Mastering Skydiving Maneuvers: Indoor Training at iFLY Montreal Tunnel

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Learning to manage in the air on the ground in a tunnel is an essential step in becoming a skydiver. Indoor skydiving tunnels, like iFLY Montreal Tunnel, provide a controlled environment to practice and refine your skills before jumping from an aircraft. Here are the detailed steps for learning maneuvers in skydiving from iFLY Montreal Tunnel, which will help you prepare for solo skydiving:

Research and Preparation:

Familiarize yourself with the sport of skydiving and understand its risks and requirements.
Research different indoor skydiving facilities in your area and choose a reputable one, such as iFLY Montreal Tunnel.
Check their website or contact the facility to gather information about their programs, schedules, and pricing.
Book a Session:

Once you've chosen iFLY Montreal Tunnel, contact them to book a session.
Inquire about any prerequisites or requirements for participating in their training program.
Schedule a convenient time for your session and ensure you have enough time to dedicate to learning.
Attend Orientation:

On the day of your session, arrive at iFLY Montreal Tunnel ahead of time.
Attend the orientation session where an instructor will explain the basic principles of indoor skydiving, safety protocols, and the equipment you'll be using.
Ask any questions you may have to clarify your understanding.
Gear Up:

After the orientation, you'll be provided with the necessary safety gear, which typically includes a flight suit, helmet, goggles, and earplugs.
Change into the flight suit and make sure it fits properly.
Put on the helmet, goggles, and earplugs to protect yourself from the wind noise in the tunnel.
Training in the Wind Tunnel:

You'll be assigned an instructor who will guide you through the training process.
Enter the wind tunnel under the supervision of your instructor.
Start with simple body positions, such as a neutral stance with your arms extended and your legs slightly bent.
Learn to maintain stability and balance in the wind tunnel by adjusting your body position.
Follow your instructor's guidance on body movements and techniques for maneuvering in the tunnel.
Practice turning, ascending, and descending within the tunnel's controlled environment.
Gradually progress to more advanced maneuvers, such as forward and backward movements, flips, and spins.
Instructor Evaluation and Progression:

Your instructor will assess your performance during the training sessions.
Based on your progress, they will provide feedback and suggest areas for improvement.
As you become more comfortable and proficient, you'll be introduced to more challenging maneuvers.
Once you've mastered the required skills, your instructor may recommend moving on to the next level of training or preparing for solo skydiving.
Continued Training and Solo Skydiving:

If you're interested in pursuing solo skydiving, discuss your goals with your instructor.
They can provide guidance on the next steps, such as enrolling in a skydiving course or obtaining the necessary licenses.
Keep practicing in the wind tunnel to maintain and refine your skills.
When you're ready, seek out a certified skydiving school to continue your training and progress towards solo skydiving.
Remember, skydiving is an extreme sport that requires thorough training, adherence to safety protocols, and the guidance of experienced instructors. By following these steps and building a strong foundation of skills in an indoor skydiving tunnel like iFLY Montreal Tunnel, you'll be well-prepared to take your skydiving journey to the next level.
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