What Changed?

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I said I wouldn't get chickens again, so what changed?!
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I am 65 years old. Have had chickens and guard geese all of my life. Love my chickens.


*That's great to hear.*
*This is how ketosis worked for me.*
*Since I've been on keto for two years, I no longer have to take my blood pressure pills, *
*I've lost a lot of weight, I don't have insulin resistance, and I have more energy.*
*The appearance of the skin has improved, the hair does not fall out.*
*It's definitely better and I'm happy that I'm on keto.*


I thought my chicken coop build was overkill, but your chicken pagoda is like a chicken palace! Yeah when you raise your own you know what the quality of food is, having access to grass free ranging and bugs and quality grains makes for huge yolks high in omegas and great taste!


I have been on carnivore diet for 14 months now, The Best decision for my health! Make sure you get your daughters to eat more animal meat based meals…lower the carbs! Makes a big difference! It can be trying at times, but so worth it! May God continue to shine His light upon you, your wife & daughters! 🙏🏻🥩👍🏻


That chicken coop is a work of art. You must take a lot of pride in your craftsmanship. Worthy build to say the least.


I was at the extreme end of Hypertension and a little over a year ago, I switched to a Carnivore diet. I was off my BP meds in just over a week, also wiped out an autoimmune disorder I had suffered with for over 10 years.

I'm 60 and I haven't ever felt this good. The bonus weight loss and muscle tone/growth has to be seen to be believed. Cheers and good health to you and your family, Shawn.


Chicken coop, that is not a chicken coop. That is art work, architecture looks like something from a fairy tale. Great job.


Aroha from New Zealand🐥 As an avid bantam-aunty, so glad to see chickens “gracing” your self-resilience🐣 I have just started making bio-char in simple metal can retorts, in my woodburner - it works! When activated, this is charcoal-gold, keeps on delivering micro organisms back to gardens for years. And you are sitting on a goldmine of wood for bio-char making (in your idle moments🤣). Gratitude for your channels, they got me and my vagus nerve through the tough NZ lock-downs and go freedom convoys/protests! 🤞🌹🙏


Wow I haven’t seen that Volcanic Ash bag in years. I used to freelance for them and actually designed that entire bag, artwork and everything else on it. Neat surprise! Good luck Shawn


If chickens could write you would be getting tenant resumes from across Canada to live in that castle, hell, I'd live in there.


Be sure you put your fencing deep into the ground so that predators cannot dig under the fencing...i had to part with my hens when a weasel set up shop under my coop. they can wipe out your whole flock in a day. Good luck Sean!


Simple life Alaska has some great suggestions for chicken food! Also to keep egg production optimal they have a heater that burns one gallon a day! Something to think about Shawn


I really enjoy watching just about every video you put up! Adapting is how everyone ended up being here.. imagine what our families in the last 200 or 300 years had to do to make it possible for all of us!! Adapting is huge!!! Thank you..🌸


That is the most beautiful chicken coop that I have ever, ever seen!


66 yrs old and just ordered AG1 perhaps when it kicks in I will feel like riding bike again. The pedal type. I work full time in a paper warehouse so I get a lot of lifting but no energy when I get home. Thanks for your review I trust you and I bet I'm not alone on that. That's the fanciest looking chicken coop I have ever seen. Thanks again for all the videos


Shawn your transformation is obvious. Well done. I started the carnivore diet 3 weeks ago and trimmed off 12 pounds in that time. My visceral fat has diminished, liver mound almost gone, face thinner and my mind much clearer. Cut booze out and just on meat and eggs.


Another influencer going for AG1...
wonder what the alternatives are for this over-priced marketing machine company.


One of the reasons I enjoy your videos so much is that it is rare that I don't learn something new. It looks like your chicken coop is going to be a work of art! Can't wait to see the finished building. 🐔


So we have 200 hens on pasture. Over 400 feet from the house in mobile tractors with flexinet moveable solar electric fence. Biggest loss can be from raptors. 2 or 3 roosters with the hens really help. When they see a bird overhead the roosters put out a call and you can see all the hens run to be under the chicken tractors. The rooster guards save us lots of birds. Ditto with the bears and bobcats. Roosters let the hens know when danger is present. There is a purpose for all animals in nature, including the good old rooster.


I think it’s freaking fantastic that you have learned so much about nutrient rich foods, and your new way of eating has helped you so much, more people should do that, and I’m interested in getting AG1, I would also like to eat better. My BP is high, along with my cholesterol. It’s time to make a change. Thanks for very good advice!
