Sofia Is a Great Addition to Your Playthrough || Inspiration Adoration #shorts

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Welcome to Inspiration Adoration, a series of shorts introducing a character, setting, or another aspect of a story I love and have been inspired by. Perhaps this will also create some interest in you, and help inspire you for your writing!

This episode features the Sofia Follower Mod from the RPG The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.



Music by Riot games, used under their creator-safe guidelines.
Track used: Dragon Trainer Tristana

#Skyrim #TheElderScrolls #TheElderScrollsVSkyrim #TESV #Inigo
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Sophia is fun for a while and some comic relief. As a follower, she seems to wander like a teenager with ADHD. I found myself having to teleport her often. She is good in combat when she is actually by your side. I prefer Serana with the dialog mod for her. That turns out to be a great love story filled with adventure and some good humor. Imagine the conversations generated if Inigo, Serana, and Sophia are together in the same room?


She’s the kind of follower u get bored of after few hours


Sofia is a fun and vibe to hang around with. She has lines for most places, people, and quests. Its silly so many complain about jokes and her sense of humor.


Inigo, Lucien, and Sofia all followed me my last playthrough. Not a single dull moment.


She was my girl until Serana showed up


Inigo, Auri and Lucien have banter between all 3. best trio to have, Lucien can be the mage, Inigo the warrior, and Auri the archer


A follower mod that i love that nobody seems to talk about is the rieckling follower mod redcap hes adorable funny but in a goofy way. Hes a must have for my playthroughs


She's a lot of fun to adventure with, but I got tired of constantly shooting arrows into the back of her head when she would suddenly teleport right in front of me the moment I fired at an enemy. There's no sneak attacking when she's around. She Leroy Jenkins' every encounter.


Okay, now hear me out
the whiterun guard, Jesper, looks like a lot of fun to adventure with


I enjoy this follower named Tania the Hermit. She si a short petite japanese follower fully voiced in japanese. She talks to you during your travels and even giggles at some of the stuff she says. Ive never understood a word she says and maybe thats why I like her. I beats listening to the same lines over and over.


Lucien auri and inigo really made all my playthrough like im there with them yknow


Sofia is a great follower, just not for me. But I think that's the beauty of giving an actual personality to a character: some will love it, some won't.


My fav mod follower. Cause you can turn her into any class you want. Always make her a sexy barbarian❤


Inigo, Lucien, Sofia and Hoth, the best squad


In my Skyrim fanfic, to make Sofia more care-able, I added a conflict; she and the Dragonborn were former lovers until he turned to a life of Thievery with Inigo, and she took to alcohol to cope. Hence why she says, “Oh! It’s you!” At the beginning.

In my story, the closer they grow, the more conflicted their relationship. So how do they fix it? They partake in a drinking contest with Sanguine, who inadvertently fixed their bond through mad merriment. After Ancano’s defeat, she confesses her rekindled love for the Dragonborn.

Sadly, she is slain by Alduin atop the throat of the world, just like Gormlaith long ago, history repeats. Brokenhearted, Inigo comforts him in his darkest hour.

Having defeated Alduin in Sovngarde, Sofia strikes the killing blow as payback, and reconciles with the dragonborn, promising they’ll meet again.

Thus end’s the story.


I always make sure those 2 are in my mod list. There's no way I'm leaving playing without Inigo and Sofia is annoying but useful.


Sofia's jokes are all xxx joke
Serana found them quite offended


I use her infinite inventory as my personal bank, and take her along for horror quest mods. I don't have a definitive party. With definitive party I mean a party of 4 followers and my pc: 1 tank; usually Kaidan; 1 healer; usually Celestine, but I'm looking forward for a healer with an actual personality; 3 damage dealer; my Dragonborn and followers like Sofia, Inigo, Gore, Lucien, Nessa, Astrid (I actually never played her, but I will in my next run), etc...yeah, I want pretty much a D&D party.


My crew is a discount of Hawke and friends from Kirkwall 😂😂😂


Currently using Sophia, Inigo, and Recorder in my recent playthrough.
