2022 West Point R-Day Class of 2026: 90 Second Goodbyes, Reporting to Cadet in Red Sash, Taking Oath

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On June 27, 2022 the United States Military Academy Class of 2026 arrived at West Point for R-Day.
The 1,200 prospective cadets coming from all 50 states and several allied countries were directed with their family to Eisenhower Hall.
After a brief greeting from a senior officer they were told they had 90 seconds to say their goodbyes, then directed to enter a door that will change their lives for ever.
We followed groups on Cadet cabdidates through various stations where they receive uniforms and equipment, signed contracts and take an oath, then the penultimate "Reporting to Cadet in Red Sash".
Later they were marched by upper classmates instructors onto the famed Plain cheered by family and friends in the stands. The Commandant of Cadets directed the New Cadets to again raise their right hand and take the Oath for a second time on the day.
The Chief of Staff of the Army General James McConville then gave an address recognizing them on,
"Taking a path more challenging then many of your peers".
The New Cadets then begin a grueling six weeks of Cadet Basic Training known as Beast Barracks.
On Monday August 8, the Class of 2026 will complete CBT with the traditional March Back from Camp Buckner being recognized in front of the Superintendent's House. The Class will then present their Class Motto.
On Saturday August 13th the Class will be formally admitted nto the Corps of Cadets at the Acceptance Day Parade. Classes will begin the following week.
Video by Ken Kraetzer of CAMMVETS Media.
The 1,200 prospective cadets coming from all 50 states and several allied countries were directed with their family to Eisenhower Hall.
After a brief greeting from a senior officer they were told they had 90 seconds to say their goodbyes, then directed to enter a door that will change their lives for ever.
We followed groups on Cadet cabdidates through various stations where they receive uniforms and equipment, signed contracts and take an oath, then the penultimate "Reporting to Cadet in Red Sash".
Later they were marched by upper classmates instructors onto the famed Plain cheered by family and friends in the stands. The Commandant of Cadets directed the New Cadets to again raise their right hand and take the Oath for a second time on the day.
The Chief of Staff of the Army General James McConville then gave an address recognizing them on,
"Taking a path more challenging then many of your peers".
The New Cadets then begin a grueling six weeks of Cadet Basic Training known as Beast Barracks.
On Monday August 8, the Class of 2026 will complete CBT with the traditional March Back from Camp Buckner being recognized in front of the Superintendent's House. The Class will then present their Class Motto.
On Saturday August 13th the Class will be formally admitted nto the Corps of Cadets at the Acceptance Day Parade. Classes will begin the following week.
Video by Ken Kraetzer of CAMMVETS Media.