The Incredible Bushcraft Usefulness Of Cordage With Toggles

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Learn several very useful hacks, tips or tricks of using cordage with toggles. Once learned, these techniques can be incredibly useful in the woods, around camp or even at home.

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Making And Using A Hot Tipi - Tent

Tarp Tents And Buscrafted Shelters

Hello my name is Lonnie and My wife is Connie.

Here at Far North Bushcraft And Survival you will learn about many long forgotten tricks and tips of the old time woodsmen. Not only will you learn about bushcraft / woodcraft but you will learn many things that will help you to survive in less than ideal "survival" situations as well. Come along and sit with me by the campfire as I delve into these subjects in a way that you can easily learn to then do yourself.

I will show you how to make shelters, gather food, use wild medicines as well as start fires with or without matches, lighters, ferro rods, etc
Рекомендации по теме

Bushcraft Gandalf just referred to Felix Immler as being a 'Wizard'. That's a pretty high compliment from the senior most member of Bushcraft


If I don't learn something each time I watch, I'm doing it wrong! You and Connie are the best! Thank you, and God bless you, both!


This is the best, most complete, up-to-date and comprehensive toggle video out there at this date. Thank you Lonnie, I learned a few new tricks and re-learned some more.
I believe Felix has a PhD in SAKs.


Lonnie, You, my brother, have no idea how much I have wanted exactly this video!!!
I will go back to this video several times till I get these
Knots down!!!
Thank the Lord!!! I will now be
Able to use these knots &
Toggles!!! 😀😁😅


I would purchase a Lonnie coffee cup that said "Put a toggle in it" with his face on it..🏔🌤🌲


You may have had this idea or someone may have already said something. So here it is, you write a book on knots just like you have done here and Connie writes one on her cooking. I try keeping all this in mind and even write it down sometimes but then I forget it or put it in the trash. So you'd be helping me and many many other knuckle heads like myself. With a book I can keep in my pack. Thanks too both of you for the enjoyment I have had over the years. Stay safe.


I began this journey, when I met you on YouTube Mr Lonnie.
From you, begot Blackie Thomas of Shamans Forge, whom begot Shawn Kelly of Corporal's Corner and Felix Immler. All because of YouTube I can finally tie my shoes. Thank you Mr Lonnie, for you're real life adventures with your partner the lovely Miss Connie. She is dynamite, and can cook!


I have followed Felix Immler for quite a while, his tips on sharpening an Axe or Hatchet using a file and a rag blew my mind when I tried it! His accent is heavey but his English has come along ways from two year ago! He is like a big boy scout! He has a lot of fun making his videos too! I think Slyder28 has a great Idea for a mug, or "Hi I'm Lonnie"


Great show of how to use toggles .there's alot of ppl don't use them . They just don't know how . Say hi to Connie pls


Naww, MAN! I asked a moose one time about the Williw bark, and he said he ate it because he had a BAD headache. His wife-moose heard the tail end, and thought he was talkin' 'bout HER. Boy-howdy, did she ever light into that boy moose!!! ✨🤗✨ hee hee

I truly love both you an Connie (sp?). Thanks for what you provide for us, sir. It's mighty fine!_ yes sir, MIGHTY fine!👌💖👌


Simple as a stick & some string. Don't underestimate how helpful this little video has been.


Man I've been watching your channel since well before you grew that magnificent wizard beard and you still make helpful content. I think the first one I saw was of you making your hammock out of ripstop.


Great to hear from you Lonnie, just love your videos, and calm instruction...


You guys are doing great stuff, y'all are definitely ready for shtf scenarios lol


Great tips. I’m gonna pass those on to my grandson who is a bushcrafter. Thanks, Lonnie and Connie.


Love my leatherman. I can do just about anything reasonable with it. Great tips. Blessings to You and Connie. I was hoping for some of that great cooking she does. Peace


During the part of the video when you were using the screwdriver to make the hole in the toggle, you were really boring...
Hey, tomorrow's Father's Day, what better time to do a terrible dad joke?
Happy Father's Day Lonnie!


Hey Lonnie, I like toggles too. I bet that last cinch not with toggle would make a good belt if needed. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a great evening.


Thank you Lonnie and Connie if you're behind the camera. That's a very comprehensive set of instructions. Cheers


rope and knots are so cleaver yet so simple, but only when you know how. thank you from englang.
