Drinking Water Instead of Soda Will Do This To Your Body

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Do you drink an adequate amount of water every day? Or do you drink soda more than you drink water? Well, it's about time to quit drinking soda and drink more amount of water instead! The benefits of drinking water are many.


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In a nutshell:

Drinking Water Instead of Soda Will Do This To Your Body From helping you to improve your physical performance to improving your energy levels and relieving common illnesses like constipation, headaches, and more, drinking enough water is essential for your overall physical, emotional and psychological well-being. As a natural remedy that helps you lose weight, water has zero calories, sugar, or fat as opposed to drinks like sweetened beverages and alcoholic drinks that are full of calories. When you replace the intake of these sugary and fizzy drinks with water, you are helping boost your metabolism, which, in turn, ensures that you lose weight at a faster rate. Water is also a natural appetite suppressant and various health studies have shown that drinking two glasses of water before meals can help dieters lose more weight.

Drinking too much soda/soft drinks can cause kidney damage. Since kidneys help eliminate toxins and waste from the body, their inability to perform the said function due to high sugar consumption can lead to the accumulation of metabolic waste which can cause a lot of serious health problems. By drinking enough water, your kidneys are able to perform at their maximum helping you flush out toxins from the blood and urine through the bladder, thus helping you keep your body and system clean from the inside out. Consuming large amounts of carbonated drinks (drinks that contain dissolved carbon dioxide) can interfere with calcium absorption, resulting in weak bones and muscles.

Thus, in order to prevent this, it is essential that you severely cut back on soft drinks and energy drinks that contain carbonation and replace these with water. Water helps absorb and retain essential minerals, which, in turn, helps us maintain healthy and strong bones. As such, by keeping yourself well-hydrated, you are able to not only improve your muscles endurance but you are also able to improve your flexibility, which will help you achieve peak performance in all that you do. Over-consumption of these beverages can lead to dehydration and can trigger an imbalance in certain brain chemicals, resulting in issues like depression, poor memory, brain fatigue, and lack of mental clarity.

Also, by ensuring your body is well-hydrated, you are making sure that your brain, which is made up of 80% of water, is able to access the required amount of oxygen which is needed in order for it to function at an optimal level. Metabolism refers to the rate at which your body is able to convert food into energy. Drinking large amounts of sweetened, caffeinated, and carbonated drinks leads to dehydration, which increases the risk of metabolic disorders resulting in weight gain, sugar cravings, lethargy, joint and muscle pains, etc. By replacing these drinks with water, you are able to hydrate your body, thus speeding up your metabolic rate, leading to faster burning of calories.

Plus, water helps regulate and manage blood sugar levels keeping fatigued, lethargy, and sugar cravings at bay which further promotes good health. This helps to flush out toxins and facilitates faster production of blood and muscle cells, providing you with a glowing and healthier skin complexion in a very short span of time. When you cut down on sugary drinks, which offer you no essential nutrients, vitamins, or minerals, and replace them with water you are able to improve your overall general health. Water helps improve blood circulation, digestion, and aids in the greater absorption of essential nutrients, thus preventing muscular cramps, headaches, constipation, kidney stones, and other illnesses.

Excessive consumption of alcohol and fizzy drinks can also lead to hair loss.


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Рекомендации по теме

I was drinking around 6 cans of soda everyday. I was feeling sluggish in the afternoon, gaining weight, 290 at my highest. My memory was also not the greatest. About 3 months ago I finally had enough and quit drinking soda cold Turkey and switched exclusively to water. I am now down 35 pounds, have more energy than ever, I am no longer pre-diabetic, and my blood tests now come back the best they have ever been. I will never go back to soda again!!! It was difficult at the beginning but well worth the effort to stop.


Best choice I ever made in my life. Stopped sugar intake 5 weeks ago only drink water and tea. I have never felt this good ever. No BO, no headaches, more energy, lost 30 pounds, increased mental capacity, softer skin, blemish free, better sleep. 😊


Really didn't realize that water had such a high impact on my body and wellness I would definitely make the change thank you.💯💪🏾🔥👍🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🙏🏾


I used to drink like two cans of soda a day and half a bottle of water. I had some bad memory, and wasn't in a good spot at mental health. Ive started drinking around 2-4 bottles of water (even though that isn't enough) a day, and around one can of soda a week. Every problem shown from drinking a lot of soda is true because 75% of it all happened to me.


I know that drinking water is healthier than soda and I droped drinking soda like 6-7 years ago but recently i was drinking more and more juices or energy drinks than earlier. This video was a nice reminder to stop, thanks!


As someone who has bipolar disorder, I have found that drinking sugary drinks are toxic to my body. When I was drinking soft drinks, I was unstable emotionally, I had poor memory and I felt weak a lot. Switching to drinking only water has made those problems disappear.

I recommend that everyone stop drinking sugary beverages and switch to drinking only water. I think if we did this, a lot of the world’s health problems would be solved.

I drink well over a gallon (or 3 liters) of water per day and it has made a huge difference in my life.


I have been thing about this a lot lately. I am a heavy Dr. Pepper drinker. So it's not easy, but I think about it. This is a very informative video. Almost pervasive. Lol Cross your fingers for me.


ugh i was completely off soda for about 3 months when my girlfriend at the time came home with an ice cold dr. pepper (my favorite soda). she claimed she was “being nice”, , i shouldve had the will power to say no to it, but i drank it and ive been back on the soda since. time to get serious now and quit for real.


I'm the kind of person that when I eat, its a must that I drink a soda. I've tried eating my meals with water but my brain is not having it. So how can I trick my brain into not thinking that it's disgusting to drink water everytime I eat?


i was drinking plenty of water for 50days without soda. I can't believe i have younger skin than my 15years old nephew who always drink sodas and im 28years old already 🤣


I do need to drink more water but I will never stop drinking soda. Water does work miracles.


Its been times when i drank a soda or any other sugary drink and felt terrible i felt bloated sick tired and chest was hurting

I drank some water and i could literally feel the water push all that sugary out the way and i felt like Steve Rogers after the Super Solider serum 😂


I cut out soda month or 2 before Christmas 2022. I was drinking between 24 - 30 cans of full sugar drinks a week. For health reasons this was not working and I needed make a change. So I did. I drink primarily sugar free flavoured watered and pure spring bottle water. I’m doing good and I actually started to prefer it over soda. I dislike carbonated taste now which shocked me most so the temptation isn’t really there for me. Only been tempted once so far


Our society works OVERTIME to subliminally mind control people to drink anything else BUT WATER! So I thought it was a wise idea to create a FREE "Drink water subliminal" for people to use to help them program their mind to drink water. It is an audio subliminal that needs to be played at least during sleep. It is also designed to be played throughout the day.


I’ve been doing this for months and months and honestly I feel so much better and no longer crave soda. Lost 15 pounds which is also with diet. At this point soda is nasty to me. Try it out!


Happy hallelujah Forever period and Amen.


Thanks bro for providing us this very informative and salient features of water 🤗🥰


Until July 23rd, 2023 I was drinking two 2 liter bottles of Pepsi and Mountain Dew a day. Wasn’t until I looked up the amount of sugar per bottle in video that got me shocked. I was weighing in at 440lbs, and was having skin issues on my face. On July 23rd was my last drop of soda and the next day on Monday July 24th I went to Walmart and bought the Cirkul water infused bottle since than I have seen inflammation go down, face and hair cleared up, and have dropped 12-13lbs in the 30 days since. I’ve been around soda and haven’t had the urge to buy or drink it


Yes, your video has inspired me to change from drinking sodas ( and I've had a love affair with Coca-Cola for some time now)to drinking more water which will help in multiple aspects of my life and health. I'm going to make the change now. 😊


YES ! YOU did help me change to drinking more water, ridding soda.
