What happens when you replace all drinks with water for 20 days

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Drinking water has plenty of benefits, from helping you boost your fitness performance to relieving common illnesses like constipation and headaches.

Come to think of it, several people in the world have limited access to water yet people still disregard the importance of water.

Now, what if you only drink water for 20 days and nothing else? What then?

This means no drinking of all beverages, be it tea, caffeine, carbonated drinks, and many more.

But of course, the results can only be beneficial.

In this video, we will be talking about what happens to your body when you replace all drinks with only water for 20 days.

Keep watching to find out.

You lose weight much faster
Drinking water is one of the most effective weight loss methods these days.

Not to mention that it’s a natural remedy with zero calories.

When you replace the intake of sweetened beverages and alcoholic drinks with water, you’re boosting your metabolism.

In the end, you lose weight at a faster rate.

You flush out toxins from your body
Drinking too much soda or soft drinks will take a toll on your kidney.

The kidney is responsible for eliminating toxins and waste from the body.

By drinking only water, you can help the kidneys function better by allowing these organs to perform at their maximum in flushing out toxins.

In short, water keeps your body and system clean from the inside out.

Your muscle endurance and flexibility is better
The importance of water in our body can’t be stressed enough.

Many of us aren’t aware of the fact that water accounts for a large part of our muscle composition.

Water helps absorb and retain the essential minerals to keep our bones strong and healthy.

By drinking water only for 20 days, you can improve your muscle endurance and flexibility.

Your focus and concentration is sharper
Over-consumption of carbonated drinks can lead to dehydration and cause an imbalance in the brain.

This then results in problems like brain fatigue, depression, poor memory, and bad mental clarity.

By going water all the way, you can combat all the negative effects of these beverages.

Best of all, your ability to focus and your memory power gets a boost.

You look younger than your peers
A hydrated skin decelerates the aging process.

Water moisturizes the skin, keeping it plump, soft, youthful, and wrinkle-free.

It can also maintain your muscle tone.

So, if you feel older than your age lately because of stress, consider going on water therapy for 20 days.

You’d be surprised by how your appearance has improved.

You have a stronger heart
Another powerful benefit of drinking water is that it keeps your heart healthy.

That’s because it reduces the risk of heart attack by lowering your blood pressure and preventing your blood from thickening.

Even a glass of water an hour before bed can help prevent a heart attack or stroke.

So, are you ready to say goodbye to your sugary beverages, coffee, and even tea?

Shall we go water all the way then?

Feel free to share your thoughts about it below. -

Рекомендации по теме

The only drink you need is water, simple as that. I've only drank water for just 5 days now and I feel better. Planning to do this forever.


I’ve been drinking water only for the past 3 months, and it works wonders, I have bad skin/acne, it has all cleared up, it really does work. I also eat less now and loss 18lbs in the pass few months.


Who else is watching while drinking water? 😂


I definetly try this, thank you body hub, love u 😘😘😘


I Most Definitely Have To Try This ...


I'm on a weight loss Journey and I will replace drinks with Water.


That's what some great information I do some of that already. I'm trying this tomorrow for a month


so far i’ve gone 3 days and since i didn’t drink a lot of sweet things in the first place it’s not too hard


I've been drinking just water for 5 years now


These are Facts I’ve been only consuming water for about 2 months 64oz a day, now and My life has improved a lot, Also you have to make other changes aswell in your life to see dramatic changes but Water is an essential part of life and Helps 💯.


I am trying to do it for the rest of my life


I’m going to try this but can you drink healthy smoothies


My own experience, not a recommendation. . .
I'm a 60 y.o. male. switched to only water about 3 months ago. Before that I was drinking 2-4 sodas/week, gatorade semi-regularly, and lots of orange juice, and some lemonade, maybe 2 beers/week.
I have always been physically active and stay in good shape.
Also, I didn't make any attempt to change what I ate, just the water-drinking thing. Although as an interesting aside, I seem to be eating less sugary stuff, not my plan, just happened.

I just had my physical last week, prior to that my last physical was three years ago.
So here's the results (I have the 2 physical blood tests in front of me):
Total Cholesterol from 198 (borderline high) to 170 (good)
Glucose level from 126 (high) to 72 (good)
Triglycerides from 159 (high) to 80 (good)
weight from 209 to 200 (I consider 200 a good weight for myself).

Was it the elimination of "sugar drinks" that made the difference? I can't say for sure but IMO that is a big part of the improvement in the cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides, weight loss was the change in what I drank.
Also I'm not aware of any other big changes in my life that would account for the improvements in my test results.


I've been drinking only water and a freshly hot cup of caffeine free sugarfree ginger tea everyday for the past 30 days now. I feel healthier than ever!


Great Video I Tried To Go 30 Days Back October 2019 I got to a Halloween Party October 29th Free Bar - - - Pshhh I threw that 30Day Challenge in The Drain But Felt Extraordinary Benefits Seriously!!!


Im pretty lucky that my favorite thing I only like to drink since I was a kid was water. I feel tranquility when I drink it. I do have a root beer every blue moon but its rare. I also rarely drink alcohol. When I do have a drink Im done after few sips. The syrup or sugar always taste way too powerful for me to even enjoy it.


Go on water forever. Never drink anything but water.


Water can come from the sky, but also lakes, rivers and streams.I owe my life to food and water, without that combo, I would not be here today


I need my morning coffee(black).... But I drink water the rest of the day. Feel more energetic


actually some tea and coffee are good for you as well, given that you dont add sugar to your coffee and dont drink milk tea, green tea/chinese teas are good
