American Reaction: 16 Things That Are Considered Normal In Other Countries

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You don't need a tv license for each tv in the UK as stated at the beginning. Just one for each household and covers everyone in it. It actually costs £159 a year now. At just over £3 a week and considering we have lots of radio and tv channels including streaming and catch up tv, all without any adverts.I think it is very cheap. Also it covers watching orlistening on any device like computers and phones.


I'm perfectly happy to pay for a TV licence. We get no ads on BBC channels in the UK which is great.


We had a separate tv tax in Sweden. You payed if the house hold had a tv.(you payed same a mount if you had several tvs on) and they had a "tax collector" that did random checks to see if you had a tv. (you are not likley to be checked) It was to rais money to public service radio and tv (goverment owned) But becouse more and more skip tv and watch on the computer they removed the tv tax and implemented a media tax that every one pays even if you dont have a tv o radio. Becouse you can listen/see on the programs on the internet.

We also have a church tax. Its for renovation of old churches and so you can be married and burried. Its a up to you to pay the tax. You can leave the church if you want and then you dont pay tax.


Here's one Tysheen, here in the UK we have milkmen. It's not as common now as all the supermarkets and corner shops sell milk, but my dad still has one! They leave milk on your doorstep about 4am so it's there when you wake up 🤗


My wife is German and when we were living there in the eighties my wife opted out of the "Church Tax". We recieved a couple of letters about their superstitions but that was about all. Apparently one of my wifes friends had more trouble opting out but she was a Catholic over there.


Hi Tysheen, Hello from the UK. At the moment I can buy Oranges at 30p (37 US cents) per Orange. As for the TV licence, yes I pay a TV Licence but that covers the household, so you could have a TV in every room, including the toilet and still only pay for 1 TV licence fee.


He's wrong about the TV licence. You only need one, no matter how many TVs you have. The licence costs about £155 per year and gives you access to all the BBC channels, which are ad free. It funds the making of TV programmes on those channels and it is worth every penny. It's the reason why British TV is better than everyone elses and it's why BBC news is the most trusted in the world.


That fee for public television is all over Europe. I don't mean the EU, but really Europe. And there is also a fee for public radio. You have to pay for this.


We had a similar system in sweden with the tv-license but not for each divice. Thankfully they stopped doing that (a man or woman could suddenly stand outside the door spying on you to see if you had a tv) and now everyone pays with the normal tax and no more problems with that weirdness 🤣


This applies in halls of residence etc not actual homes, I’m talking about residential colleges, training establishments etc


It's not one TV licence per tv but one per house. Most houses have several TV's but only need one licence. It covers all bbc radio as well which is advert free, as is bbc tv.


In a place in Spain they have a festival called "Tomatina" which they throw tomatoes


The statement about the television in the UK is rubbish. It's one licence per household.


That TV license is *dirt* cheap compared to other suppliers (my brother pays some £450/year for his Sky). It also pays for umpteen radio channels and an extensive web site and, what is the best thing about it, _NO effin advertising (on BBC TV and radio channels)._


The bbc has 5 tv channels with no adverts including a news channel. And 6 radio stations, again no adverts. I admit that this model for public service broadcasting may not last much longer as now streaming has arrived the right wing are pushing for the license fee to be scrapped which is sad as they make great programs (especially documentaries.) Not all programing should be made for profit. Some are just in the public interest and educational.


Dane here, we have both church tax and TV license.

The Chuch tax is for the national church. If you're baptised, you're automatically entered and will have to pay the tax when you start working. The money pays for priests' salary and upkeep of the national church buildings, quite a few of which have historic value. In return, if you're a member of the chuch, you don't have to pay for weddings or other ceremonies.

If you don't want to pay, it's fairly easy to opt out.

The TV license pays for DR, which is both TV and radio. They are _obligated_ to present news and such impartially (though as it's humans who're presenting those news, that is not applicable in reality and they are actually a bit left-leaning compared to most other news sources in Denmark). You have to pay for the license whether you make use of it or not, so long as you have _access_ to it, meaning if you have any kind of device that can go on the internet, you must pay it.

Tbh, it's a cheap price (bias not-with-standing) to avoid the situation in the US where every single source of information have a political agenda, if for no other reason than that it sells. I mean, even if I agree with that political agenda, if I'm only ever fed news I already agree with or that I can easily dismiss, I don't know how skewed my world view would get.


I’m Canadian and when I lived in Northern Ontario, we had bags of milk. The idea is that in a large bag, there are 4 very strong bags filled with 1 litre of milk. That way you can buy as much of might use in time between your next shopping trip ( Because some places are farther away from shopping, some people only shop once or twice a month) so the rest of the milk won’t turn sour if refrigerated or frozen.
Since I moved to the south of Ontario, I don’t recall ever seeing the bag system.


I thing with the tv liscence thing that I believe is often missed is the following.

An American plugs in his television and will barely have any channels. They NEED cable of some kind to watch anything. Think cellphone, you need a provider.

You plug in your tv in many European countries and you'll have most channels, paying for additional channels is possible but most don't really bother. I think at one point my parents did 20 years ago but doubt they used it much. Anf of course those free channels include the public one, where most of the money goes to. A channel without adds that isn't concerned about pleasing politicians/sponsors.

The biggest reason for one to pay for channels like in the US imo would be sports but the biggest events are still send out for free.(Belgian national team playing, Grandslams with tennis, Champions league games, Cycling events, etc. etc.). So again most people don't bother.

The people in the UK asking for their money for the liscence are NOT allowed to do jack shit. They'll just hint and threaten a lot, you could 100% ignore them.

As a Belgian where mandatory showing up at the voting is a thing, I was equally shocked when I heard that in some countries they just decide elections without everyone's input.


As others have said. One tv license per house. And the thing with the vans is also not true. The license pays for BBC tv, radio etc so they are advert free


NO No No, it's 1 TV license per household in the UK regardless of the number of TVs
