Arizona Robbins 13x13 Part 8

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Grey's Anatomy 13x13 “You Can Look (But You’d Better Not Touch)”

GREY’S ANATOMY – “You Can Look (But You’d Better Not Touch)”- Bailey, Arizona and Jo go to a maximum security women’s prison to treat a violent, 16-year-old pregnant girl and her unborn baby, on the midseason premiere of “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, JANUARY 26 (8:00-9:01 p.m. EST), on the ABC Television Network.
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When Ellie/Hannah cried because she wanted her mom broke my heart. Also when they said "but Kristen she's so beautiful."


"If this one makes a mistake will you leave her too" (harsh, Arizona)


1:22 when the baby started to cry, and Gavin James' 22 started playing, and Kristen realizing this is the first and last time she is holding her baby. This scene (the acting and the score) was so beautifully done.


okay i've never even watched Grey's Anatomy but watching this made me bawl. Like seriously, gasping, snoty nose, crying. And I'm not a big crier. Kristen telling Ellie to be good just did it for me


i think it was smart of kristen to not look or hold her baby at first, she knows that it will only cause her more heartbreak if she forms any type of relationship knowing she will miss everything in her childs life and she cant be there or even see her cuz of her mother


Oh man I don’t know if it’s good or a bummer that doctors can’t be that savage in real life. 😂😜


Did anyone else cry during this????😭😭😭


The mother of the Child name the Baby Ellie not Hannah just because your daughter is in jail and she can't take care of her baby and u have to Doesn't mean u can just change the baby's name -_-


I lookup on the grey's anatomy wikia apparently they listed baby ellie/hannah as kristen's sibling and her mom's children. I just theorize that maybe she got rape by her dad and she ended up murdering him. Thus the 20 to life sentences.


They cut Jo's speech from this clip. Shes supposed to tell her about how Ellie will play in her big yard and swing on her swing and do cartwheels on the beach with her grandma


"Shes so beautiful"
Baby: im a sack of mashed potatoes


I wish there was a follow up episode for this one, like say Kristen getting out of prison with good behavior or something and meeting Ellie.
Or Ellie getting angry at her grandma for how she treated her mother.


I always wondered what she did to end up in prison with her own mother hating her so much she refused to see her when she needed her most. My best guess was committing a mass shooting. That would make anyone view the shooter as a monster, but it couldn't have been that because none of the doctors even knew who she was and why she was in there. If she killed a bunch of people I feel like it would've been big news and they'd know already.


Twenty to life means she committed murder. And it must have been so horrible and violent, her mother just can't forgive her. What if she had killed a classmate or a small child? I wish they elaborated more on what the teen did and why her mother felt the teenager should never be near the baby.


I placed my son for adoption because I had no other option for myself. I more or less said the same thing to him before I left the hospital. ‘Be good, you are loved, you’re gunna be an amazing person ‘
😢 it’s so hard but i know deep down it was the best thing for him. He’s 8 now and seeing the pictures his parents send me and the updates of how smart and funny and talented he is…is truly the best. I wouldn’t have been able to provide all those things for him. he understands already at such a young age his adoption story and he is so sweet he knows he’s loved so much and that’s all I could ever wish for him ❤


So happy to be called Ellie now that Arizona delivered a baby called Ellie


I don’t even know this show but I saw this clip on tiktok and I wanted to see the whole thing and I cried like twice


They say in the episode, that she was a K10 prisoner, and that it is classified for murderers and prisoners with gang affiliation. They also said that she was kept away from the other prisoners for their safety, which implies that she is dangerous. It is also very clear that she has anger issues. She broke a doctors finger.

I see someone write in the comments that she was abused by her step father. It was not once mentioned or implied in the episode, that she had a step father or that she was abused.

Kristen mentions in the episode, that she had wonderful childhood, was raised by a wonderful mother, grew up in a wealthy area and went to private schools. My guess is that she could not control her anger issues, or that she got involved with the wrong crowd and ended up hurting someone.


Whats the name of the first music that play in this video?


Everyone cried during the part where she gaved her away
