Europe & China's Brand New Deal: What the Deal Means for Money, Environment & Labour - TLDR News

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While Brexit was taking the spotlight, one other deal seemingly slipped under the radar, a deal between China and the EU. This Investment deal fundamentally changes how the EU and China interact going forward, opening up China to Europe and European businesses. In this video we explain how the deal happened & what it means for business, the enviroment & labour standards.

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4 - EU CAI Investment Factsheet
5 - Dentons “EU FDI screening and its impact on Chinese investments”
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Has the US gratified C087 and C098? Because practically every large corporation fires you if you try to start a union.


Why should the EU have waited for the USA to sync strategies? The US administration hasn't done this either in the past.


Yeah, the US complaining about not being consulted was hilarious to say the least.
EU is, after all, still a different political entity and not the US Vassal states, as much as the US would believe that. Only Great Britain and Poland are these, and gb is pretty much out.


There's no wisdom in signing a contract with someone who benefits from breaking it.


Although I agree with the EU becoming more independent from the US, I don't think China is the partner you want to make a deal with (especially after what happened in 2020) and their record of IP theft is quite terrifying.

Don't believe me?? Check out Saleen and China's collaboration law ( a law that only allows foreign companies access to their market only if they partner with a Chinese company.


All european nations should make themselvs much less dependant on the US. it, s called market diversity and is good for everyone, including the US.


I don't think Biden can be too upset with the EU doing things without America while President Onion was in office.


I guess those condemnations and concerns the EU expressed to China over its treatment of Uighurs and the total destruction of freedoms in Hong Kong including the thousands of arbitrary arrests those rats in police uniforms had done never had any meaning.. As a German myself I really feel ashamed of my country's leader to go ahead with this deal. A deal with a soulless and power hungry dictatorship... I'm really disgusted and saddened about this news.


A lot of people don't seem to notice the hypocrisy in the opinion that "if the EU is promoting democracy, they shouldn't deal with China!“.
Is having an aggressive and a belligerent attitude better? Did we learn nothing from the past 100 years of confrontational wars?
A thing to note that" human rights" and "democracy" mean different things to different people. No sane person in Europe would agree that the US policy in Asia and the Middle East has been anything remotely close to "rights and democracy" while at the same time supporting regimes like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
The world is not that black and white and no system is perfect. At the end of the day it all boils down to business


The EU pretty much just acknowledged China's unequivocal rise to power


Some people shouldn't get ahead of themselves because the attempts of "eradication of forced labour" in this deal are not good enough for them.
We haven't started serious attempts of "eradication of forced labour" in the US yet either.
Things take time.


EU: we need to promote human rights!!! Having a deal with China definitely help promote the message


I don’t know why anyone is still doing business with China


Yes, this is a good deal, and gives Europe more leverage over the US at a time when the US looks to dominate Europe, such as the US telling European nations which countries it can buy oil & gas from. Europe needs to start asserting itself as an independent and sovereign bloc and assert its interests!


EU-Mercosur agreement would be nice, it took 20+ years to get it done.


Imagine investing in slavery and spyware. Oh wait...


You mention "securities." Do we know what these are?

China requires that every company that sets up in China has to take a Chinese business partner on board, who must receive a share in ownership, independent of the nature of the business. So while they may have dropped the majority ownership requirements for Chinese companies in the sectors this applied, they did not waive the requirement altogether.

US reaction:
Sullivan's quick reaction suggests that the US is once again scared that its advantage may at least shrink by virtue of CAI. Plus ça change...


It pretty much levels the playing field with the deal the US had with China, I don't see why the EU had to get approval from the US when the EU is big enough to do it's own thing.

Now don't get me wrong, I do think the EU and US should work together a lot more in the future and coordinate more when it comes to China but the US will likely let this one slide considering the antics of Trump, in other words, Biden needs to repair relations around the world and especially with the EU and China.


President Trump has big brain, sanctioned EU and Indian companies thus souring relations and strengthening China, while also bitching about wanting to stop China. The US and EU needs to be equal allies and we need a federal government and civil culture around support and cooperation in works of democracy and standing against authoritarianism like that of China. Hopefully President Biden and future officials go through with this. American isolationism will only strengthen China and weaken the ideals of democracy. Politics should never overcome respect for one another and a commitment to unity through liberty.


super excited for tldr global. Love all the channels and content
