Sage (Breville) Barista Express Impress Review - Making Espresso

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My second video on the Barista Express Impress from Sage/Breville.
In this video I'm putting it through its paces, making espresso as if I was a first-time espresso machine user.

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0:00 Intro
01:24 Demo
10:39 Conclusion
14:33 Outro
14:56 Tatty Bye

#sage #breville #coffee
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This may be a sweet spot for people who just want great coffee. We’ve had the original double boiler for many years, just one coffee each per day. I learnt how to make coffee with an initial foray into espresso science, set up the machine, and just used it. But while we had coffee better than you could expect from your average cafe or restaurant, it was still quite variable. Only recently did I take the trouble to buy a scale, and that has been a revelation for consistency - obviously! Anyhow, there are a lot of people like me who, yes, are interested in optimising their technique, but don’t make enough coffee, and don’t want to waste so much coffee, to dial in their grind, measure, tamp and extraction to perfection, all at once, and our taste buds would just get confused in the process anyway. A good coffee is sometimes just a good coffee, and if it’s a bit off target, we drink it anyway. If this machine proves to be solid and reliable it will probably be our next one.


I am a relative beginner, but keen to develop some skills. I emailed Kev with questions, he replied quickly and helpfully and gave me a discount code for this machine! I have now watched the videos on this, made a purchase via his link and saved over £100! Thanks so much, Kev! I am excited to get going when this arrives...


I love that it avoids the mess from grinding and tapping your own pucks


I’ve be been using the Barista Express for 4 or 5 years now, but this looks like the sweet spot in the range for me. This is what I’ll replace my Express with when it expires.


Really clear and thorough review. Enjoy your presenting style. Currently in the market for this or the Pro but I think this might be the one for me!


I am the father of coffee 18 grams, extraction 36, and ring control scale and use the double and the degree of grinding coffee The measurements in detail that Barista Express Empress Breville just got from the day A complete and detailed explanation of the gear and types of coffee


Great review Kev, Just used your Black Friday code for a chunky discount and added the coffee/barista discount bundle and got a considerable saving.


I’ve been looking around for something like this and it came to be between the impress or delonghi prestigio. After all the videos I’ve seen, the express impress hands down beat the others. Getting this one for sure.


Great video Kev, thanks for the discount code! Just got one of the Express Impress for £550! Can't wait for it to arrive.


Ive watched a few of your videos now, which have all been really informative and helpful. As a complete novice I think like this looks like the ideal machine for me but the price is still really high. I think probably too late for the party for a discount code so will have to wait until a sale, if there ever is one! I'll keep watching your videos to see if there is anything else similar to this.


Thanks for the discount code and the really informative videos, just bought one and setting it up now.


Great Video Kev, I bought the Bambino Plus on sale, used your discount and got it for £257! Your advice and videos were invaluable for helping me make a decision, when I have more time I might buy the Gaggia Classic Pro and mod it, If I have more money, well I will see what you recommend, but until then the Bambino plus will serve me well. Thanks for all your advice, keep up the good work.


Getting one of these delivered today! My first real coffee machine! Excellent vid and subbed!


Thanks for the great video. MaybI ask you one question. Did you go from grind size 16 to 2 in your video. I couldn’t really follow that. Why not start at 4 instead of 16 (beside the manual says so). 16 would almost always be too coarse, right?


This is exactly what I need at home. At work I do it the old fashioned way with a gaggia.
Thanks for the info and review. I would love it to have a direct water line hook up though. Maybe I can rig up my own!!


While i daily drive a rocket appartamento, credit definitely is given here. That tamp system? Reeeeally slick


hi Kev, Thanks for all the videos - they are very informative. Have bought the Impress and about to begin with it. I have one initial question - Is priming only for first use or do i need to prime each time i make a coffee? Thanks a lot.


This appeals to me as it’s all in one, no fuss, less mess etc. how’s it go for flat whites and caps?


At 9:20 you have grounds built-up in the portafilter along the side furthest from you. I am experiencing the same issue every time I tamp and have to manually knock it off the side wall before tamping a third time. Is this something I need to resolve or is it OK to pull a shot this way?


Just got my Impress and just can’t get enough coffee to come out. Started with grind setting at 16, went all the way to COARSE and still barely get any coffee. Pressure seems fine (bang in the middle), tamper always smiling, water comes out when there’s no basket… just barely any coffee. Any suggestions?
