American Things Europeans Can't Understand (American Reaction)

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Thank you for watching me, a humble American, react to American Things Europeans Can't Understand. This was very fun to watch and interesting. Thanks for subscribing!
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I am always amazed that kinder eggs are illegal in the us because they fear people are to stupid and eat the chocolat with the toy inside it. But almost everyone can have a gun.


If the employer has to make up for the difference between tips and minimum wage, it means you are essentially tipping the company, not the waitress, because you're saving the company from paying wage.


A friend of ours went on a business trip to America. One Evening he decided to go for a walk to the next grocery store. He told us that while enjoying the walk, a police car stopped close to him and asked „ What you are doing?“. He had to explain in detail that he was going for an evening walk🤣


I've visited the US a few times and have to say the food portions caused me huge anxiety. My family weren't wealthy at all growing up so it was drummed into us from an early age not to waste food. The first time I was presented with a plate of food in a US restaurant I freaked out because I knew there was no way I could eat it all


The term "bathroom" in the US means "toilet". In europe "toilet" means "toilet". A bathroom is where there is a bath and a shower.


Why do Americans call a TOILET a BATHROOM when there is no BATH in there ?


UK local newspaper headline, when an artillery round was uncovered on the South coast of England: SHELL FOUND ON BEACH.


In Ireland the government has banned Subway from calling the bread as bread due to the high sugar content being the same as cake


The toilets: I was shocked when I visited NYC. My boyfriend and I were at Olives Garden and I went to the toilets. When I saw them my jaw dropped😅 The doors covered almost nothing. You could nearly see up to the toiletseat. And the doorslit! I could wach people go by and not just seeing their feet. No! I could see their face! And so they could see me, sitting there, peeing in total discomfort. The best part was a little girl (searching for her mom I guess) staring into my cabin.
Really really not wanting this again. Cant understand why they built them like this 😖


Lots of things in the USA tasted unexpectedly sweet when I visited - bread, salad dressings, spaghetti sauces, whipped cream, to name a few - and the desserts are much sweeter than over here in the UK.


What's most hilarious is that Subway bread is classified as cake under Irish law because of the sugar amounts.


The sugar is such a huge problem for me since I do not have a "sweet tooth". When I moved to the US I couldn't even eat tomato sauce it was just too sweet for me. On the bright side we barely ate pre-made food but made everything from scratch so even baked my own bread. I guess that was a healthy way to live


" you have to work at least 40hours a week to have paid vacations. "
me a frenchie who gains 2 and a half day of paid vacations every 3weeks while working 30hours a week : QUOI?!


I don’t understand why a toilet is called a bathroom/restroom. We have bathrooms where one usually go to take a bath/shower.


I was shocked when I was in the USA that peanut butter was sold in such huge containers, it looked like a whole gallon. In Europe, you might find a 500-gram jar of Nutella in the supermarket.
Even a bag of M&Ms in an American supermarket looked like a whole bag of cement you'd get at a European recycling center.


In the UK we are not allowed to advertise prescription drugs on TV.
As a Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, I can tell you that we are nothing like a Homeowners Association. We don't charge people to become members and our local councils look after the areas outside of our home boundaries . We are there to keep a eye on one another and to make sure we are all safe.
In the UK I work part time, 12 hours a week, and I still get paid holidays. Part time employees have the same rights as full time ones. I started my present job in February this year and have 14 days holiday to use before the end of the year( December).
I just checked the list of ingredients on my bread wrapper. Sugar is NOT mentioned at all !
Most public toilets are free, while others you might pay 20pence to use them.


Toilets in germany MUST be free in every restaurant or bar or something like that for the costumers by law. there are minor exception like restaurants in trainstations (Mcdonalds for example)


I'm French, moved to Canada, visited USA too. I always feel like the "small" portions in Canada/USA are the "Extra Large" portions of France. Plus I also feel full way quicker, and have too much energy.
When I eat at McDonalds in France I just order a normal size burger combo. But in north America, I just take one of the mini wraps and call I'm full of energy for the entire day and could even do an all nighter with it.
Also, the bread in north america, I'd call it brioche, cake, pastry, not bread.


“You don’t have to eat it all” so wasting is fine? “You don’t have to order it all” your small is like a large in most European countries


We have drugs commercials here in Poland and I think in other countries too. The difference is those are only over-the-counter drugs or diet supplements. Toilets are free and I've been in Germany many times and have yet to find a toilet that I have to pay to use.