How to Draw a Floorplan and get a 3D picture with SweetHome3D

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This is Home Automation. We’re dealing with a bunch of connected devices in our homes. So it makes sense that one very useful way to interact with those devices is by looking at a picture of the floorplan. The software that I’ve been using for my floorplans is called SweetHome3D. Here’s my simple explanation of how to use it to make nice looking 3d images for your smart home interface.
Sweethome3d is free and available for the major operating systems and there is also an online version.
This won’t be a full tutorial of all the features available in Sweet Home 3D, and that’s because I’m not a SH3d expert. I’ll show you just enough to make a good looking 3d model of your house suitable for framing or for use with Home Assistant.
Start with a sketch or image of your floor plan. Rough or estimated dimensions are good enough.
Draw the walls. You can edit the height or width of walls too, if you want to be more accurate.
Add doors, windows and stairs. You can adjust the size and rotation. You can import more styles if you really want to try and match your house.
Create rooms. You aren’t really drawing anything new in this step, just defining rooms so you can add things like floor and wall colors and textures.
Edit rooms by adding floors and walls. I feel like the selection here is a little limited, but there are probably easy ways to add more types of carpet etc, I just haven’t taken the time to figure out how.
Add lighting. If you want to use the higher end rendering feature then you’ll need to add lighting. It looks really good when you render with the lights, and you can change the image based on the state of the lights (on or off).
Add any more furniture or decorations you want.
Use the Camera icon to render and save a png image of the 3d model. You can adjust the view angle to get exactly what you like.
That’s how I use it for Lovelace. If you’re using it for HA-Floorplan then you can also save as SVG and assign properties to the elements. I haven’t done that, so I don’t know much more about it, except that it’s possible.
That’s it. Now you’ve got a beautiful floorplan ready for your HA interface.