Natural Flea And Tick Remedies For Dogs and Cats

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In this video "Natural Flea And Tick Remedies For Dogs and Cats,” you’ll learn how to get rid of cat and dog fleas with safe, and effective natural remedies.


ABOUT Dr. Katie Woodley - The Natural Pet Doctor

Dr. Katie is a small animal integrative veterinarian who developed a passion for natural medicine while I was living in New Zealand. Her vet career was lucky enough to begin in the beautiful country of New Zealand. She was able to see how living off the land by growing our own vegetables and raising our own animals was the way to live the healthiest versions of ourselves. Her pets were lucky to have lots of open space to run around in and were always at the beach or the river.

When they moved back to the States five years ago, her husband, unfortunately, developed an autoimmune disease. As they researched natural medicine options for him to avoid the horrible side effects of the treatment options his doctors were providing him, Dr. Katie realized that she was doing a disservice to her animal patients by not offering these holistic options to them. She began down the integrative medicine route and has never been happier. Through nutrition, acupuncture, herbal medicine, essential oils, and supplements, every animal can achieve optimal health or feel their best even when they have a chronic illness or disease like cancer. She currently has a certification in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine and is continuously learning about the other natural modalities and growing her knowledge base every day!

She started this business to provide pet parents with more resources for natural medicine advice and care because we need to increase awareness of how amazing natural medicine truly is! Dr. Katie's mission is to ensure that all pet parents have access to herbal medicine, supplementation, and nutritional advice throughout their pet's lifetime. One of her greatest joys is the opportunity to collaborate with both pet parents and other veterinary professionals to ensure access to all available integrative options for pet health care.

*Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian or doctor. Dr. Katie Woodley cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make medical recommendations for your pet without first establishing a veterinarian-client-patient relationship. Links in the description are typically affiliate links that let you help support the channel at no extra cost.
Рекомендации по теме

My dog started having seizures and foaming at the mouth, I thought I was going to have to put her down😢 as I was crying and loving on her I took a flea collar off of her and pretty much instantly she was back to normal!❤


Our vet said it is safe for our half-persian to get Frontline flea application as well as a flea/tick tablet at the same time it wont have side-effects.
A few years later our beautiful cat started getting seizures and died of kidney/heart failure.
It was a slow and agonizing death

I have lost any trust in doctors and vets because of that.

I love that Dr. Katie cares enough to provide natural alternatives - she is a REAL vet.


When the dogs come in from going on Hikes get a pet roller a hair pet roller and roll their coat with that and you'll be amazed at how many bugs and ticks you just pull off the top of their fur after they've been out in the wild it's amazing


Hey guys these are some of the things I picked up from the video not in any particular order:
*Use Light colured T-shirts to spot ticks when walking your dog
* Garlic as immune builder and repellant: use 1/4 tsp Freshly ground Garlic in food 15 mins b4 feeding for 15 pound dogs
*Supporting environment
Di..tmus earth
Apple Cider vinegar
Essential oils
Plants as natural repellant...rosemary, catnip, lemongrass sage


I put a capful of AC Vinegar ( with the Mother ) in my dogs drinking water daily, they never scratch now.


VERY INFORMATIVE! thank you so much for posting this! I just had to take my best buddy of 13 years for her last ride to the vet on 1/6/22 . She was diagnosed with advanced stage lymphoma. I firmly believe that this was in a large part due to Sorresto collars which was making her vomit then her vet prescribed sympirica. I feel so guilty now that I thought I was doing what was best for her. I have been doing some research. I have changed my other 2 dogs diet and will never again use conventional flea and tick treatments!! I have since fired my vet and found another one that specializes in natural medicine.


I haven’t used prescription flea medication for my dogs in over 25 years. I always have a dog or two in my life since I’m five years old. I’m 73. I do everything holistic even when I buy the kibble it Hass to be all natural I even buy either the freeze dried or dehydrated raw dog food and I make them my own chicken soup for them and they get bone broth. I also give them fermented probiotic foods that I make for myself. Such as Kiefer and fermented carrots. They are healthy as can be, they have no fleas. I have no flea infestation they have a beautiful coat. They are lovable they have a beautiful personality. They are very affectionate and well behaved, and I have no issues with them, because I treat them as those in my children. Which I love them just like they’re my children and I make sure I have time for them each day. We truly are a family. We connect very well with each other. And they do not destroy anything in the house or outside of the house.❤


We started feeding our 2 puppies raw food when we adopted a rescued dog that was heartworm positive. We didn’t want to use the traditional poisonous treatment. We did use the heartworm meds and a raw diet. In 6 months she was free of heartworms.


I had to think about this, when giving my dog a pill, and 30 minutes later the fleas and ticks begin to die. What do you think that is doing to the inside of your pet. There has to be some bad toxic poisoning going on. I said no to the toxic stuff. And do all natural. Thank you for sharing this video. It confirms everything I have felt about the over-the-counter stuff.


My tiny dog had a terrible reaction to the Lyme vaccine. She started vomiting foam for 2 hours straight. My vet wouldn't acknowledge it was a reaction because it happened 2 days later. She wanted to give my dog the Lepto shot that same day, but I told her I would prefer to split them up. My dog wasn't right for at least a couple months afterwards, very lethargic all the time. Until I gave her homeopathic Thuja, and she finally recovered. That was her last vaccine, we never went back for the Lepto.


When I go horseback riding and the Deer Flies, Black Flies, Gnats and mosquitoes are terrible, I look for or bring with freshly picked Catnip plants! I crush up and mangle the whole plant in my hands then wipe the plant and my hands all over my horses heads and special areas where these bugs love to bite! Chest, groin, under jaws and even myself! When I do THIS to protect my barn cats, you have to do it FAST because they get SO HIGH and playful, they can get crazed and wild! I've been accidentally bitten, so go fast on cats! If you put it on dogs...cats will love them but the flying, biting pests leave them alone. Catnip grows wild and really fast! Try transplanting some in your gardens, too!


Nice video, thanks! But I'm puzzled by some vets' approach. They rightfully warn pet parents about the dangers of isoxazoline-based flea/tick products due to adverse reactions like tremors, seizures and other health issues. Yet when promoting essential oils (EOs), they often list stuff (cedar, sage, rosemary, eucalyptus ...) containing compounds identified as convulsive agents. 'Natural' doesn't automatically mean safe, especially for our neurologically sensitive companions.


Don't forget to grow loads of cat nip outdoors, its beautiful good for all nectar eaters, cats and ferrets go all funny and intoxicated if a small bunch is gently crushed and given to them, my cats lie and sleep on cat nip patches, i also dry some and put in the areas of the house they sleep in amongst their bedding too.Its also good to burn as insence to repell mosquitoes, spiders and other insects.WARNING !!!!Burning dried catnip can cause happyness, relaxed, chilled out and restful sleep syndrome for people, but only homegrown seems to work for us all and i have never had fleas or ticks either.


I just gave my dog his first dose of flea and tick drops down his back and he’s not the same, he runs around at times like he’s possessed and then tries to scratch himself but can’t seem to reach the area. I know he’s allergic to it and will not give it to him again. Thank you for a great video, very informative


This is a great video, I wish more vets were like you. My cat had a reaction to his spot on and it burned his skin. I’ve now changed to natural flea and wormer treatment.


I brought on a stray barn cat from a farm in PA that was EXTREMELY sick. After over a year of taking this cat in for antibiotics nothing helped. He would get better shortly, then fall back into his upper respiratory issue would come right back. I started giving him a small amount of garlic in his food, and he is FINALLY getting better. He's like a different cat.


My dog developed neurological problems following use of seresto collars.
It took us 3YEARS to work out what the problem was. I wrote to Bayer and they replied that it was obvious the dog wasn't used to a collar, or that it was put on too tightly.
I kept a diary and wrote again, asking how they explained the symptoms.
They couldn't, and eventually they gave us compensation - a very small amount though.
These big pharma companies are too big to sue.
All I really wanted was an apology and a recognition that the collar was at fault.


Pet ownership has turned into a privilege that the average person has priced out of these days.


I have cats and put drops of Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in their water and they don't have fleas have done it for years


Living in the country in Florida, lotza fleas. I have used food grade DE on her body and it did not keep fleas off my dog. Maybe it does kill them eventually, but she was crawling with them. I will try giving DE in food. DE will clog Hepa vacuum filters- FYI.
