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Many women don't know what men want and that makes it challenging for them to get the guy. In this relationship advice for women, I want you to understand men and know what men want so that you can make him like you and make him love you. As a dating coach and a relationship expert, I want you to make him love you the correct way, if you watch the whole video you will learn how to get the guy and be able to get the guy you want.

I want you to embrace this dating advice for women so that you can understand men and be able to know exactly what men want. If you follow these four easy steps and take this dating advice seriously you will definitely know how to attract men and it will be quite easy for you to get the guy you want.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this relationship advice for women video helpful and that you will receive the guy you want, the man who is truly best for you.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Easy steps to get any guy you want today
- Get the guy
- Get the guy you want
- How to get the guy
- Online dating
- Online dating tips
- How to attract men
- Make him love you
- Understand men
- What men want
- Relationship advice
- Relationship advice for women
- Dating tips
- Tips for women
- Dating tips for women
- Dating coach
- Dating coach for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my dating advice for women video The 4 EASY STEPS To Get Any Guy YOU WANT TODAY! | Stephan Speaks

#GetTheGuy #GetTheGuyYouWant #UnderstandMen #HowToAttractMen #OnlineDating #DatingAdvice #RelationshipAdvice #RelationshipAdviceForWomen #DatingCoach #StephanSpeaks
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I dated a guy that decided to end things bec i never have and never will have premarital sex. He really liked the way i am and my looks but he told me that he needs a "normal relationship". He really liked me but i let him go. No begging or crying. I just let him go. I went into zero contact. I know my worth and i know that women like me are not common. I prayed about this situation bec im christian. Months later hes back! He told me he always had those feelings for me and wants to try things again. Lets see how it goes! Im praying about it. Even if it doest work out, he saw my value and confidence and thats already great! Whether its him or another man i know im a high value woman yay!🙂🙂🙂


• Confidence by not internalizing negative past relationship experiences
• Attentiveness
• Associating with low quality men, be selective for quality men
• Have a sense of humor
• Putting effort into yourself physically
• Be feminine, exude that comfortable energy around men
• Don't be a pushover or door mat. Set boundaries on how they treat you, stand up for yourself when necessary

• Be his peace & calmness
• Be loving & positive to him
• Find out his specific needs & desires & give that to him (without compromising your values)
• Taking care of yourself


High quality woman =woman willing to walk away when not treated right!🙂


“We don’t wait, we prepare to receive.” -Stephan Labossiere That is so very good!


I find when I am attentive and thoughtful, it's never reciprocated but instead taken advantage of.


Limit texting and seeing them, especially in the beginning. Be unattached and ask questions where possible. Don’t hold back but know your boundaries!!!


Learning how to be alone and happy.

One of the things I've learned to master. I have been single for 5 years now. Been in a place where the absence of a partner does not make me feel insignificant is the greatest feeling ever. It has taught me so many things about myself, what I want from a relationship, the type of man I like and what my needs are. Investing in myself has really been the best thing I've done. I have a higher self-worth knowing what I have to offer in a relationship and the things I deserve from it.

I have also learned that it is more important to be single than being in a relationship. The person we are in our singleness is the person we bring into the relationship/marriage.


Wow! He said: “Create the habits that help you remain confident” ... I’m fortified for the rest of the year!


I’m an old white lady and your teachings are universal and have no age limit. Bravo!


@50:00 is where I am. I had to permanently close a relationship of 8 years because it started to develop negative traits in me. I began not to trust almost anybody, myself and men in general. Thank you for the endless lessons and encouragement to want better and to DO BETTER! 🙏🏽


I think there comes a time when people get to the breaking point in their life and say to themselves ....I HAVE HAD ENOUGH .Sad to say, a lot of people don't get there and it's too late for them.Stephan you are always as good as ever in delivering good advice . I am learning even at 61 yrs.Thank you so much


I think it’s very important to be very selective in all the people we associate with, our Lady friends as well.I have found during life people sum us up within a few moments, so if we associate with negative people, it doesn’t take long for that negativity to rub onto us.
Smile and laugh, it is like cat nip, to Men and those we associate with❤️❤️❤️❤️😊😃


my greatest attribute is my attentiveness. i love catering to my mate. though i have done it for the wrong ppl so often. I am the best gift giver because i am so attentive.


This is not for a guy who is not for you, this is for a guy who absolutely loves you but has simply falled off due to life circumstances. I get that plain and clear! Thank you Stephan Speaks!


I was recently told by a gentlemen I am no longer dating, that I'm "too analytical". He said, "I'm used to a woman being more emotional. You analyze everything first." Talk about shocked! I replied, "I'm not going to feel bad for putting logic before my emotions in most situations. I'm not going to feel bad about being able to analyze my feelings, the actions of others, and see things from another perspective, before articulating my opinion. It took me years and lots of work to get this way. When I have an opinion based on pure emotion, I will tell you there's no logical bases for what I'm about to say or do other than it makes me feel better to make this choice." Never thought I would get dinged for THINKING first. Sigh...


I have to add….. out of all your videos, this video has to be the most valuable one I’ve seen yet. You are so right on!!! TAKE IT FROM ME, DO NOT LET ANYBODY BRING YOU DOWN. WHATEVER SOMEONE SAYS TO YOU TO BRING YOU DOWN BRUSH IT OFF AND BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE THE PROBLEM. NOT YOU !
It’s unbelievable how damaging other’s words can be. I’ve been there and I’ve seen the damage it can cause in me. Now instead of letting their words affect me I pray for them. Because it’s them who are hurting. NOT YOU!!!!
Stephan you have no idea how important this video is going to be to some who hear it. YOU ARE AMAZING Thank you for this video!!!! It is a GEM.
AND I PRAY THE LORD REWARDS YOU ABUNDANTLY FOR BLESSING ALL OF US WITH YOUR WISDOM!!!! There are so many relationship experts on UTube. DONT EVEN GO THERE PEOPLE!!!! STEPHAN IS ALL YOU NEED!!! He is dedicated, spiritual, intelligent, trustworthy & REALLY DOES care about US!!!
I would give this counselor 100 stars if I could.


You saved my life. I no longer want to be carrying that bad energy with Me. You're like a big brother with great advice. 👍


I love dress colorful in dresses, skirts and blouses with pretty sandles, headwraps and jewelry. Along with a smile, laughter, and loving spirit📖👑🙏🏾


Very IMPORTANT! Ladies! We must HEAL...NOT to take TOXIC baggage into the RIGHT relationship! ...God has for you!


9 out of 10 guys are engaging the other women or ignoring their partner, they are creating the insecurity in the RELATIONSHIP, not really creating insecurity in the confident woman. If a man is not treating you well he does not deserve you and God did not send him. There is no competition for who God has meant for you to be with, both are drawn to one another and no one else will satisfy them, everyone else is just a waste of time and a pass time. You will cater to each other.
