Shoulder Reduction Techniques - Teaching Progression, Clinical Example

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This video demonstrates teaching progression from Cunningham to ER to Forward Elevation in a 47 yo patient who fell mountain biking and sustained a primary anterior dislocation. Reduction achieved without any analgesia. Large Hill Sach’s lesion on PR XR.

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As a physical therapist I am impressed with his technique. I never see physicians use any type of manual techniques to reduce pain, It’s great to see.


What an art form that is. Passing on that lesson to another generation, very well done doc.


What a great doctor and teacher. Your bedside manner is what's missing from patient care where doctors are concerned. Excellence at its best.


What a beautiful and calm environment to need help in. Praising him for vocalizing what he needed was amazing. I wish that every single doctors office and emergency room was like this. A lot of us have suffered dearly because it’s not.


I did this on my own, in my room when i had no help to ask for and i was in tremendous pain... the key is to remain calm and not panic


Thank you so much ! Ortho trainee here and I must say you have changed my practice !. Tried using your techniques and advise . Worked as a charm - completely pain free .


Back in 1995 in rural Australia my arm was left paralysed after a dislocation was put back in by a deranged dr. I am ok today and have full use of my arm again but it was a long slow road to recovery. I am glad there are good Dr’s out there now.


I have been through an excrusiating pain today because of this. I was lucky to find a good orthopedist very calm and confident. I had a shot of morphine before he could touch my shoulder... It was such a relief to have both: pain relief and a great doctor.
Keep up with good work
Regards from Brazil


I would want a Canadian doctor any day. (I'm an American) This doctor had the calmest way of teaching and I appreciate that.


What great doctors. I was, alone at home, many years ago, when I tripped an fell twisting my shoulder in such a way that I couldn't use it. It was painful, but not impossible. I knew it was dislocated, if that's the word. The only thing I thought to do was reach over with my other hand and place it close to my body and pull. Not sure why, but it popped and suddenly worked. I could have caused more trouble than help but glad it worked. Glad this worked for this patient too.


Calm visualization works wonders. As a layperson, I use this for numerous physical situations. Mind over body is a powerful thing.


This is so cool to see. The manual manipulation of the dislocation and how it pops back in is impressive ❤


I’ve seen a lot of reductions and they all included lots of medicine and force. This was beautiful.


Wow!! This safed my Bf from going ti the hospital for the thousandth time!! I did exactly what you showed in this video to him and it rolled back in so easy and smooth and we were so relieved we didn’t had to go back again to the hospital! Thank you soo much for this great video!!!


just dislocated my shoulder and popped it back into place with these moves, saved me a trip to the hospital thank you


Nice job Jordan Peterson! You stayed incredibly calm.


Man that was amazing! Will definitely show the rest of my paramedicine class


I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. My internal organs and my joints shred. I spent time at pain and torture, I mean physical therapy today, trying to get my shoulder to quit subluxating and dislocating. I would love to have you come over to my house, and just massage my shoulder every day to prevent the subluxations and dislocations. I am stuck in a recliner 24 hours a day with my joints propped up with pillows because I am much like a Marionette. All kidding aside, I would love to have someone come over and work on my muscles because I wake up sometimes and they’re out of their sockets and I have to do the gentle, breathing manipulation and meditation technique. Good job! God bless you guys!


Man this takes me back! Before I had shoulder surgery I probably dislocated my shoulder 11 times! Got good at popping it back in! The worst was when I slept with my arm up and when I awoke soon as I moved my arm popped right out!


Brings back memories of many years ago. In a span of 3 years, my right shoulder dislocated 5 times; at which time surgery was necessary. This patient is very calm; I was in excruciating pain each time and only found relief the moment the doctor fixed it.
