fricken cute! This makes me want to continue my skyrim story and add them in. Of course I won't without permission from the creators of course.


Lucien is the kinda guy I'd rib for being such a ponce, but behind his back I'd endlessly praisw his bravery.


I played already 800 hours with Inigo, it's one of the most greateast follower but I know him too well know... I wish Lucien had this kind of line with a follower that is his total opposite.
But i don't even think a "brutish" follower with enough lines exist though.


There’s no way this could actually be implemented because there’s no reason to player would see it, but it would be cool to see a conversation between them while the player is reading a black book in a trance


Can Lucien Flavius live with the Player.


Is there any behind-the-scenes reason for the Julian and Indigo joke? Did you keep on saying Indigo while voicing lines? (because I know when I first got Inigo I did say that on accident)


Lucian is growing on me.... hate his voice... but he's such a good fit with inigo..
