This is How a Stalker's Brain Works And It's Really Disturbing

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Explore the twisted mind of a stalker and find out exactly what makes it tick.

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"Have you ever received an unwanted gift, a series of strange phone calls, or a weird letter?"
Not even if you remove the adjectives


My landlord has been stalking me for the past 3months. He keeps using “late rent” and “eviction notice” as an excuse to speak to me. He use to call and txt me a lot but I blocked him. Makes you realize anyone can be stalked.


The scariest stalkers are the ones who don't know that their actions are super weird and creepy, or they don't care.


I never heard it put like that before. When my ex managed to break into my house and confront me he said “I feel like you’ve died so I don’t see the problem with killing you”. Unhinged and genuinely scary.


Stalkers hate this technique
"Stalker no stalking"
"Stalker no stalking"
"Stalker no stalking"


I have a stalker. A family member who’s moved into our house this year. He follows me into my bedroom and the bathroom. He always sneaks into my bed or under it when I’m half asleep. And worse, he gets so close to me when I’m trying to eat, watching me take every bite. Worse, he has a terrifying habit of licking my things, and in my sleep, my skin. It freaks me out how little space and privacy I have when in my own home under the fear that he’s always watching me.

I knew I should’ve gotten a cat instead of a dog...


In the case of the Predatory stalker; it's not about grief, it's about POWER AND CONTROL!!! You don't know anything about stalkers if you think it's grief or love sickness. Never!!! It's about REVENGE. TRUST ME. They're crazy sometimes


I’ve been stalked twice. Literally ladies, a guy being obsessed with you is not something you want. Always living in fear in your home, job, anywhere is insane and I’m so thankful that I got away.


"The only thing that a paparazzi differentiates from a stalker, is his camera."
Charlie Sheen


Im an anti stalker. I learned the schedule of someone I dont like just to avoid them.


A lot of stalkers seem to form online "social" groups, where they share tips on traumatizing and collecting video trophy "evidence" of the damage they deny they're doing. These jerks also seem to gravitate towards "service" jobs where they, or their demented buddies may find easier access to single women, whom they may traumatize much easier than any other category of people.


I was stalked by an ex for 3 years. My heart goes out to victims of this.


in middle school and high school, a girl that had been stalking me for years made a facebook account of me, using pictures she had taken covertly when I was unaware. She then pretended to be me and talked to people who thought they were speaking to me. it was some really weird shit. I hadnt made a facebook account prior to this, and I didn't find out until my irl friends told me they spoke to me on facebook and I had to convince them it wasn't me. I eventually made an account solely to prevent this person from abusing my identity.

susan, if you're reading this - leave me alone


"There's a good chance that you've been a victim of stalking."
Me: "You flatter me, good sir."


It was at this exact moment when I realized that I used to stalk my ex. Not too much, I think, but I was looking for every occasion to meet him. And a couple times I was standing under his balcony, looking into his window. I didn't realize back then how creepy it was. I genuinely felt like someone close to me died, I couldn't let him go. One time he told me that he saw some footprints on snow leading under his balcony and asked if it was me. I confessed. And he was really scarred after that. To be honest, I was glad, because the rest of the time I always felt like a victim in those relationship, especially as it was him who dated other girl behind my back and when I found out and told him he has to choose, he dumped me. But now I realize that it was for the best because that relationship made me paranoid and stalkery and was bad for me. I never hurt him on purpose though. But I was totally obsessed. I have never been so obsessed in my life before. This is really weird.


I came close to becoming a domestic stalker mainly because I wanted to be with my ex so badly, what helped me is learning that if I love her I need to let her go and be happy


Must be hard for Stalkers at the moment, being outdoor types.


Stalking is when you’ve lived with your husband under the same roof for 20 years and he doesn’t know it yet.


I used to be a stalker. I eventually got therapy and joined a 12 step program and a day at a time I work on making sure I never harm anyone in that way again.


I've been stalked in the tradition sense by an ex. I took all the legal routes. When that didn't work, I realized anything he can legally get away with- so can can I. When I was done with him, he was in tears begging the police to make it stop- they laughed at him- and I still grin when I reminisce.
